Kiran held her breath as she gaped at the scenery that Aledir was flying over. Below them and the blue sky was a vast verdant landscape surrounded by mountains that looked like they were hand painted by something divine.
Their group of three set out on the next leg of their journey early in the morning, just as Noorh planned the night before. He ordered Aledir to fly toward a direction in the horizon, which Kiran could only muse was north. As basic as her knowledge was about navigation and direction in her world, she wasn't sure which was north from where they were. Primarily because…
"Hey Noorh," she began, deciding to open up about something that had puzzled her ever since she noticed it the day before.
"Yes?" Noorh calmly asked as Aledir expertly maneuvered toward the green horizon.
"Where is the sun?" Kiran began, looking curiously at Nooh.
Noorh blinked. "The sun," he muttered.