A new discovery

There was silence for a few moments, as Becca tried to process what Sandra had just said. The latter was still seating on one of the chairs in Becca’s house, the terror on her face clearly visible in the light that reflected from the porch. She looked as though she was afraid that the man at her door would somehow discover that she was in Becca’s house now, and would come to break down the door to get Alex.

“I don’t understand…” Becca began, trailing off, as she tried to reconcile the Dan that she knew with the maniac who was shouting next door but failing dismally. So this man was cheating on his wife, and also had the balls to act the way he was acting now? Something wasn’t adding up, though. Even with his philandering ways, Dan seemed to love his wife and child a lot. Maybe they had had an argument then, not that an argument was a justifiable excuse for what he was doing, and at past one in the morning.