Chapter 66: Ye Chen, is the only hope!

"Ye Chen,

"Dark Demon God..."

Mewtwo thought for a long time before digesting the huge amount of information, and then looked at Rayquaza again.

"Can you tell me, what kind of person is Ye Chen..?

The more it knows, the more curious it becomes about the name.

And after hearing this, the reminiscence in Rayquaza's eyes became more intense.

Instead of answering Mewtwo's question directly, he talked about the past in reminiscence.

Ye Chen and their past.

Powerful and mysterious.

This was the first impression it had on Ye Chen.

But after getting along gradually, it discovered the other advantages of the latter.

decisive, calm, kind,

And what really made it and other divine beasts decide to follow is Ye Chen's attitude towards Pokémon.

Unlike other humans of that era, Ye Chen did not just use them as a fighting tool, but a real partner.

It is precisely because of this that they will let go of their arrogance as divine beasts and follow them willingly.

They got through that long dark turmoil together.

They leaned on each other and defeated one strong enemy after another.

After the turmoil ended, Ye Chen did not use their power to rule the world, and still maintained the original purity.

In Rayquaza's narration, Mewtwo only felt as if he had returned to countless years ago, seeing with his own eyes a group of mythical beasts led by a human, fighting side by side to end the troubled times.

"In order to maintain the order he finally established, he founded the ancient super Pokémon alliance.

"It's just that managing the world is a lot of trouble."

"That's what he told us back then."

"Later, when the person cultivated gradually matured, he acted as a hands-off shopkeeper and took us to travel around the world."

"From the end of the earth to the end of the ocean."

"By the way, he's a nosy man."

"There was once a destitute human being who was given a trace of the Dragon Law by him.

"Once again, he used the power of the law to help three poor little guys."

"Those three little guys were very lucky. With the power of his laws, they became the God of Fire, God of Water and God of Thunder. The Legendary Pokémon of the Clan."

Rayquaza's voice was a little bit dissatisfied, but his eyes were always soft, and he counted the things he had experienced with Ye Chen together, each of which was familiar.

And these words like nostalgia, after falling into Mewtwo's ears, not only made him feel emotional.

From the look on Rayquaza's face, he clearly misses those days.

And what makes Mewtwo most emotional is Ye Chen's heart.

A human who controls the supreme power, but can always maintain his original heart, it is no wonder that he can attract many divine beasts to follow.

However, this emotion didn't last long, and it quickly noticed something wrong.

Three downhearted little guys?

God of Water, God of Fire, God of Thunder?

Mewtwo seemed to have thought of something, and immediately looked at Rayquaza with disbelief.

"The three existences you mentioned are the Three Divine Bird Family in the legend of Kanto Region?"

Rayquaza, who was still reminiscing, was interrupted, but he was not angry, but nodded indifferently.

But Mewtwo couldn't keep calm any longer after being confirmed.

It did not expect that it was just a reminiscence of the past, and it actually involved such a secret.

The Three God Bird Family in Kanto Region has always been called the God of Water, God of Fire and God of Thunder, but no one knows their past.

Even after it has mastered a lot of information about the world, it has never found more records about their origins.

Who would have guessed that the legendary Three God Birds were originally just ordinary Pokémon, and only started to rise under Ye Chen's Helping Hand?

Thinking of this, Mewtwo suddenly had a new understanding of Ye Chen's strength.

The power of the law given at hand can achieve the existence of the three legendary figures, so what is his own strength?

Thinking of what Rayquaza said, Ye Chen was severely injured, how strong are those dark demons?

At this time, Mewtwo only felt shivering, recalling the endless darkness that he had been in, and his expression gradually became dignified.

"Will those dark demon gods return to this world?"

Today, it is one of the masters of this world, that is, human beings do not have much emotion, but they do not want this world to be destroyed.

After all, in addition to humans, there are countless Pokémon in this world.

However, the answer given by Rayquaza is not satisfactory.

"Ye Chen said that after tens of thousands of years, those things will make a comeback."

"His prophecy never goes wrong, and that's why I protect the world."

Speaking of this, Rayquaza's eyes flashed a hint of worry, and he turned his head to look at the exit of the main hall, his eyes seemed to be able to look through the heavenly palace.

"I can feel that the breath of darkness has begun to revive."

"I'm afraid it won't be long before those things come to this world again.

Hearing this, Mewtwo also fell silent, and her expression became more and more solemn.

Ninety thousand years ago, although humans and Pokémon won the victory and drove those things out of this world, all the credit was due to the existence of Ye Chen.

But now, Ye Chen has fallen into a deep sleep, and he doesn't know when he will wake up.

Without Ye Chen, can they defeat those so-called Dark Demon Gods again?

Mewtwo looked at the palm of his hand, and the blue Confusion lingered.

Since it was promoted to the first-level divine beast, its strength has been greatly improved, and it even once had the illusion that it could control the world.

But now, in the face of the unknown dark devil, it actually gave birth to a feeling of unconfidence.

In that level of battle, even if it is a first-level divine beast, it would be difficult for it to play a big role.

Only the existence of Rayquaza, and...

Ye Chen..

But where is he now?

Didn't he also predict that he would one day wake up and return to this world?

Perhaps they were all thinking about this question, and looking at the setting sun that was setting in the distance, Mewtwo and Rayquaza fell into silence for a while.

Meanwhile, inside the Pokémon Alliance headquarters.

In the huge laboratory, Professor Oak, Lance and others are still studying the isolated dark matter.

Even if they have mobilized various resources in the entire alliance and invited several top research experts, it is still difficult to obtain much useful information from them.

The power in the dark matter is too strange and powerful, except for knowing that it will affect Pokémon, I don't know anything else.

