
I exuded a slit-eyed smile, "Don't you worry. My shadows are ready at all times. Just spout the phrase 'Sweet Dreams' before you sleep and they'll bless you with immense knowledge!"

"!!!!", people in the front rows jolted at my instruction.

I continued, "Back to topic, on the 21st Earth that is above this one, we'll face Elves. This kind varies similarly to the dwarves we fought. Make sure to memorize everything I show and say!", whilst pointing my fingers upwards, towards the hologram.


The above projection showcased a long list as follows.

| 1. Wild Elves

2. Wood Elves

3. Deep Elves

4. Grey Elves

5. Venom Elves

6. Aquatic Elves

7. Frost Elves

8. Flare Elves |


Gnoma stood up immediately while raising her left arm straight, "Lord, please hear me!!!"

I guessed, "I know. None of these elves match up to that of your homeland, right?!"