
The surprise came out of nowhere. The specifics, and the myriad of justifications for our placement here, are enough to render me speechless.

The atmosphere here was nothing like that of a typical classroom. For this reason, the new surroundings were a welcome change when we stepped inside. I was unprepared.

Avi was aware of this discussion. She's seen it all and more. All living things are linked by a web of cords—red, black, white, and blue. I believe she was prescient about every potential interaction. A case in point was the provost's office door opening by itself.

A short girl with a tan complexion, deep gray eyes hidden by thick glasses, and long black hair stepped through the creaking door. She was dressed like the kids we had seen earlier in the day: extended gray collar with three dark blue linings, dark blue bowtie, royal blue jacket, and gray pencil skirt that terminated just above the knee, all topped off with long black socks.

Who is she? My core asked.

"Isabel Nievez here, Avi, Stella. She is a student council member and will join you on your campus tour, " the provost said, leaning forward in his chair.

"Good morning, Dr. Santi, sir Mikael," Isabel said, nodding in salutation. She looked nice.

"Stella, Avi, I'll take care of the luggage. They will be taken into your rooms by the academy's concierge."

"R-rooms?" I inquired, concerned. Avi and I couldn't have separate rooms.

The provost swallowed and cleared his throat. When he saw my expression, he must have felt compelled to explain. "Avi, twelve, will be staying in the hearth, also known as the nursery. That is the safest portion of the academy. You will remain in the crucible with Isabel and your other new acquaintances."

"I'll be fine, sister. I guarantee it." My sister appeared solemn. I believed whatever she claimed. She'll be fine. I guessed. She has witnessed everything, including her path. If she says she'll be alright, I should believe her. Who am I to doubt the words of a seer and a weaver? "Isabel will explain everything about this college to you as you go. Our top concern here, Stella, is to keep your kind safe from harm." Dr. Santi's voice was incredibly soothing. I could see the honesty in his eyes.

Isabel cleared her throat as well. Her smile turned towards us. Then she spoke, "Shall we? You'll definitely love the campus."

I nodded and smiled too. I couldn’t frown on friendly people whether they were showing genuine honesty or not.


Isabel went left as soon as we exited the main building. Avi and I proceeded in silence. She might be too shy to meet complete strangers. Most ordinary individuals do. There was no tension between us, only simple awkwardness.

Isabel winced as she walked a few meters along a corridor lined with boxwoods. We came to a halt in front of a glass-encased structure. We couldn't see inside the structure, but the outside appeared flawless. "The library is located here. It has five stories that are descending. It houses 20 million books and artifacts in nearly every language and format on 532 miles of bookshelves, antique woodblock prints, compact disks, and modern storage devices."

"Wow!" Avi exclaimed as she entered the library first.

I was accompanied by Isabel. What I see here is just incredible. I feel like I'm being persuaded to accept my destined fate.

After a little pause, the woman went on. She described every room, closet, and shelf in the library. To get to the lowest level, students must descend the library's red-carpeted, Mediterranean-style staircase, which connects the first five levels.

Obviously, we didn't have time to explore the entirety of the library. There was still time to figure out a solution. After Isabel assured us that we wouldn't be alone on our campus tour, we decided to head out. Though I can't say I understand what he saw, Avi looked pleased to finally meet our new friend.

As soon as we opened the heavy glass entrance to the library, we were greeted by the booming voice Isabel had mentioned.

"Good day, freaks! I've arrived! The Tribus's most gifted being!" She couldn't say anything because the girl's mouth was still full of food. She was dressed in uniform, clutching a bag of food, wearing a ponytail, and wearing a massive sunflower on her head.

She resembled us. Normal. She was having the time of her life. Noisy. My sister and her will get along great, especially if she likes gorgeous males.

"What have you been up to?" Isabel murmured solemnly as she approached the trembling woman. "You shouldn't be late because we have fresh students." It's considered conduct.

"Don't be so rash, Madam. I finished the float for those idiot squads. I had no idea there was a parade today!"

While she was talking, she almost knit her brows together. As we drew near, she put down her bag of shortbread cookies and looked at us. Her expression lit up, and she offered him her hand in a friendly gesture. "Please allow me to greet the Suarez sisters. Hello, my name is Myra Grinn."

I reached for his hand and smiled sweetly at him. "Stella."

"My name is Avi," my sister remarked pleasantly, clearly pleased with her new buddy.

"Hi, Avi!" She sucked down the chewed food. She spoke again, as expected. "So, have you met regent Isabel Duetez? Don't be afraid of her; that's simply how she is. Serious, quiet, and severe, like the academy's next librarian."

"And do you understand I'm right here?" Isabel furrowed her brows at Myra, who didn't appear to mind the woman's arrogance.

"Isabel Nievez, student regent, I'm aware. Take nothing too seriously! Look, our new students have arrived. They may withdraw and return outside if they dislike the academy, the people, the trees, plants, the hallway, a—"

"Let's go. It will take us until dawn if we let him talk." Isabel walked first. Myra was interrupted and willingly followed the regent.

During the campus tour, we went to many different places, including the library, three main parks, recreational spaces, academic buildings, and squad buildings. After leaving the library, we proceeded to Avi's future home and explored the hearth. This location indeed was a paradise. There were weeping willows, blue spruce, maple trees, tulips, hydrangeas, roses, and petunias in the fully landscaped garden surrounding the structure. In addition, it was encircled by several statues that seemed very lifelike. It seemed like a secure location. It was like being in heaven.

