The Siblings

I heal. I had the power to cure people of their illnesses and wounds, including cuts and burns of varying degrees. I was also able to heal myself. I rejuvenate. My body will never develop a propensity to shed any of its components. I probably won't die.

Avi could see the connections between people. They could even break them or bind them purposely at her own will to bring those destined to meet each other together, but doing so would cost her a lot of energy and possibly even her life if it was way too much. She was too young to be doing it.

The gift that my brother Avi and I had been part of my father's research for a long time. During our time in Samaria, my dad often discussed fallen stars and destiny weavers.

That's us.

But our parents were ordinary people. Something that came as a surprise, given that we have talented children of our own.

"How come we did not meet Sir Strenon Santi?" I asked my father about the time that the vehicle he was driving left Baristo. I'm still interested in getting to know the individual responsible for our group being placed in the Tribus. He may enlighten me or provide answers to all of my questions concerning the purpose of our visit.

My dad was shaking. He had been casting occasional glances in the direction of his wife, who could be fidgeting in the rearview mirror as well. "He did not attend the ceremony in which guests were welcomed. Perhaps there will be another opportunity for us to thank him."

"Why did we have to leave so soon, papa? I still want to eat a lot from the food served to us." Avi uttered innocently. Almost done with the apple pie she'd sneaked in, she heard a noise.

"You broke the code, Avi. That's why we must leave Baristo to keep you safe," papa replied while trying to focus on the road itself.

Avi's face became serious. Now she looked like a twelve-year-old girl a parent scolded for being too talkative. "P-papa, my voice wasn't that loud earlier."

"Dear, I know it's an accident, or you might have said it unconsciously. That part, I understand. But your father means never to mention our family's secret anywhere."

Avi looked at mom confusingly. "Even at home, mama?"

Mom nodded. Then she tapped Avi's right shoulder. "Our secret must be buried to keep us safe, dear. Can you promise me not to make the same mistake as you did earlier?"

My younger sister just nodded and departed. After a short pause, she concentrated on her pie and forgot about the rest of us.

My dad gave me a severe look. The look in his eyes was one of both terror and despair. I got a sense of how helpless he felt among the Holy Trinity. He became more firmly grasped on the wheel. From what he had already shared with us, I knew he wanted to do what he could to keep this family safe.

Moving here was partly due to his desire to seek a Tribian visa so that we might have a better, more stable existence. When he had doubts and found out that Trinity had another explanation why they offered us a Tribian visa even though we didn't complete the application procedure, he couldn't do anything about it. He couldn't run away since he knew that the issue would only worsen if we encountered Trinity.

In this situation, we resembled the blindfolded sheep attacked by a pack of wolves. Sheep in a panic, racing downhill without knowing what's happening.


A white luxury automobile pulled up to the house's front lawn on a Saturday morning. Now that I'm inside, I can watch the automobile door open outside my window. The mysterious Sir Mikael made an appearance. He wore a gray trench coat, black, khaki pants, and high-quality leather boots.

I saw him reach into the trunk a few seconds after he got out.

"It's, Sir crush!" Avi shouted from behind me. I didn't notice it entering my room.

When I looked back at my sister, his cheeks were noticeably red, and there was a sticky lollipop in his mouth.

"The age gap between you and Sir Mikael is too far, Avi."

"It's just a crush, hey!"

I let out a breath. If I get into a dispute with my younger sister, there is no way I will ever prevail. After letting go of the illusion, I returned to the scene outside the window. I was anticipating that Avi would push me aside, but instead, she managed to shove her face into the space where I was standing to get a better look at his butler crush.

The man was carrying large paper bags. It looks like it went shopping. But who are they for?

"He's handsome, sister!" Avi said.


Sir Mikael elegantly pressed the doorbell button. After just a few moments, I heard the sounds of my father's footsteps following after my mother as they headed toward the door.

I instantly grabbed Avi's left arm as he was ready to head for the main entrance of the building. Her eyes widened as she looked at me, and she struggled like people feared they might lose their crush.

"Stella, what is it?"

"No. Didn't papa tell us never to go out when we have visitors?"

"That's Mikael, for sweets' sake!"

