Chapter 68: Rewards Increase

With the distribution of a large number of rewards, the strength of countless top trainers will complete a qualitative leap.

This was completely unimaginable before.

The overall strength of the Pokémon trainers in the entire world will probably increase by at least two levels.

Thinking of this, everyone's breathing became heavier.

Especially those trainers who focus on training flight-type Pokémon are sweating nervously on their foreheads.

-The opportunity to soar is at hand.

"Fearow, you must fight for something."

"With my Farfetch'd strength, it's definitely not a problem to make it to the list, maybe... can make it into the top 80?"

"Although the competition is fierce, Owl, I believe you can do it!

The flight trainers all prayed secretly and waited for the ranking of the gods to continue to be announced.

On the barrier covering the sky, golden tassels slowly flowed, and then a line of simple and simple characters appeared.

No. 99: Yanma

Current Trainer: Falkner

Level strength; Leader peak

Ranking Reward: Quasi-Elite Berry*2+ Perfect Quality Sky Plate

No. 98: Jumpluff

Current Trainer: Li Yuan

Level Strength: Leader Peak

Rank Rewards; Quasi-Elite Berry*2+Perfect Quality Psychic Gems*15

No. 85: Yanmega

Current Trainer: Leaving Baal

Level Strength: Leader Peak

Ranking reward: Quasi-Elite Berry*4

81st: Swanna

Current Trainer: Naki

Level strength; Leader peak

Ranking Reward: Quasi Elite Berry*4+ Move Machine: Giga Impact

The list was announced one by one, and the frenzy in the eyes of everyone became more intense.

Although the rankings announced so far have not changed much compared to the previous ones, the rewards are nearly doubled.

Especially everyone in the headquarters of the Pokémon Alliance showed joy after seeing this ranking.

"Falkner and Naqi are both based on flying Pokémon, plus the ace Pokémon that has not yet appeared, this time will definitely get a lot of rewards.

"The following list is estimated to be the same. Our Leaders in each Region, and even Elite Champions have the opportunity to win a lot of rewards in this all-attribute list."

"I'm afraid that the comprehensive strength I mentioned before is a bit too conservative."

Lance had an undisguised smile on his face. The greater everyone's strength improved, the more confrontational strength they would be able to face in the face of the crisis that may come.

Even if this enhancement is a drop in the bucket compared to the opponent's strength, it's always good to be stronger.

Compared with their reactions, ordinary people who have no pressure will appear more excited.

"That's our Gym Leader of Kikyo Town!"

"Cut, what are you arrogant about, Lady Naqi is the Gym Leader of our Fortree City, do you see how proud we are?"

"There are so many quasi-Elite Berry, just give me one and I can rise directly."

Some are excited, some are looking forward to it, and some are envious.

In front of this all-attribute feast, no one can control their emotions.

With the surging of the golden streamer, the rankings are still being revealed.

80th: Crobat

Current Trainer: Ram Da

Equivalent Strength: Quasi-Elite Primary

Ranking Rewards: Elite Berry*2+Perfect Quality Psychic Gems*20

As the list progressed to the top 80, the quality of the awards suddenly jumped up a notch.

After seeing this ranking, a group of high-level executives at the headquarters of the alliance suddenly showed a strange color on their faces.

"Is this Ram Da the cadre of Team Rockets?"

Lance spoke somewhat uncertainly, he vaguely seemed to remember such a person, but because he didn't have much contact with him, he didn't remember very clearly.

However, Cynthia on the side confirmed his conjecture.

"He was also one of the first Team Rockets cadres to be apprehended along with Giovanni and is now being held in the headquarters prison.

"If that's the case, then confiscate his reward."

Damalangi touched the large beard on his chin and slowly opened his mouth.

Taking and robbing is not the style of the Pokémon alliance, but as the prisoner, these rewards naturally cannot be returned to him, and will only become a bigger obstacle for the alliance in the future.

What's more, in a special period now, the league just needs a lot of resources to cultivate excellent training.

This is not for their own power, but for the whole world.

