Chapter 78: Dark Demon God? No qualifications to escape!

Because of the light and the distance, it was difficult for everyone to see clearly for a while, and they couldn't help but narrow their eyes.

"So, is that a Pokémon?"

Some people spoke with uncertainty, but the people around them just shook their heads.

"I can't see clearly, I don't seem to have seen such a Pokémon

"No, why do I look familiar?"

"Me too, I always feel as if I've seen it somewhere.

Someone nodded in agreement, racking their brains to search in the memory.

And with them, there are Lance, Archie and the others, as well as Damalanchi, who is watching all this through the communication screen, and other high-level Pokémon alliance leaders.

Everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them.

The light from the heavenly palace is warm and harmonious, but with a certain supreme majesty, people can't help but give birth to the heart of worship.

Looking around, wherever the light passed, all the tentacles of Haze melted like ice and blood, and then dissipated.

The light came from the end of the sky and finally landed on the partner square.

It took time, and the square that had already been in a mess during the battle actually sprouted from the ground at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Just like the spring breeze, in just a few breaths, the entire square became green.

At the same time, the injuries on Diantha, Archie and others who had been hit hard by the attack of the Dark Demon God began to heal quickly at this moment.

It was the Pokémon who were the most seriously injured, who began to recover quickly, and then slowly opened their eyes.

Lance's Dragonite is also on the list.

Because it has resisted a large number of attacks from the Dark Demon God, Dragonite's injury can be said to be the most serious of all Pokémon, and even several shocking wounds can be seen on the body surface.

But as the rays of light from the sky fell, those wounds began to heal one after another, and Dragonite, who was seriously injured and in a coma, also opened his eyes at this moment.

Seeing this scene, Lance was surprised, and the shock in his eyes became more intense.

In such a short period of time to heal the severely wounded third-level god Dragonite, this ability is difficult for even a first-level divine beast to do.

This is a true miracle!

He looked up at the figure in the sky, majestic, sacred, and at the same time gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

He kept groping for his memory, and after a while, as if thinking of something, his expression suddenly became extremely excited, and even his body began to tremble slightly.

"This, this is Mr. Ye Chen's Pokémon!"

He remembered that the familiarity was not without reason.

He had indeed seen this Pokémon before, and it was on the list issued by the God List not long ago.

The physical injuries have recovered quite a bit, and Diantha and the others, who were able to stand up at this time, were stunned by his sudden words, and they all cast doubtful eyes over them.

"Mr. Ye Chen's Pokémon?"

That's right ", I can be sure."

Lance nodded solemnly.

"On the last list released by the God List, the top of the general list, the legendary Pokémon who created the world."


As soon as these words came out, everyone showed disbelief.

Although they have been overwhelmed by those spatial cracks for a while, they have also taken the time to pay attention to the God Rankings, especially some of the top rankings.

They didn't react for a while, but after being reminded by Lance, everyone also recalled the figure who was at the top of the general list.

Just like the existence in the palace today.

Really ", it's Arceus!"

"The legendary Pokémon who created the world have appeared, is this here to save us?"

Diantha and the others' eyes flashed with joy.

It is difficult for anyone to control their emotions.

Rao is Maxie and Kui Qisi, who have always been calm, and now his face is also full of uncontrollable ecstasy.

Team Aqua's cadre Chao widened his eyes, hooked his neck and looked at the sky, his body trembling with excitement.

"If I remember correctly, on the list of gods, this Arceus seems to be a creation-level existence?"

Nonsense "The Pokémon who created the world can't be the creation class!"

Archie slapped Chao on the back of the head, and then burst out laughing.

"It seems that we shouldn't die, even the God of Creation came to save us.

"Now I want to see how arrogant this thing from another dimension is!"

Listening to his words like a fox and a tiger, everyone couldn't recognize a smile on the corners of their mouths.

Especially the Superior members of the underground organization, all of them started cheering at this moment.

Seeing hope at the most desperate time, this kind of joy after the catastrophe is incomparable.

Not only them, but Damalan, who was watching this scene through the communication screen, was also full of excitement at the moment, and even the large white beard began to shake.

Really "it is the creator god, Arceus!"

"God bless me Pokémon League!

In Nohara City, Cynthia looked at the unicorn figure shrouded in light on the communication screen, and her eyes flashed with an incomprehensible brilliance.

There is happiness, shock, joy, and a hint of undetectable anticipation.

"Even Arceus showed up, could it be him..."

Cynthia only felt her heart beat faster, her eyes fixed on Arceus on the screen.

Meanwhile, on the outskirts of Fuchsia City.

Some of the people who were also staring at the sky also recalled and recognized the identity of the figure.

"The creation-level divine beast, Arceus! Great! We are all saved!"

"Arceus? Isn't it the top of the general list? I remember it seems to be Mr. Ye Chen's Pokémon, is it Mr. Ye Chen who shot it?"

"I told you a long time ago that it is useless to worship God, and it really depends on Mr. Ye Chen in the end.

Everyone's eyes showed joy.

Even though the strength displayed by the Dark Demon God was extremely powerful, everyone felt relieved the moment they recognized the figure of Tiangong.

They have all seen the information released by the gods. As the legendary existence that created the world, Arceus's strength is even higher than that of the quasi-creation-level colorful Rayquaza.

