
Xiaoqi commented, "He's too heavy for me to carry around!!"

Yashin hopped in, "Well, you've got me. Let me carry him for you!!"

Kegar became dumbfounded, "When did he get there?!"

The situation carried on with awkwardness.

{Back inside Krisillis's turf, Cowmen Roma}

It was a new day. Krisillis was meditating in mid-air, in the middle of a round sandy ground bound by wooden fences. He wore white pants with black belt. The upper half of his body and toes were in exposure to the morning sunlight. There was a hut in the corner of the ground.


A footstep wavered Krisillis' right ear. He attempted, "What is it, Ugwel?!"

It was his aid, Supremo Ugwel Gnamir, standing near the hut. His eyes seemed widened. Krisillis asked, "Your eyes which are supposed to remain slit at all times seem wide open out of nowhere. Tell me the issue!"

Ugwel spoke up, "It's about Suimore and Jimpo!!"