"Let people pay attention later, if Team Rockets has other Pokémon on the list, they will all be recorded, and the rewards will be confiscated at that time."


An Elite nodded and quickly went down to comply.

At this time, the Team Rockets who were in the Alliance Prison were already dead.

Of course, they knew that in their current situation, it was impossible to truly get a reward.

The list is fully open, and the rewards are unprecedentedly rich. If you change it, you will definitely be excited. However, now it is just a wedding dress for the Pokémon Alliance.

Giovanni sat cross-legged on the bed in the prison, looking at the picture of the gods in front of him, clenching his fists tightly, not even paying attention to the nails embedded in the flesh.

" Pokémon League,

"One day, I will make you pay the price!"

Cruel hatred surged in his eyes, but in the end he could only be smashed by the walls of the prison.

In the Champion Arena, as the rankings on the God List were gradually announced, the entire arena was boiling.

No. 61: Natural Black

Current Trainer: Wind Dew

Level Strength: Quasi-Elite Intermediate

Ranking Reward: Elite Berry*2+ Quasi-Elite Berry*3+ Move Machine: Magic Room

No. 60: Front Queen

Current Trainer: Chanel

Level Strength: Quasi-Elite Intermediate

Rank reward: Elite Berry*4

"Isn't that Miss Fenglu, our Leader of Mistralton City Gym?"

"It's a pity, if you can advance one more place, you can get a big reward."

"My God, four Elite Berry, this list is a wholesale Elite.

Some people showed regret, and some people were shocked by the horror of the reward.

However, with the continuous appearance of the list, everyone has gradually recovered from the initial excitement.

Except for the flight department trainers who are still anxiously looking forward to it, everyone else has begun to discuss the advanced ranking rewards and rankings of this list.

From the 80th to the 30th, the rewards on the list are mainly based on Elite Berry, nothing more than the number and the difference between the quality of all other rewards.

Essentially there is no leap forward.

What really makes everyone care is the reward at the top of the list.

"Even if most people don't have the chance to touch it, they are looking forward to it.

This is a great opportunity to learn a lot.

Under the expectations of many people, the simple words on the list finally showed a top ranking.

Taking time, the crowd that had gradually calmed down fell into a frenzy again.

30th place; Staraptor

Current Trainer: Kaseri

Level Strength: Quasi-Elite Advanced

Training: Kahiri

Ranking reward: Champion Berry+ Elite Berry*2

"My God, the Champion Berry started appearing in the 30s?"

"Have you noticed that there are so many top trainers in the flight department?"

"Yeah, I always thought that this should be an unpopular attribute, but I didn't expect so many masters."

Naturally, no one doubts the authenticity of this ranking, after all, there is no possibility of cheating on the god list with so many terrifying rewards.

This also subverts the perception of many people.

Many trainers will subdue one or two flying Pokémon, and use the Helping Hand on their own in some special occasions, and because of this, in most people's impressions, flying can be regarded as an unpopular type.

There are a lot of Pokémon trainers in the flight department, but few who focus on training them.

And today's rankings can be regarded as an eye-opener for everyone.

Of course, compared to the list of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, what shocked them more was the reward.

The Champion Berry will appear in the 30th place. How good will the reward for the top 10 be?

"Except for the trainers of Dragon and Psychic, the trainers of other attributes will probably make a fortune this time."

"Hey, I've already ranked 30th. It seems that I shouldn't be able to make it on the list."

"I don't know what the top ten rewards will be, I am afraid that after today, many Champions will rise.

Someone sighed, and their faces were full of envy.

The other person beside him disapproved, instead showing an unfathomable smile.

"That's not necessarily true, don't forget, there is also Mr. Ye Chen."

As soon as these words came out, it was like daigo empowerment, many people reacted in an instant, and then showed a touch of panic.

Everyone still remembers the terrifying scene of being overtaken by the Dragon Ranking when the God Ranking was first launched.

In the top ten on the list, there is not one left.

Even Lance's ace Dragonite only got the 11th place reward.

If the gods and beasts dominate the list, if they were put in the past, it would be impossible to believe them if they were killed, but this is a lesson from the past.

