Unluckiest life in the world

According to his new memories, Lock Axe had problems with his magic energy.

It was so meager it could not equal the quality and quantity of an average wizard's magic energy.at his age. Because of that, the original Lock formed personality problems and always got into trouble by people laughing and mocking him.

The original Lock definitely felt like he was in no position to graduate in a Wizard Academy.

"He can only graduate because of his guardian is the Headmaster," was what most people told him.

Inhale, exhale.

Lock closed his eyes and familiarized everything. Most of what he could remember now was information about Lock Axe. Memories of him about being a Prince had turned too meager, and when he tried to remember them, it was like a wall was blocking his prying efforts.


Lock snitched and covered his nose. The stench coming from his vomit was a little disturbing, so he cannot focus. Unfortunately, the vomit Headmaster thrown him into made his body also touched it.It was not a good feeling at all.

"Why did he have to throw me to the vomit?!"

Lock couldn't help but linked this experience to him being a prince, so it made him a little annoyed. He was regarded as a perfect prince. But how could that be true? He had to admit he got his many flaws.

For one, he was angry at those who dirtied him.

Using his fingers, Lock massaged his temples. He actually woke up with a headache. Along with the untidiness of the dormitory room, he just got annoyed to death.

"That Old Man. Did he not see the mess here? Sigh, he should at least cleaned. And it's cold!"

After shivering briefly, Lock walked over and closed the windows back.

Step, step.

He headed to the bathroom and undressed himself and was about to take a shower when he saw something—his own reflection....

"Oh Shit…"

It was like time froze.

He postponed on opening the shower and was facing the somewhat cracked mirror in the bathroom. It was a mirror Lock Axe broke. There he saw the body and face of the sixteen-year-old boy.

'Why did I only realize this now? My greatest advantage…'

As he stared at his current appearance in the cracked mirror, the mirror suddenly cracked a little, and he produced a bitter smile. But he had not noticed the sudden crack and was smiling bitterly becuase he can't believe how much his face' value decreased by thousands.


He subconsciously touched his face. His hair was now jet-black. Over-all rating was visually pleasing. Body was adequately muscular. Pretty good down there too…

'However, although this face is good, what is it worth compared to my real face?'

He tenderly touched his cheeks. A habit he always did when he checked his face in a mirror. He was a royalty. He also always thought he was a bright kid with a handsome existence befitting of the reputation of the so-called prince charming' mentioned in legends and novels.

They praised him all his life.

His future face was supposed to be even in a greater realm than the famous heartthrobs and movie superstars. Even greater than the devils and Elven race. As for his future reputation, he dreamed of not-so-much outstanding achievements.

Well, he imagined himself growing to become a man with thousands of beautiful suitors from all over the world swooning and fighting for his attention. He would also slay a dragon and successfully tame some. Unprecedented achievements will be written under his name, and when he dies, countless people in the world will cry.

But now?

His facial expression was showing extreme doubt and hesitation. He was still confident. However, such confidence had dwindled from 120% to 80%. He expected a lot for his future, mostly because of his godly appearance.

His royal status was only secondary.

He blinked, and his black eyelids fluttered briefly, showing a pair of emerald eyes. His eyebrows twitched as he pondered.

'Shit…Could this really be true?'

Dugun, dugun.

His heart throbbed nervously. Believe it or not, his face was a serious matter to him. He had always planned for the future and the grandest things he planned always involved his impeccable visuals.

The fluorescent bulb dimmed gain, and he snapped.

The insufficient lighting in the apartment's bathroom was especially annoying.



Flicker, flicker.

He can't help but get blinded by the simultaneous flashing. Earlier it was only dimly, but it suddenly continued to flicker and flicker like the most annoying firefly in the universe. However, unlike fireflies that make the flickering smoothly natural and tranquil, the electric bulb was extremely irritating. Just like his situation now.

Though he was also amazed that there was even electricity in the borderlands, he was currently in no state to get mesmerized.

He switched the lights off and opened the bathroom door.

Using the veil-like glow from the main room, he finished showering first. As he showered, the more he felt the realness of the situation and the more he got convinced his situation was real.

The water drizzles continued to spray upon the cracked old mirror, and the water was about to finish washing away the soap from his body.


"W-what the hell!"

Suddenly, the already insufficient glow from the main area vanished, enshrouding the place into total darkness. The slow ass shower had also stopped supplying him water, making the remaining bubbles of soap in his body extremely annoying to feel.

He couldn't help but laughed and scoffed in the greatest he could.

"This body was not only unsuited of me. It's also extremely unlucky!"

Using no source of light, he instinctually grabbed the towels in the side and walked outside the bathroom using muscle memory. Although he was now in a completely different body that was also two years older, his keen senses had neither withered nor reduced.

Moments later, after he finished wiping his body in the dark, the electricity had unexpectedly returned and the insufficient lighting eventually brightened the room.

"What is wrong with this place?" He subconsciously muttered as he violently raised his arms in the air. He expressed his annoyance while still naked.

Then suddenly he noticed the shower had started drizzling once again. His face was expressing absolute unwillingness and annoyance as he walked to the bathroom again to close the shower.

Clink! Clink! Clink!

He turned the shower's switch three times in a counter-clockwise. The shower was an old version which was released a decade ago.

After he turned the shower off, he accidentally noticed his reflection in the cracked mirror again and he turned his head away in the fastest he could.

"Sigh, really?" he can't help but show a disappointed grin.

Turning around, he lazily walked out of the bathroom but an unknown figure suddenly appeared, startling him and making him stumble in the shiny and slippery white tiles.

"Aiish! That hurt!"

He had only finished showering and was about to finally wear the clothes he left in the living room. A usual habit of his after bath time. In his royal chamber, no one would dare to walk in unscheduled and without his permission. So even if he ran naked, no one can come.

He was smirking in annoyance as he lifted his fully exposed body up in annoyance. Now his bare skin has turned dirty again. But the moment he opened his eyes, the scene startled him to his very core.



'What is this?' he thought.

Suddenly, there was a beautiful girl in an academy uniform standing before him. He was staring at his stark naked body as her face slowly turned beet red like a tomato.