Chapter 64: The Origin of Dusk Ball

At that time, Team Rockets had just started research on genetics and had already made preliminary progress.

In order to ensure that the research results can be maximized, Giovanni invested a lot of human and material resources and began to look for traces of Mew in advance.

During that time, Team Rockets were rarely seen, and most of the Superior cadres were dispatched to unknown locations around the world in search of ultra-ancient ruins.

The long search has also paid off, at all costs.

In an ancient super-ruin, the Superior backbone of Team Rockets managed to find a fossil of Mew's eyelashes, and Mewtwo's research has been put on the agenda since then.

On top of that, Team Rockets made a few other discoveries during that search.

Although Dusk Ball was researched only recently, it was put on the agenda at the same time as Mewtwo.

Above the snowfields in the northern Sinnoh Region, researchers from Team Rockets have discovered a huge ice crevice from ancient times.

In the very depths of the ice crevices, they discovered the dark matter that made up that Poké Ball for the first time, and brought back a little of it for study.

The Dusk Ball seen by Damalanqi and others is the product of so many years of research.

Whether it is an ordinary Pokémon or a divine beast, once it is included in the Dusk Ball, it will be forcibly controlled.

The discovery made Team Rockets ecstatic, and the benefits were no less than the birth of Mewtwo.

However, although Dusk Ball is domineering, his shortcomings are also obvious.

All Pokémon controlled by it will completely lose their minds and become a fighting machine that only knows destruction and killing. If one is not well controlled, even the owner may be in danger.

Even with the technology that Team Rockets has now, it cannot make up for this shortcoming in a short "June 17" time, and it has to be reserved as a last resort.

Hearing this, the high-level officials of the Pokémon Alliance finally understood why they noticed the abnormality in Mewtwo at that time.

It wasn't that their feelings were wrong, Mewtwo had lost his mind at the time.

And the root of all this is the kind of dark matter found in the northern Sinnoh Region.

After getting the answer they wanted, led by Lance, the Pokémon Alliance quickly organized a Superior team and began to head towards the Sinnoh Region.

It matters a lot.

They must see that dark matter with their own eyes, and if it is really related to the kind of Haze that appears in Ye Chen's images, then the severity of the matter will probably be much higher.

Just in case, the leaders who followed Lance this time were all leaders above the Leader level.

As for Cynthia and others, some were responsible for staying in the Union Prison to continue the interrogation, and some were rushing to the headquarters of Team Rockets to wipe out the remaining Team Rockets members who were not dispatched.

The soldiers are divided into three groups.

The behemoth of the Pokémon Alliance, which is rarely seen, is fully functioning.

Even the underground organizations such as Team Magma, Team Aqua, and Plasma Corps received the wind, and they all fell silent. They did not dare to make trouble in the limelight.

After rushing back and forth, two days later, the Superior team led by Lance arrived at the huge ice crevice in the northern Sinnoh Region, as Team Rockets said.

This place is located in the extreme north, the temperature is very low, even with the shelter of Pokémon, all the Superior members are shivering from the cold.

However, at this time, they didn't have the time to pay attention to these, and they all looked at the front with shock on their faces.

In front of them was a huge abyss that was a hundred meters wide and stretched out at both ends with no end in sight.

This is the ice crevice that originated from ancient times.

Lance stood in front of the crevice, looking towards the bottom.

There is only endless darkness in the eyes, as if leading to another world, coupled with the extremely low temperature around, people can't help but tremble in their hearts.

"Is the equipment ready?"

Lance looked back at the middle-aged man beside him.

This time, they came to this ice crevice. In addition to some things to keep out the cold, there are also insurance items such as hooks and locks, just in case.

The middle-aged man nodded and was about to say something when a voice suddenly came from behind.

"Master Du, there is a way there."

Lance adjusted his eyebrows and looked in the direction of the member's fingers.

A few hundred meters away from them, a bulge in a glacier stretched down, just leading to the depths of the ice crevice.


With an order, everyone immediately bulged towards that place.

