Mending fences

By the time she was in her seventh month of pregnancy, Becca was totally tired and wished the days would pass by quickly so that she could be done with the whole thing. Her body felt like it belonged to someone else, and she was constantly tired, but there was nothing she could do about her condition. She wondered if this was how every pregnant woman felt and when she put the question to Sandra, the latter had assured her that indeed, she had felt that way too. She now visited the doctor every week and was assured that everything was moving smoothly and that her baby was doing well.

This evening, she was relaxing with her feet up on the table as she was wont to do every evening, as she found that it helped relax her a lot when the doorbell rang. Groaning, she lumbered up from the chair in which she was sitting, to find Dan standing outside her door with a sheepish smile on his face.