Mrs. Theodore opens her eyes to see Vanya, sitting beside her bed. She was still dizzy. She couldn't remember what happened.

'Hey, teen girl.' She calls Vanya's attention, with her frail voice.

'Mom, you're awake.' Vanya utters happily, as she rushes to sit closer to her mom.

'Where have you been? I missed your company a lot.' Mrs. Theodore says.

'Thank God, you're okay. I'm so happy to see you; I missed you, this three days.' Vanya sobs. Then the door swings open. The senator comes rushing in.

'My darling, you're awake.' He pretends to care. 'What happened to you? We saw you unconscious in your room.'

'I don't know what happened. I cannot remember anything that happened. My head hurts.' She touches her head. She was obviously in pains. Her memories flashed to her mind. She didn't understand what was happening to her. She was weak and unable to say another word.

The doctor comes in. He looks at the health monitor, beside her hospital cot. The electrocardiogram (a record made by the diagnosis and detection of heart abnormalities that measures electric potentials on the body), it seemed okay.

'Her electrocardiogram seems to be normal; her pulse is okay. She's having a minor headache. She'll be discharged few days from now.' The doctor says, and he leaves the ward.

Vanya was still sad to see her mom in this condition. She sat quietly watching her mom.

The next day, news broke out about Asantel's secret past. It was all over social media. It was in the lips of fans, critics, the public – everyone.

Asantel sat in her room, feeling very sick. She had a high fever as she went online. The news was spreading like wild fire. She couldn't get hold of herself. All she ever worked for was in the verge of collapse.

What will I do? I just want to end my life. She said to herself. A moment later, the door opens wide, and Caramel comes in. He walks to her bed, and sits beside her.

'Is it true?' He asks her.

'Wh… what?' she says nervously.

'They are denigrating your name out there. You need to sue all this bloggers for this slander. You need to tell everyone it's not true. Your fans need the truth, the public needs the truth, I need the truth; I trust you more than I trust myself.' Mr. Dion states confidently. 'I believe you can't hide anything from me.'

Asantel was sad she had broken the trust Caramel had for her; her eyes wells with tears.

'I'm sorry, but I don't deserve your trust. I didn't tell you my deepest secret. I never told you I had a husband before you. I never told you I have a son before Stanley. I never told you how miserable my life was, before I met you. I know I betrayed you. I know I'm not worthy to be called your wife. I never knew my truth would be revealed.

'I've a son, who is a year and some months older than Stanley. After I gave birth to him, I had a serious case of post-partum depression. I thought my life had been damaged. When I met you, my life became new. The shadows faded away, creating a pathway for light in my life. I didn't want that light to go away for me. I didn't want you to run away because of my broken life. So I kept everything a secret.' Asantel narrates.

'So it's true. All I heard is true! You're the heartless mother that abandoned her baby just to get a better life. The child didn't feel her mother's love. You did this for your selfish interest. Did you think of him once? Do you know if he's dead or alive. You boast you love Stanley, what if Stanley was that child you left behind? I may forgive you, but what about that child, who knows nothing about his or her mom.' Caramel scolds. He became weak and heartbroken. He glances at Asantel, who was in tears. He leaves the room angrily.

Asantel regretted ever leaving Oliver behind. She wished she could turn back the hands of time, but the reality made her helpless.

Mr. Myles thought hard for what he would do with the phone. He knew how dangerous Senator Theodore is. He wouldn't dare to mess with him, if he wanted to live a good and a safe life, free of troubles.

'Dad,' Oliver calls out to Mr. Myles as he comes inside his room.

'Oliver, you're back.' Mr. Myles walks to Oliver. 'How was the dinner?'

'It was amazing. What dazed me was the magnificent house, which my friend lives in. It's a palace. The house is just too good.' Oliver narrates happily.

'What's your friend's name?' Mr. Myles asks.

'It's Stanley.' Oliver says.

'What? Asantel's son?'

