21- Future plans

While the Amos family was already nestled together to rest Mac and Ryien were whispering to each other in another room.

"I want to stay by his side," Ryien told Mac his honest thoughts; Mac sneered at Ryien.

"You think you have the right to stay by a noble dragon's side now that his clan has come for him? You were only a teacher for him for a short period of time, they may reward you at most but they certainly won't need you around to teach". Ryien puffed up in anger hearing Mac's words "well then they certainly wouldn't need you either! Have you even taught Casey anything?".

The two argued childishly back and forth before Mac heaved a heavy sigh and raised his head to meet Ryiens eyes "although they may not need us, I don't believe Casey would be okay with them leaving us behind. He cares for both you and me a lot, I don't think we need to be worried about being left behind. Our tribes however are another story, will you stay with Casey or your tribe?".

Ryien couldn't deny Mac's words and fell into contemplation; he really wanted to stay by Casey's side, however, it was hard to leave his family and tribe who counted on him behind.

Mac stood up and lightly patted his shoulder "think about it carefully because more than likely in the end we will have to choose between our tribes and Casey. If we choose Casey we may be stuck as bystanders and outsiders for the rest of our lives; so don't choose lightly Ryien". Mac left these words and walked away to the guest room to sleep.

When Casey woke up it was already early afternoon the following day, he dazedly looked around at the somewhat unfamiliar environment. His eyes slowly widened and he recalled all the excitement he experienced the day before. He lifted his silver paws and tried mobilizing his spiritual power and saw his claws change back to human hands. Casey jumped up in excitement ran to the wardrobe and picked up a long sleeve shirt and drawstring pants which he thought he could probably fit; then skipped to the bathroom in excitement.

Casey walked to stand in front of a body-length mirror and took the time to carefully observe his human form. He felt a bit uncomfortable. "Why do I look like a girl?" He couldn't help mumbling to himself. Casey scrutinized every part of his body, he ran his fingers through his silvery white staright hair. It was long, shiny, and felt incredibly soft. He stared at his vibrant red eyes and noticed a small mole hanging coquettishly off the edge of his right eye. He had a small face and some baby fat, a tiny nose, and somewhat thin bright pink lips; which were currently pursed. He noticed his skin was blindingly white and without a single blemish or noticeable pore. Casey took in all his features and felt like crying, he looked like a thin, weak chicken.

"Aren't dragons supposed to be domineering and cool? What kind of joke is this!". Casey grabbed his hair and screeched; Sitka who just walked into the bedroom heard his voice and knocked on the bathroom door.

"Casey, is everything alright?". Casey kept groaning to himself and inhaled a deep breath before saying he was fine and would be out after a shower. However, for Casey who just managed to stuff his dissatisfaction down, he was soon hit by another devastating blow. As he bent down to turn on the water his sight caught a quick view of his privates. He was too devastated by his feminine beauty that his eyes didn't even land on that area before. Casey stared blankly for a moment before smacking the wall in frustration. 'Even his bird was small and petite!' Casey felt his dignity as a man no longer existed and he felt ashamed; he sullenly washed up and put on the obviously too big clothes before greeting his dad.

Sitka was a bit stunned when he saw his son, Casey's skin was flushed pink from his shower and his eyes were tinted red; although Sitka himself was a beauty it wasn't quite the same as Casey. With Casey's long hair and baggy clothes as long as he didn't speak anyone who saw him would be unable to tell whether he was a man or woman. Sitka marveled a bit at his son's looks, he snapped out of his daze and smiled gently at Casey.

"Let's go join everyone for lunch".

Sitka guided him to the dining room where everyone else was already waiting for lunch and conversing. Hearing the movement at the door everyone looked over at Casey and fell into a daze. Although they had already seen the young man the day before, the time wasn't good and they didn't have the opportunity to really look and take in his human appearance in all its beauty.

Casey saw their eyes and felt nervous and uncomfortable. The room was completely silent and as the silence lingered Casey's face started to turn redder and redder. Noticing his awkwardness the group of people snapped out of their daze one by one. Mac noticed Casey's unease and immediately spoke up "sorry Casey, you're just so beautiful that we all couldn't help but look at you a bit longer".

Obviously, Mac said the wrong words Casey burned red and puffed up in aggravation. "It's handsome! Not beautiful. I'm not a woman!". Casey's outburst shocked the group and they all exchanged tacit looks with each other.

"That's right! Casey is the most handsome of us all". Alec stood up and winked at the others and they all echoed his words. Casey stared at them all and could tell it was a cover-up and no one really felt that way. His eyes turned red and in the next moment, a small silver dragon appeared on the table. Everyone was dumbfounded by the fast development. Mac, Sitka, and Aki felt concerned seeing Casey's over-exaggerated reaction but decided not to mention it for the time being.

