Vanya was at home studying. She didn't concentrate much: she was thinking about Oliver's problem. How come his mother left him? She asks herself. She couldn't imagine such a heartless woman as her mother. Suddenly, her bedroom's door creaks open. Slowly Angela walks into the room.

'Your mom has been discharged from the hospital.' Angela gives her the good news.

'Oh my goodness, where's Mom, now?' She asks impatiently.

'She's in the living room.'

Vanya runs with all her might to the living room. She had a wide smile across her face.

'Mom…!' She embraces her mom with sheer delight.

'Vanya, my lovely daughter…!' Mrs. Theodore calls out hugging her very passionately. 'How have you been doing?'

'It's been awful without you, mom.' Tears of joy welled up in her eyes. 'I really missed you.'

'We are going to throw a big party; Kate Theodore is here, back home!' Senator Theodore states with delight, as he enters the living room.

'There's no need for that.' Mrs. Kate shakes her head in disagreement. 'It's not necessary, my love.'

'It won't be right if I don't tell everyone, that my wife has been discharged, and perfectly okay. You could've seen how everyone was worried. My phone has not seized to ring; and what better way to tell everyone than a welcome party for you, my lovely wife.' Senator Theodore speaks with enticing lips.

The party arrangement was made. Many prestigious and noble men and women were invited. The place was graced with the presence of well-known celebrities: musicians, actors, and top business tycoons.

Vanya was arrayed elegantly with a purple gown. Her diamond earrings glittered as she walked. Her beauty was illuminating the whole place.

Charlotte didn't look bad, either. Charlotte was dressed with a red short gown. She had a diamond necklace, round her neck.

Charlotte is the daughter of George Étienne, CEO of Silver-Arch; a multi-million dollar Architectural company. So, Cherry was also invited.

Maryam, who is the daughter of Mohammed Dyall, a billion dollar Arabian investor and a business man; owner of the Dyall group of industries, Co-owner of the Silkk Agricultural Company. Maryam was certainly invited. She was dressed with a long black gown. She was adorned with numerous jewelries: gold bangles, diamond necklaces, et cetera.

The three girls were dressed gracefully, each girl with a different style, making them unique in their own looks.

'Hello, Vanya, Charlotte, and Maryam.' Stanley greets from the back.

Stanley is the only child of a well known model and actress: Asantel Dion, and the Art Genius; Caramel Dion, Owner of the award winning entertainment channel, DRILL Entertainment – Award-winning movie producer and actor.

Stanley stood in front of the girls, looking so dope. His outlook was amazing, with his gold neck chain glittering brightly. He was also wearing diamond earrings and a watch. He wore a red suit with sleek edges.

'Hello, Stanley.' Charlotte greets.

'You look so… good.' Maryam compliments.

Stanley felt awfully good, as he was complimented. He was waiting for Vanya to compliment his looks, but his wait seemed to become longer. He obviously liked Vanya, so much that it was written over his face.

Vanya noticed something. She had never seen Stanley's mom, up-close in real life. She only saw her in magazines, but something seemed strange to Vanya; and she didn't know what it was.

'Hello, all my honorable guests.' Senator Theodore calls the attention of his guests. 'We're here, to celebrate the return of my wife, who has seen the claws of death, but fought it like a true heroin. Today, we celebrate her life. Cheers to long life and prosperity.' The crowd applauds, as he finished his speech.

The celebrant, Kate Theodore, walks down gracefully from the stairs, closely holding the banister. She was arrayed with a wonderful flare gown: Spectacular was the word for her look.

'Thank you all for coming. I really appreciate your support in any way. Enjoy the rest of the party.' She finishes speaking and joins the crowd in celebrating.