
The night came to an end too hastily. Rays of the morningstar lightened the entire land, henceforth alarming its presence throughout the hovering city. A tall and white building which was designed in such a way that the top part was pyramidal and the remaining was built like a four-walled tower, bloomed at the centre of the city. Surrounding it were four other buildings that were half its height. All of them were built in a 'plus' symbol where the taller one stood at the centre.

Many people were walking from one place to another. They were wearing uniforms that had blue coats on top of white clothes. Walking between them were me, Andro, Gremoria and Azmou wearing the same uniforms as them. Gremoria attempted, "These clothes… So suffocating?!"

Andro attempted, "My lord, how long would it take for this menial task?!"

I exclaimed, "It's menial to even think about the time, Andro!"

Azmou said, "Ok, your highness. Then I'll go do my thing!"