'Do you know him?' Oliver asks.

'I listen to the news. I know he's in your school. You went to Asantel Dion's house, didn't out?' Mr. Myles asks. Oliver nods slowly. Mr. Myles felt bad that he couldn't give Oliver the life he deserves. He felt bad, because his life is in ruins due to his decision. A decision to drop out of school because of bad influence. He wished he knew how his future looked like. He was sad that Oliver had to suffer the consequences of his actions. He was very sad – he couldn't turn back the hands of time.

'Dad, are you okay?' Oliver asks, as he notices Mr. Myles sad countenance.

'I know you wish to live in a house like that, don't you?' Mr. Myles enquires.

Oliver was silent, his gaze was fixed on his poor Dad. He looks around the house.

'Dad, what matters is not the house, but the home. Without you as my family, I won't have a home. When Mom left you, you showed me an unmerited love; you gave me the love of a mom and that of a dad. Dad, you taught me to be contented with what I've, especially if I'm surrounded with people that love me.

'Dad, I will choose you a hundred times over any physical property. I love you so much, Dad.' Oliver gives him a warm hug.

Mr. Myles was happy he had a son like Oliver. He kisses his son on his forehead as he mutters, 'My son, I love you, too.' He sobs.

Li Chang was feeding the cartridges into the clip, and then into the magazine. He draws the pistol's slide backwards, and cocks it. He had a strange feeling that Mei was still alive; he never saw her dead body. He saw her fall to death, 16 years ago, but he had a sudden conviction that she was still alive. He tried so hard to forget his past, but those nightmares kept on hunting him.

The door creaks open, and Wu comes in.

'Li Chang, we have brought in the event planner for the wedding.' Wu informs him.

Li Chang smiles, and then he conceals his gun behind him.

'I will just talk to him. If he don't accept my proposal then the worst will happen.' Li Chang says coldly.

At an empty room, the event planner was shivering. His eyes were red from fear. Li Chang walks into the dark room with his cohorts: Wu and Ruòxi. The event planner was tied to a chair, so Li Chang bends over, and looks him in the eyes.

'I've a proposal. I'll pay you for my men to work as aides in the wedding. Do you agree to my proposal?' Li Chang asks.

The event planner was silent. He just looked at Li Chang, confused.

'I don't want to make it harder for you. If you want to live, you'll have to agree to the proposal.' Li Chang frowns, and he pulls out his concealed pistol. He stares at the event planner with his monolid shaped eye. 'I always try to act nice, but some people prefer the hard way.'

By now, the event planner was almost scared to death. Li Chang lights up his cigarette, and exhales a puff of smoke.

'Sign here that you employing this two as your aides, and you've done a background check on them, and you've proven them worthy for the job. You'll also give them a job ID.' Li Chang smiles slyly. He frowns. Sign this damn document! Or I will shoot you on your damn head!' Li Chang says angrily.

They untie the event planner from the chair, and Li Chang gives him the documents. Sweet streamed down his Vandyke beard.

Now, it was time for the second phase Of the plan – the transportation of the weapons.

'Before the wedding, the wedding planner is not thoroughly inspected before entry. Our guns will be safe in your van, won't they?' Li Chang asks the frightened guy.

'Of course.' He replies.

'I will set a remote controlled bomb on your body. Wu will have his eyes on you through this operation. You won't get hurt if you comply with us. Do the things we command you to do, and no one will suspect you, nor would you get blasted; do the opposite and you'll be the top suicide bomber on the morning news.' Li Chang utters dreadfully.

The gun was hidden deep into the van that was used to convey the chairs for the wedding reception. The security officers did a minor search, because they trusted the event planner. The gun was hidden in a fake vase. Afterward, they hid it in the corner of basement. Now, it was just two more days to the wedding, and Li Chang had his operation planned out. He planned to kill The senator painfully in the basement. With Ruòxi and Wu as inside men, his plan had a 90% chance of success.