The ice surface was hard and smooth, and although the downward path gradually widened, enough to accommodate several people in parallel, just in case, everyone summoned their respective flight-type Pokémon and went down together with them.

I don't know how long they have traveled, but the light cast from the ice crevice has been completely buried, and everyone can only rely on the light source they carry to grope their way forward.


A soft sound.

An ice block fell off the glacier and fell into the endless abyss below.

"Be careful not to fall off.

Lance reminded him aloud, and just after he finished speaking, there were bits and pieces of dust in front of his eyes, like strands of diamonds that were so small that they were dazzling and dazzling under the illumination of the light source.

"This is..

Lance narrowed his eyes, and before he could react, the temperature around him began to drop rapidly.

A blue light suddenly rushed out in front of him, and wherever he passed, many ice crystals appeared in the air.

This is Ice Beam!

"Dragonite, use Hyper Beam!"

As the Champion, Lance's reaction was extremely fast, and he gave orders almost instantly.

A huge figure appeared in front of him instantly, and a dark red beam of light roared out, colliding with the Ice Beam.

Although the Ice Element restrains the Dragon Element to a certain extent, it is only when the strength is comparable.

Not to mention that Hyper Beam is a general skill, the strength of Dragonite's current third-level beast is enough to ignore restraint and crush most Pokémon.

The Hyper Beam, which contained the power of destruction, instantly overwhelmed the Ice Beam and galloped towards the darkness ahead.

After a while, a Tackle sound came out.

"Let's go and have a look."

Lance greeted and hurriedly brought everyone to the front.

Because of the angle, there was a deep pit on the glacier wall at this time, and inside the pit was a Pokémon shaped like a football.


Everyone is the top Superior in the Pokémon Alliance, so they can be recognized at a glance.

"Why did it suddenly attack us?

"Look, it seems to be emitting black gas from its body."

"It's not right, everyone spread out a little."

Lance seemed to sense something, and took a half step back while frowning.

Everyone also stepped back.

At the same time, Glalie, who was hit by Dragonite's blow on the glacier wall, began to struggle, and then opened his eyes.

Inside the pupil, there is a blood-like scarlet color, which makes people shudder.

Without waiting for everyone to react, the Glalie made a deep leap and charged towards them.

That's its skill, Headbutt!

"Dragonite, use Dragon Tail!"

Lance spoke again, and the burly Dragonite exhaled a burst of heat from his nose, then turned sharply, his tail lit up with a white glow, and went straight to the Glalie Tackle.

In front of the third-level divine beast Dragonite, the latter flew out without any suspense, and once again blasted a deep pit on the glacier wall.

After being hit twice in a row, this Glalie was completely incapacitated, her eyes were closed, and she had fainted.

But after seeing the result, everyone couldn't feel the slightest joy in their hearts.

You know, in normal times, any Pokémon among them can instantly kill this Glalie, but now, it is actually a double blow against Lance's ace Dragonite.

Although Dragonite obviously didn't use its full strength, the result was shocking enough.

"Why is this Glalie like this?"

"Generally speaking, this kind of Pokémon should not take the initiative to attack us."

"Did you see its eyes just now? It seems to be in a frenzy?"

Everyone kept guessing and analyzing, but Lance kept frowning, wondering what he was thinking.

Before they could reach a definite conclusion, more than ten red lights suddenly lit up in the darkness ahead.

Everyone's heart froze, and they quickly shone the light.

Icefield Bear.



They are all Pokémons that live exclusively in the snowy regions of the ice field, and counting the existence behind them, there are dozens of them.

These Pokémon hardly show up on weekdays, but now they are standing in front of everyone, looking very strange.

And what caught everyone's attention the most was the scarlet color in their eyes that was similar to that of Glalie's pupils.

These Pokémons are also in a frenzy.

A cold glow flashed in Lance's eyes, and after making a gesture, everyone also summoned their ace Pokémon.

Be quick.

