Planning to sneak Johnson to Uganda for safety.

Becky and Daisy listened to what was going on in the meeting, Becky was very nervous when he had the commandant said he suspect maybe someone could be having information regarding Johnson.

"It seems they already know that there are informers amidst them," Becky said.

"No, it's just speculation but they are not sure" Daisy whispered.

"I hope so I am very frightened," Becky said.

"We need an elaborate plan to search Johnson and let's plan now," Commandant said.

"We need a lasting solution once and for all" Jacob interjected.

"Who may be having a well elaborate plan on how to find Johnson and arrest Johnson?" Isaiah asked.

One of the detectives stood and came in front of the meeting.

"What we need to do start from where we started going back to every private hospital and public health facility," The officer said.

Commandant stood from his chair and walked to and fro.

"That is true, l think that is the best idea," Jacob said.