Even if they interrogated the researchers dedicated to this block within Team Rockets again, the information was the same.

Team Rockets has spent countless efforts, and they haven't been able to find other information about this dark matter for so many years. They can only rely on some external means to control it and make it into a Poké Ball.

Just as everyone was frowning and thinking, the sound of hurried footsteps suddenly sounded in the laboratory.

A female assistant hurried over, holding a document in her hand.

"Sir Toto, I found information about those Hazes in the video.

"The Johto Region has recently discovered a ruin with records about Mr. Ye Chen and those Hazes."

While speaking, the female assistant placed the document in front of Lance.

The things recorded on it are general information about the ruins.

Everyone around, including Professor Oak and Lance, was shocked after seeing the information, got up and left the place quickly, and rushed towards the ruins.

Because the distance is not too far, in the early morning of the next day, a group of top leaders of the alliance and Elite Champions rushed to the ruins.

Relevant staff had already made preparations and brought them to the newly discovered murals.

Looking at the scene on the mural, everyone fell into shock and surprise.

It was a picture of a battle. Although it was drawn very casually, a lot of things could still be seen from it.

A behemoth eats the Litian Temple, and from the appearance, it is a legendary beast.

On the forehead of one of the dragon-shaped beasts, there was a figure standing.

Below these divine beasts, there is an endless black mist.

They had seen this picture before.

It was a part of the battle scene replayed by the gods.

The identity of the figure was naturally revealed.


"Master Du, according to our analysis of the texts recorded in the ruins, these murals should describe a war that originated in ancient times."

"According to the records, in order to protect the world, the chosen person fought a dark existence from another dimension.

"That battle lasted for a long time, and in the end, the chosen man successfully won, but he also paid a great price for it."

"What? Existence from another dimension?"

Listening to the researcher's explanation, the Elite Champions of the alliance all gasped, and their eyes showed a look of astonishment.

The researchers didn't know as much as they did, and although it wasn't clear why they made such an expression, they nodded anyway.

"Yes, according to the records in the ruins, those Hazes and the existences in them are from another dimension, and they suddenly came to this world in the ancient times."

They "revere war and killing, and so the chosen have fought against them."

"At the end of the battle, those beings were driven back to their dimensions, and the chosen ones were also hit hard, and finally fell into an endless slumber."

"By the way, there is also a prophecy recorded on the last mural.

"Darkness will come again."

The researchers are very dedicated to reporting the current findings one by one, but Lance and others are more and more shocked.

These are the secrets they have never known, and they have also solved many doubts for them.

"No wonder we exhausted the strength of the entire alliance and still can't find Mr. Ye Chen's trace. I didn't expect it to fall into a deep sleep."

Darkness "will come again? Is it saying that those other-dimensional existences will come back?"

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and while they were shocked, a strong worry began to appear in their eyes.

There was even a hint of fear.

Whether it's the frescoes in front of them or the battle scenes they've seen before, all of them clearly tell them the power of those Hazes.

Even if he is as strong as Ye Chen and has many legendary beasts to follow, he has barely won, and he has even paid a huge price for it.

Now Ye Chen has fallen into a deep sleep, if those dark beings really come again as prophesied, who else in the world can resist?

Pokémon League?

The Elite Champions looked at each other.

They still have this self-awareness.

Although the people present were very confident in their respective strengths, they were also compared with others.

They had seen the horror of that battle. Even an existence like Lance could only be reduced to cannon fodder in that level of battle, let alone defeat those Hazes.

With the strength of those dark beings, let alone the Pokémon Alliance, without Ye Chen, I am afraid that the gods are not their opponents.

Thinking of this, the worry in the eyes of Lance and others grew stronger.

This is not as simple as a time bomb.

Once those dark existences make a comeback, the only thing waiting for the whole world is destruction.

And the Pokémon Alliance, as the largest organization that maintains this world, naturally cannot let this happen.

Everyone looked at each other again.

In addition to praying that Ye Chen can wake up from his deep sleep as soon as possible, all they can do now is to send a large number of people to find the place where Ye Chen slept, so as to improve their strength as much as possible.

Knowing everything, the Pokémon Alliance executives, under the pressure, quickly launched an action.

More and more people were sent all over the world to find the place where Ye Chen slept.

The major ancient ruins are also listed as the top secret of the alliance, and researchers who are in charge of the ancient times are called in a lot, and they are dispatched to various places, just to find some clues in the ruins.

Such a big action naturally also alarmed the major underground organizations.

Team Magma, Team Aqua, Plasma Corps, etc. have sent a large number of people to find out the secrets, but in the end they are all gone.

The Pokémon Alliance is concerned about this matter to the point of madness.

Team Magma, who was trying to gain control of a newly discovered ruin, and then got a glimpse of the truth, immediately attracted a large number of Alliance Superior members to attack.

Even the Elite Champion was alerted, and Lance personally went to suppress it with the ace Dragonite.

Since then, the major underground organizations have also seen the determination of the Pokémon Alliance, and dare not make any thought in this regard.

In addition to the great efforts to search for the ruins, the Pokémon Alliance also asked major Gym to issue challenge invitations.

Everyone is encouraged to go to the Gym Challenge. In addition to the Gym badge, the winner will also receive additional rewards from the Pokémon Alliance, as well as the opportunity to serve in the alliance.

In addition to encouraging trainers from all over the world to improve their strength, this move can help the alliance to identify and recruit talented Pokémon trainers more quickly.

To this end, the Pokémon Alliance has promised a lot of rich conditions, which made countless people start to be excited.

A challenge fever gradually set off.

-Time, trainers from all over the world have been intensively improving their strengths.

Until the god list, which had been silent for a long time in the Champion Arena, appeared again