The Commander-in-Chief Reveals a Truth

When the breakfast was finished, King Emin told Commander Edward to state what he wanted to discuss. However, Edward's commander-in-chief told King Emin that he wanted to discuss the matter below.

King Emin obeyed what his commander wanted at that time.

"All right, let's all go down and we will listen to what our commander will discuss on this one," said the king with a smile.

Lucya immediately got up, it's just that Lucya's mind had almost entered a phase like a few weeks before. And when everyone had gathered, King Emin allowed the time and place for Commander Edward to state his discussion.

"Okay Commander Edward, I invite you if there is something you want to say and convey", the king's permission to Commander Edward.

Commander Edward then advanced alone and was noticed by the crowds of the troops and also members of the commander who was on a par with him. Everyone was very curious because this commander Edward was a person who had never done such a thing.