Once everyone was seated they started the meal. Mac looked over at Ryien who gave him a slight nod; Mac took in a breath and opened the conversation.

"So what happens next?". Aki and Sitka stared dumbly at Mac, seemingly not understanding what he was asking. Mac raised his head and stared at Casey's parents, seeing no response he looked at Casey who was next to him. Casey heard his words and received this look and then also looked towards his parents.

Sitka and Aki stared at each other for a moment and Aki spoke up after giving a light cough.

"We thought it was pretty obvious; we're going to take Casey back to our home". Casey who heard these words looked at Mac and after a moment also looked at Ryien; then back at his parents. Aki and Sitka who had been closely watching their cubs' reaction felt a bit nervous seeing this move. Casey stared at them with wide eyes, "what about Mac and Ryien?".

"Have you asked them if they want to stay with you Casey? We can take them with us, that is as long as they want to stay with you".

Casey stared at his parents and looked at his companions "Mac, Rye, do you want to be with me?". Both men felt their hearts skip a beat hearing Casey's pitiful sounding voice and seeing his big watery eyes. Mac held his head and spoke softly "Casey, what about our tribes? We can't leave the innocent who are counting on us behind without hope, you should know that".

Casey suddenly remembered he hadn't had the time to discuss this issue with his parent's yet. So he opened the topic and explained the situation of the tribes on Moren star to his parents and what he hoped they could do. Aki and Sitka had no qualms with what Casey asked. "we can't take them to our Homestar, but we can get them proper citizenship and send them to the home-stars of their races. Does that sound acceptable?".

After they had verbally settled this matter Casey looked back at Mac and Ryien and asked again hesitantly "will you come with me or your tribes?".

Casey felt apprehensive as he awaited their responses. Ryien stood up and pushed his chair back, he slowly walked in front of Casey and kneeled down to look eye to eye with him; then gently touched his head.

"I'm afraid I'll have to pass, for now, I'll need to help my tribe get settled. Besides, you'll have a more appropriate teacher for you on your home star so you won't need my guidance anymore. Once my tribe has settled I'll come to you".

Ryien stared at Casey tenderly and gently placed a kiss on his forehead. "Please think of me, when we next meet I hope to chase you as a suitor". Casey stared dumbfoundedly at Ryien; who gave him a brilliant smile. "So please don't get yourself caught until I come back and have a chance to pursue you". Casey didn't know what to say but staring at Rye's rough handsome face he just shyly nodded before turning his eyes to Mac.

"I'll stay by your side until you no longer need me". Mac gave a warm smile to Casey and nodded to Ryien. While this group of three was having this conversation Alec was staring daggers at the two men, his fists tightly clenching his pants.

'A roguish man wanted to chase his fiancé in his presence! And the other also planned to stay side by side with his wife!' Alec was livid, but he was holding it in because he could see Casey's trust and dependence on the two.

'It's not the time to intervene' Alec soothed himself knowing he can't step in currently. He knew Casey would be his in the end regardless so he turned his face away and spoke to Casey's parents to raise their favorable impression of him.

So like this, an important meal regarding their futures was settled and it was time to go back to the Nova and Shera tribes to inform them of the news. They stopped at the Shera tribe first and Aki had his secretary come down and record the information of all the Shera. While they focused on that Mac went to take his belongings and talk with his grandfather.

"Grandfather I'm going to leave with them, soon they'll send people to take the whole tribe to the Homestar, and everyone will have proper identities. I won't be going with the tribe, I'm afraid you won't have to pass it on once you reach the Homestar; you'll all be free, separate citizens". Mac showed a somewhat sad smile to Tala and hugged him. Tala couldn't believe his obedient and calm grandson decided to leave even though the tribe was finally leaving this forsaken planet.

"It's not good to stay with the dragons, we are not on the same level. I'm afraid if you follow them you won't have a good life". Mac lowered his head and pursed his lips, "Casey wouldn't let me live a bad life. I'll be with him until he no longer needs me".

Tala stared at his foolish grandson and shook his head in regret. "When you find the dragon tosses you away, come find us". Mac had a sullen expression hearing those words and nodded reluctantly before taking his things to the Amos family's ship. Once the secretary finished taking all the tribe's personal information they set off to the Nova tribe to repeat the process and say goodbye to Ryien.

The Richie, Amos families and Mac stayed in the Nova tribe for a sumptuous dinner and decided to stay the night and then set off the next day. Casey considerately asked his parents if he could stay with Ryien tonight; they had no objections. So for the first and last time, Ryien had Casey cuddled up in his arms all alone and they whispered and talked late into the night before falling asleep sweetly together.