"Detrahet me in vas+," came a whisper in the wind. It echoed in my head. Detrahet me in vas... I was suddenly reminded of the mark it made on my mind during the silent hour at the academy, which Isabel informed me meant "bring me the vessel."
As the four dark sorcerers held me captive, I fought to free myself. The tight grasp of their dry hands and sharp nails had already begun to irritate my arm and leg. I was definitely terrified when I saw his face again, and I let out a shriek. The look on his face spelled doom for me.
I felt my chest disappear. Because of the attention I received from my peers, the struggle was particularly intense. Chase emerged from hiding behind the massive boulder and began to stand. Time will tell, but it seems likely that it will bolt off again soon.
They are doomed to die. If it didn't finish, people could feel sorry for me, and that would lead to many deaths. I would not tolerate pity on anyone else's part.
But what should I do first, and how?