Running Star

The ground seemed to quake beneath my feet. My toes were numb from the cold. As my nerves and restlessness increased, I almost stopped noticing the soil's roughness against my bare feet. Terror filled my mind and body.

For a while, I considered fleeing. I was so anxious to escape the shadowy sorcerer that I almost ran. I had only walked a short distance when I saw what looked like a comet encased in light crashing toward me. An object that seemed like a stone but was actually coated in thorns and fire smacked me in the face. When I stood up, the pain in my right leg was so bad that I almost started wheezing.

I overheard a young voice remark, "You can't get away from a black sorcerer, Stella." The assurance in his voice suggested that he believed what he was saying. Behind me, I could sense his body.