Myra's observation that a crowd had begun to form on the campus's primary thoroughfare brought an abrupt end to our excursion around the grounds.

"The opening parade is starting!" she blurted excitedly. "The handsome men are about to parade!"

"Gwapo?" Avi questioned with inquisitiveness as if all of her attention had been drawn to Myra's assertion.

"Yes! Excuse me! Worryingly, it appears we may soon deplete our supply." Myra was impervious to every opposition. My sister felt like she would be blown away when she took her arm and pulled her toward a handsome man.

You heard me say that they'll get along, right? Inwardly, I was chuckling.

The class assembled. It has been announced that this is the school's official opening parade. Here you may find a list of the teachers, captains of the varsity teams, and other prominent figures in the school. How quickly things changed continued to astound me.

To hide our abilities, I thought we were attending an ordinary school. I don't see that happening at all. Our parents decided to keep us here when our lives were in danger. Even while we were still in Samaria, the forces of darkness were close to coming after us. Like most students at this institution, the Trinity felt responsible for ensuring our safety.

I was facing the extraordinary. Am I ready? Not. Is Avi ready? Maybe she was. Perhaps she was born ready for this. I wish I could. I wish.

"There they are! The old hogs!" Myra interrupted my meditation in the middle of the parade. The heads of Tribus Academy appeared in my face. There was Dr. Renate Santi and her companions in black and gold togas.

The school's heads and teachers followed the float, followed by the class chiefs.

"Shouldn't Isabel be present?" Avi questioned Myra, who was standing next to her.

Myra turned to face Avi, who had been standing close to me earlier. We looked when she wasn't there anymore. Myra's joy began to evaporate. "It's a complicated story. That's why she's a regent on the student council. Maybe she'll explain why another time."

Avi was unable to ask any further questions because the audience began cheering. Three more floats were on their way. That could have been the source of the students' shouts.

"They're right there! The academy's top three squads!" Myra's response to my sister.

"What is the purpose of squads?" Avi inquired, not looking at Myra. She was definitely chasing another attractive squad member.

"They are the academy's skilled students. They appear to be the cream of the crop, the champions, the crème de la crème in this school! They are the ones who are dispatched on missions outside of the academy. Joining them is challenging. Technically, assembling a squad is simple."

"How?" Avi's follow-up inquiry.

"In reality, the academy has almost fifty squads. Each squad must have a minimum of five members. Isabel and I could create a team. The difficult part is making the top three squads. It will take a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to get there!"

As the final float arrived, the applause grew louder. Avi and Myra were even more enthusiastic. I waited for the final squad with bated breath.

"That's The Drift for you! They are the most well-liked team on campus. The previous two, Unus and Circles, are equally well-known. The Drift, however, is unique because most members come from wealthy backgrounds. Like those two lovely ladies. The Zenovia sisters are the girls with purple and dark red eyes."

"Who is that gun-toting girl?" I was intrigued. I thought that she was pretty cool. It's a fantastic thing to be like her. She appeared to be powerful and talented.

"She is Glor Fina Zenovia, also known as the Blood Glory. She isn't often seen at school because she is always the one who is sent outside, but she is still well-known here, even by the new students. Mira Zina Zenovia is the younger Zenovia." Myra swallowed before proceeding. "She's the one we need to stay away from. Avoid her horn since it is fairly sharp."

Avi let out a loud scream when she noticed the Zenovia sisters' companions. I somehow understood why she would want to stay. I wanted to double-check it, so I looked at the males standing behind the two women.

"I have a crush on those too!" exclaimed Myra, who seemed overjoyed to have found an Avi who shared her feelings.

"Who is the youngest? Then there's the one with curly hair and a scarf on his head." Avi inquired eagerly, not missing a glance at the passing floats.

Myra was happy to introduce them to my sister. "Spregor Aiken Santi, or Spike, is the youngest. He's sixteen."

They hugged once more while holding hands. I'd assume they'd won a competition." Fabian is the one with the bandana and wavy hair. I believe that action has already been taken, so let us not intervene further. The one at the rear, the one who flirts the most with us, is—"

"I've seen him," I mentioned, but I mentioned none of my own. My eyes widened as I realized the man on the float and the naked man I saw in the woods near the Arcane of Baristo were the same person. My heart pounded as I felt tremendous energy that appeared to unite us again. Who exactly is he? Why do I think I drew closer to him every time I saw him?

"You know who Chase Roan Santi is? The Santis like Sir Strenon? Sir Strenon is Spike's cousin and the leader of the Santi's. He is The Drift's champion, rumored that he’s into Mira Zina Zenovia."

I could clearly hear everything that Myra said. Chase, however, caught my attention; he seemed to be on the trail of something. Perhaps he did as well if he was sensitive to it. I can maintain my composure.

As my heartbeat increased, the world around me appeared to slow down. Clearly, I was the focus of his attention. It seemed as though he did, too. The voice of reason in my head encouraged me to accept it. I did.

Chase Roan Santi saw me just as the float from The Drift was passing by. He turned his bright eyes toward me. His jaw clenched as he stared at me, apparently to keep his teeth from falling out.

Oh, my goodness! What is his name? What is the link that binds us together? Why do I feel afraid but also satisfied by the sensation he gives me whenever he comes close?