Kiran winced. "I-I mean I'm just curious!" she quickly defended. "I heard the rumor, you see, and I was wondering if there's any truth to it! It's not like I'm going to run away or any-"
"It's true," Diel said, cutting her off and leaving her gaping at him. "A previous Lahnthean Aria managed to return to her world."
Kiran could only stare dumbfounded at him. So there really was another way for her to return to her world! And being the Lahnthean Aria was the right choice. Noorh didn't just trick her into accepting the role! If Diel could confirm that a previous Lahnthean Aria returned to her world, then maybe he could also explain how it happened. She might actually be able to return to her home soon!
"Your next question is how it happened, correct?" Diel asked, smirking deviously at her.
Kiran froze and anxiously bit her lip. It was as if Diel was reading her mind!