
""IT'S TIME FOR A WAR, I GUESS!!"", I exclaimed.

Prat elaborated, "The one with the lower half of an octopus tentacles is called 'Albidowel'. Her abilities are summoning fireballs and flame breadth.

The one who is next to her is 'Kalpidowel'. His abilities are warping into dimensions and flame breadth.

The difference between him and previous one is that 'Albidowel' has ten tentacles whereas 'Kalpidowel' has eight. But 'Kalpidowel' has four wings whereas 'Albidowel' has two. 'Albidowel' is a female and 'Kalpidowel' is male!"

[That was some lame explanation, dude. It reminded me of my kindergarten.]

I asked, "So, are they Dowel siblings?!"

He said with a gloomy expression, "No, they're couples!"

[!!!!... I can imagine a relationship between species that contain regular shape. But, this relationship is inbetween irregulars. I don't even want to think about it. For now, let's call them as Dowel couples.]