This is a natural bulge in the ice crevice. If the battle continues for too long and destroys the road ahead, it will be difficult for them to move on...

Thinking of the stubbornness of the Glalie just now, everyone at this time did not dare to have the slightest contempt, and they did their best.

"Dragonite, use Hyper Beam!"

"Scyther, use Air Slash!

"Crobat, attack with Venom!

"Rapidash, use Take Down!"

In order to avoid the collapse of the road under their feet, everyone grasped the power of the attack as much as possible.

Fortunately, the ice surface here has been formed for many years, and it is extremely hard, but it can barely withstand it.

Under the full force of the top Alliance's superiors, the red-eyed Pokémon quickly fell one after another.

But in less than a minute, the battle was completely over.

Looking at the fallen Pokémon, all the Alliance Superiors were blending together, but they were not happy at all.

The strength of these Pokémon far exceeded their expectations, especially the ability to fight, perhaps because they fell into a madness, unless they were completely unconscious, no matter how serious the injury was, they would not back down.

This kind of feeling is like encountering a group of desperate madmen.

Even if they finally won, they still had lingering fears.

"Master Du, do you want to report the report here to the Alliance Headquarters first?"

"These Pokémons are too weird, if Berry's power is the same, I'm afraid we are not opponents."

"I don't know what the black gas on them is, it's best to take one back to the headquarters and let someone study it.

Everyone was discussing each and every word, but Lance didn't participate in it. After letting them prepare, they continued to head towards the depths.

The appearance of these Pokémons made him a little uneasy, but it strengthened his suspicions more and more.

The kind of dark matter that Team Rockets was talking about was probably in the depths of this ice crevice.

Along the way, not surprisingly, they encountered a lot of red-eyed Pokémon who fell into a frenzy.

Under the crushing of absolute strength, although there were some twists and turns in the process, there were no surprises.

After a few hours, they finally came to the bottom of the ice crevice.

This is an incomparably huge icy canyon. Looking around, everything around is wrapped in a faint black mist, and the visibility is compressed to the extreme.

"Dragonite, use Twister.

Lance spoke in a deep voice, and as a blue light lit up on Dragonite, a huge Twister instantly appeared in front of everyone.

The black mist that enveloped this area was swept away in an instant, and the visibility became much clearer.

This also allowed everyone to thoroughly see the appearance of this canyon.

There are ice crystal prisms condensed from solid ice everywhere, giving a cluttered feeling.

The only difference was a huge ice block several hundred meters in front of them.

In the ice block, it seems that there is some kind of black thing frozen, there is a crack on the side, and black mist is flowing out continuously.

Obviously, the faint Haze that enveloped 2.1 here comes from it.

"That's the one,

A flash of coldness flashed in Lance's eyes, and he immediately walked over cautiously with everyone.

However, only halfway close, there was an anxious voice from the crowd.

"Scyther, what's wrong with you?"

Everyone looked at the sound, and saw a companion, Scyther, lying on the ground at this time, his body was constantly rolling, and two sickle-like arms were placed on his head, looking extremely painful.

"Look, Scyther's eyes...

A sharp-eyed man exclaimed.

Upon closer inspection, Scyther, who had fallen to the ground, gradually had a hint of scarlet color in his pupils, and strands of Haze began to gather around him, lingering endlessly.

"not good!

Seeing this scene, Lance's expression suddenly changed.

"Everyone, all Pokémon below the Leader level will be taken back into the Poké Ball!"

"It's these Hazes, they affect Pokémon's minds!

After knowing the source of these Hazes, he had already completely confirmed the conjecture in his heart, and because of this, he was able to infer the problem in an instant.

After hearing this, the Alliance Superiors were horrified, but they all followed Lance's command and took back their weaker Pokémon.

As for high-level Pokémon, from the current situation, it should not be affected in a short time.

After all this was done, everyone moved forward again and came to the front of the huge ice stone.

Haze is still slowly overflowing from the cracks in the ice stone.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or not. Before and after the crowd approached, the strange substance in the ice cube actually wriggled...