"Wow, the call is on a first name basis? It's different too!"

She showed a knowing smirk. After that, he mumbled something and threw himself onto the comfortable bed.

I did not doubt in my mind that she wouldn't make any attempt to escape the room. I gave another sigh as I sighed and leaned against the headboard of the bed. But before I could exhale all of the air from my lungs, Avi immediately stood up and, like a swift cat, sprinted into the space, separating them from Mikael.

"Avi!" I attempted to catch up, but she was moving too quickly. It didn't occur to me that I had trodden on the bag of lollipops, which was most likely on its way to being consumed by Avi. I was unable to maintain my balance when I fell.

My body inched closer to my rushed, flirtatious sister and the primary entrance.

"Stella!" Before I realized that the world was whirling around me, I heard my mother scream.

When I realized that my entire body would land on the ground, I put my hand down to brace myself. My eyes instantly caught a glimpse of the astonished Sir Mikael, who was chatting to my parents, and behind my mother was the damn Avi. My parents were talking to him about something. My palm made a powerful impact on the floor, but the landing wasn't entirely accurate enough to save my body. The indescribable agony caused by my shattered arm came in a close second to the fact that the hand I was standing on suddenly gave go.

Following that, I experienced pain in my right shoulder. Before my right temple impacted the ground for good, I could make out the sound of the bones being broken apart. This was so incredibly me. Clumsy, but this time, in front of a lovely butler who just so happened to be Trinity's spy, if I was not mistaken.

"Opps, Stella! Another stupid broken bone!" my sister exclaimed, clinging to the sleeve of mom's dress. And I was right; she had finished the lollipop that caused my embarrassment today.

Grunting, I took stock and realized the circus was done. The discomfort in my wounded upper limb came on quickly. I've lost sensation in my right arm. I had some trouble taking deep breaths.

"S-sir Mikael, let's go to the kitchen first," mum said in a prompt invitation to the dashing butler, who had not spoken a word up to this point and was staring at me through his thick glasses. "Let's go to the kitchen first," mom added.

"I'll see to it that Stella is okay. Because she is so clumsy, my kid is prone to getting into mishaps." My father often brought up my clumsiness. While crawling on the floor to relax my limbs, I realized that everything I had been doing was part of the facade my father wanted the butler to see, which was what we were expecting.

Mama had no trouble inviting the man to the small kitchen on the left side of the house. The man gave me a few more looks before being swallowed by the kitchen door.

Dad quickly came to me. Avi, I don't know which part of the house he hid in; or maybe he followed his butler crush.

"Let's get you to your room, moon pie," he said, then helped me stand up.

I entered the room. I still couldn't feel my broken arm. I'm not worried at all. My gift would soon fix it. I'm more worried that Sir Mikael might know our family's secret.

I sat on the edge of the bed. Papa immediately closes the door and heaves a breath of relief before he speaks. "He brought your school supplies. Can you not heal it?" he asked.

I was confused by dad's question. He wants me not to self-heal, but I realize what he was trying to imply the sooner I feel the soothing warmth starts crawling on my limb. The broken bones and minor cuts are being fixed.

"Sorry, pops. They're like involuntary reflexes. I can’t control them."

My father clicked his tongue. He was still standing behind the door.

"You're going to school with a bandage, though."

"S-school? B-bandage?"

"Yes," he said with an effort to sound calm. "The Santi's have enrolled both of you in Tribian University. That's why sir Mikael is here. He brought all the documents, including the stuff you need for school."

"I heard you mentioned both, dad?"

"Avi will be in her second-year junior school, and you will be in your senior year. And yes, you and your sister will still see each other daily.

When my father finished speaking, I swallowed a huge lump in my throat. I knew that my sister's education had been skipped over, but Avi was only twelve years old. She was homeschooled for several years and has never attended a conventional learning institution. How is it possible for her to behave appropriately when she is still at the middle school level? What steps can I take to prevent him from spreading?

Are we even ready for this?

Just before my arm completely heals, we hear three knocks on the door.

"Mister Suarez? Stella?" It was Sir Mikael.

Dad's eyes widened.

The guy mustn't see me wholly healed, or we're all doomed!