Vacation from Ascension - (7)

The guard kept staring at him. However, by the time he was done examining the rider of the bike, the person was already lying in wait in front of him. Without even realizing it, he too got caught up in the daze. That masculine rider on the 'Ducati' was none other than me. The guard immediately snapped out of the daze, "Gasp!!!"

I looked around. People kept staring at me rather than my bike.

[This goddamn engine seems to have caught their attention. But why are they looking at me??]

I tried taking off my goggles but the security called out, "Excuse me, sir. Do you have a pass?!"

I took my mobile out of my left pocket and opened a webpage with a QR code on its top column. The security guard brought forth a scanner.


The scanner verified the code, henceforth allowing me inside the shipyard. The security guard ran into his cabin and pressed a few buttons on the computer system lying before him.