…for flowers…

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help shivering.

This time the full attribute list is open, and no one can stay out of it.

If the list that they are in has that kind of domination situation again, the possibility of them being on the list and getting rewards will be relatively low.

Damn, "Oh, I actually forgot that great god, no wonder I couldn't make it on the list this time, and the flight department list is probably occupied by a lot."

"It shouldn't be. Although from Mr. Ye Chen's previous battle images, he should have many divine beasts that haven't been on the list yet, but this time it's a full-attribute list after all."

"That's right, even if Mr. Ye Chen has more than a dozen divine beasts that haven't appeared, there will only be one on the average list."

"I guess it's not that simple. Looking at the strength and ranking of the flight department's ranking list, I'm afraid the top three positions have already been occupied."

Everyone discussed and analyzed each other, and the high-level officials of various forces also thought of this.

The higher the ranking, the higher the reward, especially the top ten, and even the top five seats, the reward is sky-defying, once obtained, the increase in strength will be extremely terrifying.

Sinnoh Region, Cynthia looked at the constantly announced rankings, and couldn't help but feel a little nervous at this time.

In addition to ace Garchomp, her Togekiss will most likely be placed on the flight list this time.

It's just not clear how the specific rankings are.

"I don't know how many places Mr. Ye Chen will occupy this time.

"If I only occupy three, with the strength of my Togekiss, I might have a chance to compete for the top five."

There may be many top trainers in the flight department, but there are definitely not many who have trained her to this level.

In her impression, there should be not many flying Pokémon with the strength of Champion.

In the top ranking, she has a high probability to compete.

And there are many people who have the same idea.

Even if they knew of Ye Chen's existence, the top few on the list were probably hopeless, but they were all still eyeing them.

After all, what will be open this time will be the full attribute list.

Even if there are many mythical beasts following Ye Chen, it is impossible to occupy every list.

On average, two or three of a list are outrageous.

Not only ordinary people, but also Lance and others at the Alliance Headquarters also had the same idea.

"Professor Oak, how many Pokémon do you think Mr. Ye Chen will have on the list this time?"

Damalanchi looked at Oak, who was thinking, and suddenly spoke.

The latter just shook his head with a wry smile.

Although he has devoted his life to researching Pokémon, he is only targeting ordinary Pokémon.

The Pokémon that Ye Chen appeared were all divine beasts, the kind that only existed in ancient legends, and some of them were not even recognized by him.

"I think if you want to figure this out, I'm afraid you have to summarize the ancient legends first.

"Yes, but according to my guess, with so many lists, even if Mr. Ye Chen is followed by many mythical beasts, it should be difficult for him to occupy too many seats."

"That's not right.

A smile appeared at the corner of Cynthia's mouth.

"Last time, Mr. Ye Chen completely dominated the list of dragons, so your ace Dragonite didn't even make it into the top ten. This time you can make up a lot of rewards."

"If I remember correctly, most of your other main Pokémon should be flying.

Speaking of this, the other Elite Champions also reacted and looked at Lance with envy.

The top ten of the Dragon Elements list that was first opened were all occupied, which was a big loss for Lance. Otherwise, he would have already reached the top with the strength of his ace Dragonite.

This time the flight department list can make up for a lot of losses.

After all, although he is known as the strongest dragon-type trainer, in fact, many of Lance's main Pokémon are flying-type, just in time to catch up with this list.

The latter naturally understood this, scratched his head, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"That's what I said, but it's not clear how many flying beasts Mr. Ye Chen has."

In case "there is another domination..

"You kid, you can still sell well when you get cheap."

Damalangi patted Lance on the shoulder.

"I remember your Aerodactyl is already at the top of the Champions League now, so there's no problem getting into the top five."

"And Altaria, you can occupy at least two of the top ten seats, hurry up and have fun.

Perhaps in order to ease the atmosphere, Damalanqi's tone was very relaxed, and everyone also showed a smile at this moment.

Meanwhile, at the Champions Arena.

The text on the leaderboard is constantly changing.

The ranking has also entered the top fifteen.

The rewards are up again! Yes.