Going to the police station to the Frank the informer.

Richard woke early the following day knowing that they had a very difficult task to do ahead of them, they all sat in the dining room to take breakfast Daisy and Becky brought food to the table Derrick and Jack came to join them.

"We pray that everything is going to be well today," Becky said.

Daisy brought snags and placed them on the table while Becky brought fruits.

"Yes, that is the prayer all of us need" Jack responded.

"Richard, you are a trained military man, I know we can do it and put to an end all this unnecessary tension from insensitive people," Derrick said.

"Yes all this fiasco is coming to an end but we must cooperate and work together," Jack said emotionally.

Johnson came into the dining room for breakfast Becky looked at him he was cheerful and optimistic.

"Johnson, how are you doing I hope you are not thinking too much?" Jack asked.

"I am fine in the police training school we were trained how to manage stress don't worry with me," Johnson said.