It was all over in the news. Asantel received harsh emails from her critics. Her fans were wild; they all wanted to know more about her past. She and Caramel Dion was invited to a press conference for her to sort things out, and clarify this issue.

Asantel was cold, she sat on her seat thinking of how she had made the biggest mistake of her life. To her surprise, Caramel sits besides her with his arm wrapping her. He looks at her with his ever loving blue eyes.

'I truly love you; and true love comes with forgiveness. I know you made mistakes in the past, but what matters is that you're ready to amend those mistakes. I will stand by you through this times; for me, everyday is a renewal of our wedding vows. Let's face the world, together.' He says warmly, he gives off a smile. He holds her hand sweetly.

'Thank you, my love. I can't express how I feel, seeing you stand with me.' She rests her head on his shoulder.

It was time for Asantel Dion to face the press, and Caramel went with her. He stayed with her, holding her hands passionately. Then a phone call comes in, and it was imperative he answer the call, so Dion excuses himself, and walks back to the seat.

'Good morning, ladies and gentlemen of the press,' Asantel begins. 'I am the renowned model and actor, Asantel Dion.

'I'm not shocked to see you in great numbers trying to know the whole truth. I'm ashamed for causing such a big shockwave in the public. I don't know how all this got out, but it's the truth.' Asantel Dion pauses, as everyone gasps.

That crazy lady, Asantel's best friend walks to seat with Caramel, as soon as he finishes his call.

'Hello, Caramel.' She sits beside him.

'Hi, Joanna.' Caramel greets back, casually.

'Caramel, I've known you through our college years and I think I know you well enough,' Joanna admits. 'I know you hate liars; don't you think Asantel is a big liar? Do you want to support her?' Caramel was mute. 'Can't you see?' She moves closer to Caramel, very close. 'Can't you see I love you? I've always loved you, but you keep supporting Asantel. Every girl wants a man like you, and you're supporting a liar?'

'You said every woman wants a man like me, but Asantel is all I need. Asantel is unique, she isn't "every woman". Joanna, you're a very pretty woman. Every man would want you, but… I'm married.' Caramel says.

Joanna smiles, and says, 'Yesterday, we had something between us; you kissed me passionately, I thought you wanted a divorce; I felt you needed me.'

'You should be ashamed, because I am; despite being Asantel's best friend you still want me. I let my selfish desires rule me. I am Caramel Dion, I'm different from other men.' He leaves Joanna, and walks to his beloved wife.

'Is it true that the child you had has never seen you?' One of the journalists asks.

'I wish I had given him more love. I wish I can see him now, and tell him I'm very sorry. I had post-partum depression; I hated him at that moment. When I left him, he was always in my mind, but I was very selfish; I didn't want to abandon my perfect life, for a child I thought was bad luck. I regret my actions now.' Asantel speaks.

'Are you telling us the child is bad luck?' The journalist asks curiously.

'No, she said nothing like that.' Says Caramel as he stands with his wife.

'Mr. Dion, are you aware of your wife's regrettable past?' A female journalist asks.

'I know she did something wrong in the past; I know everything about it, and I believe she has changed, and is ready make amends for her mistakes.' Caramel says confidently. Everyone makes mistakes, fixing those mistakes is what counts.'

'Who is the boy?' another journalist asks.

'He's named Oliver. Oliver Sparrow.' Asantel replies.

Oliver was watching the press conference from his home, as it was broadcasting live.

He was proud of how Asantel spoke the truth. Now, she was facing her biggest fear – her darkest secret; and she's free from fear, the torturer.

'Oliver,' Mr. Myles calls out from the back, coming closer to him. That Asantel Dion; the famous Asantel Dion. Currently, she's facing public disgrace for what she did in the past. What you did to others have a way of coming straight back at you; that's karma.' Mr. Myles says.

Oliver just watched the press conference. He didn't speak a word, but in him, he wasn't sad nor was he angry, he was simply happy with the situation.