Ten Years Later

After ten years of the Kingdom running smoothly, the events of ten years ago traumatized the entire Kingdom, and hoped that they would live in peace.

Prince Louis also has a younger brother named Van who is seven years old, Prince Louis is now ten years old. But since childhood and after the incident that made his uncle lose his beloved wife, he wanted to avenge the actions of King Gobel at that time.

“Son… The two of you must be very powerful princes. One day if someone wants to hit your Kingdom, you should never let them live. You are the only hope of your father to be able to protect your Kingdom from sudden attacks, "said the uncle to the two children of king Emin.

King Emin who heard his uncle was advising his two children made him have to go to his uncle.

"Uncle... I was looking for where uncle is and it turns out uncle is here", said the king by holding his uncle's shoulder which made his uncle surprised.