Daisy Becky Daisy and Richard traveling to Kericho to save Johnson

Jack woke up the following day to check on the Landrover if the fuel was enough, he realized that everything was in place Richard assembled the required ammunition for Kericho he loaded all the eight pistols removed enough bullets in the sack and placed them on the land Rover.

"Everything is in place, we need to go early enough to avoid the traffic police from arresting us," Richard said.

"That is true we need to reach Kericho as early as seven, l am before the police resume work" Jack responded.

"It's already four are we need an hour to reach Kericho" Derrick retorted.

"You mean Kericho is an hour's travel from Kacheliba?" Richard ask.

"If there is no traffic jam we will use one to two hours to travel" Derrick explained.

"Are we going to the mission today?" Becky asked.

"No, we are going to camp somewhere to plan for the mission, since the mansion where Johnson is being hosted is well secured" Richard advised