
"Huh?! Goblins?! What are you talking about now?" the lady wanted to strangle Lock, since she thought he was spouting nonsense again, but before she could hear an answer from Lock's mouth.

A rampaging footsteps coming from the medium-sized holes that could fit children in the Mujad Ruins vomited a small squad of goblins, encircling them all with vicious snarling as if intimidating them.

'30 goblins!' The lady screamed in her mind, as her almost popping eyeballs counted the goblins.

Thirty goblins as enemies weren't really a big deal, so he was more shocked at Lock. What the boy said was actually true!

The party had also heard Lock, and they looked at the boy with them who hasn't even turned 16 with new light.

'If he has the ability to sense monsters from underground, he must have the abilities of a scout!' The leader of the party noted, as he brandished his sword, just like the others.

'Forget being a sorcerer if he could only cast that puny fireball, he could become a scout for us!' The leader thought. After this fight was over, he decided to rope him in to their party as soon as possible.

Lock, however, was very excited that free experience points had actually presented themselves as soon as he got inside this Mujad Ruins.

'This is so glorious!' He thought.

He had no weapons, so he was a little sad, but his arms and legs were enough. He went into a legimate fighting stance and faced two green children-sized creatures.

He eyed the other goblins, and could see that none of them was holding any weapons. So he was disappointed.

Normally, goblins at least were armed with pathetic bunts, right? How come they had to meet goblins like this?

"These goblins are weird." One of the party then commented. Lock agreed.

The goblins were so brave they actually went to them who was obviously armed and threats of their lives yet they were unarmed. They also had no leader, shaman, or any archers. These goblins were the lowest of the lowest. The mob characters of the mob characters that the an*mes won't even bother giving personalities. The type that would just snarl and growl at the background only to die.

"Weird or not, they came at us. Let's give them our honest feelings!" the lady who was talking to Lock earlier said, and draw his bow from her back and started shooting at the poor little creatures.




The thirty goblins were slaughtered easily. Even a child could beat a single goblin if they met in the forest, what could they do against a bunch of mercenaries?

Lock remembered one documentary when he was still a prince, and he saw little children throwing a single goblin in the ground multiple times. The goblin snarled for his life. Anyone could see that he would really kill anyone if he can, but he can't.

As soon as he fights, he would be punched in the face, and his green skin will bleed. His few teeth will come loose, and roll to the ground.

As soon as he tried to leave, the children who wasn't even ten year old's would kick it in the back, and stepped on it. It reminded Lock of a group of bullies bullying a weak sickly child.

It was funny, but it was also sad.

Lock kicked one goblin, then followed it with two more hitting the green creatures in the neck and the chest, and they immediately turned to particles of light. As soon as they got killed, Lock heard the system notifying him of gaining experience.

Lock unfortunately only defeated three goblins. They were very weak, but his current body was also very weak that it was really pathetic.

On top of that, the group fought the goblins equally so the slaying party was finished quickly. Even the porter was able to kill one goblin, when a goblin ran away from the leader of the party.

Lock smiled and exhaled.

Nevertheless, this was only the beginning. It was already a great scenario for him that he was able to meet monsters in the mouth of the hunting area.

'I can at least level up two more.'

The lady then had approached Lock with a grim and confused expression. When Lock saw her, he raised his chin up and put a smug face.

"I told you, right?" Lock said, angering the lady archer.

She wanted to ask how did he do it, but the attitude of the boy who was four years younger than him was very annoying.

But as a mercenary, she had to respect the boy's skills. The leader of their party had also acknowledged his abilities and had told them to treat the unknown boy well.

When their leader said that, she just knew that he wanted to rope the boy in to their party.

With a little bit of acknowledgement, the lady then asked Lock.

"You're a sorcerer though, but when I saw you fight, you look like someone who had trained some decent martial arts skills."

Lock scoffed at the tone and question of the lady, and then grinned.

"I am indeed a sorcerer, but I am not only limited to one profession." Lock said.




The party continued to explore the area then.

Mujad Ruins was basically a ruined town with some structures that resembled ancient churches and cathedrals, but all of them were already destroyed.

Moss covered the bricks as the lay to the ground. They were already a part of nature.

But the tricky thing about the Mujad Ruins was the underground basements hidden underground, and those basements were inhabited by monsters that continues to procreate like crazy.

Constantly, they go out of the holes that they had dug to hunt, and look for food for the young generation.

After thirty minutes, the party had already explored most of the surface. Lock had also slayed more than 15 goblins already. And unfortunately, he had also found a weapon which was carried by a goblin.

Lock attacked three goblins, and unleashed three to four kicks onto their bodies slamming them onto the walls of the ruins, and sending them onto the ground.

Using his boots, he crushed their skulls as if they were ants, and turned every little green creature he had fought into particles of light.

In no time, he had received more than a hundred experience points.


Moon sighed. His battle prowess had already shocked the party, but he didn't care. His experience points was still lacking.

As for his fame, he knew that he was going to be a star in the few days.

Power was something that he never lacked, and wherever he goes other things which was connected to that such as fame and praise was always going to follow him. He had no doubt about that.

He won't be surprised if he even develops a nickname after the month.

Regardless, Lock Axe will never be weak again, and his name will be famous across the borderlands. If he can't be famous enough and make his name known, he had killed the original Lock Axe for no reason.

The least he could do was to create a legacy that the boy might get proud as he watched over him in the afterlife.

After they slayed almost every goblin in the surface, and no goblin was actually spawning in the areas for some reason, the party then started to discuss things.

"This is weird, the goblins are attacking us, but it appears like almost all of them are running away from this place."

"I agree. Almost all the goblins we fought didn't look like they wanted to fight. It looked like they were running away from something."

Lock heard them, and couldn't help but agree more.

He had already observed the scenario in the danger zone, and he could feel fear in the monsters that was already there even before he fought them.

"Something is scaring these goblins." one mercenary said. "Maybe a superior monster came, and took over their lair, that explains their reactions.

Lock moved his eyes on the holes headed in the underground basements and grinned.

'Whatever is scaring the goblins is going to give me a great amount of experience points!' he thought happily.