This is almost the limit of power that people can understand.

No matter how strong that Dark Demon God is, can it be stronger than Arceus?

"That ghost that came out of nowhere, dared to invade our world, and I have never heard of Mr. Ye Chen's name."

Got "Well, you, Shaohu and fake tiger mighty, before the appearance of the god list, I'm afraid even the big figures in the Pokémon alliance have never heard of Mr. Ye Chen's existence."

"Never mind, anyway, I have enough regrets about that damn thing now. I will see if it can be as arrogant as before in front of Mr. Ye Chen's Arceus."

Someone spoke proudly, apparently having been carried away by the joy of the rest of his life.

And the facts are quite similar to what was said.

Unlike Lance and the others who were in ecstasy, after noticing the figure in Tiangong, the Dark Demon God's eyes also showed disbelief, but there was a touch of panic in them.



"No! Impossible! Why are you still alive!"

"You are a human, why can you survive the joint attack of the three adults?"

The huge body of the Dark Demon God involuntarily took two steps back, stirring up the dust in the sky.

Different from those ordinary people, as a first-level god, it not only saw Arceus appearing in Tiangong, but also saw a figure on Arceus' back.

It was a young man in his early twenties, with sharp edges and corners, and every detail of his facial features was just right, revealing a natural beauty that made it hard to forget at a glance.

But the most eye-catching is his pair of pupils, which seem to contain the entire universe.

As a participant in the world-shattering war 90,000 years ago, this human face, even after another 90,000 years, will never admit its mistake.

"Illusion! Yes! It must be an illusion!"

"You are fake! Arceus is fake too!"

The Dark Demon God seemed to be in a daze, constantly muttering to himself, and then his expression suddenly became extremely fierce.

Its body surface lit up with a strong black awn, the aura in its body continued to rise at this moment, and even its body grew a lot.

On the side of his body, the wound of the broken arm that was originally smashed by Lance and the others was wriggling strangely, but after a while, a new arm was born from it.

"This world! belongs to us!"

The dark devil roared angrily, and a strange black vortex appeared on each of the four arms.

One after another pitch-black thunderbolt shot out from it, and then gathered in front of him to form a terrifying thunderbolt with a diameter of tens of meters, which went straight towards the sky in a thunderous roar.

At this moment, the whole world is silent.

Whether it was Lance, Archie and the others, or the ordinary people on the outskirts of Fuchsia City, or Damalangi and Cynthia who were watching all this through the live broadcast, they couldn't help holding their breath at the moment.

Even though they knew very well that Arceus, who is a god of creation, must have unimaginable strength, but at the moment of seeing this black thunder, a heart could not help but be mentioned in the throat.

The horror of this attack was beyond their imagination.

With one blow, if the target is not the Heavenly Palace, I am afraid that the entire Fuchsia City will be destroyed.

This also caused everyone to instinctively feel a little worried.

However, this worry did not last long, and they found that it was a little redundant.

With the terrifying black thunder going straight into the sky, Arceus' waist suddenly lit up above the sky.

After a while, eighteen different slates appeared out of thin air.

Black Leither castrated fiercely, but after reaching the area in front of Arceus, it was like a mud ox entering the sea, and suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Not even a movement was raised.

"How can this be?"

"What happened? Did you see that?"

"Dark Demon God released water? Impossible, what about that attack just now?

Everyone watching this was stunned for a while.

A terrorist attack that was enough to turn the entire Fuchsia City into nothingness, disappeared in an instant, and from beginning to end, no one could see clearly what happened.

Even Damalanchi, who was watching all this through the communication screen, widened his eyes at this time.

"Professor Oak, see what happened to you just now?"

"The attack of the dark devil seems to have been neutralized."

Although "I also saw this legendary Pokémon for the first time, but it should be related to the slate beside it.

Professor Oak pointed to the screen. Among the eighteen stone slabs floating beside Arceus, one was bothered by a faint glow.

After the black thunder was completely swallowed, the light began to fade, and finally disappeared without a trace.

Although it is not clear how to do it, it does not prevent them from being shocked.

And it was not only them who were equally shocked.

The Dark Demon God saw that his Xeon strike was so unsuccessful, and in addition to being shocked, the fear in the depths of his eyes suddenly began to thicken.

Unlike Damalan and the others, it's pretty clear what just happened.

This trick, it has seen it as early as 90,000 years ago.

This is an ability unique to Arceus that can neutralize attacks of various attributes.

In the shocking battle that year, even the most powerful adults had to use special means to hurt it.

In other words, the Arceus in front of him is not an illusion.

Even if it had a premonition in its heart, with the last trace of fortune being broken, the dark devil's eyes were completely occupied by terror.

Arceus, a creation-level existence, even those adults can hardly gain any advantage in a one-on-one situation.

What's more, there is that human being on its back.

The human who brought heavy damage to their species tens of thousands of years ago!


It was the only thought left in his mind at this time!

In any case, be sure to bring back the news that this person is still alive!

In the face of this kind of existence, unless the adults personally take action, otherwise, even if the seventy-two demon gods come together, there is absolutely no chance of winning.

At the moment when this thought came to him, he didn't care about his arrogant words earlier, and saw the dark devil taking huge steps, and immediately ran towards the huge space gap behind him.

And after this scene fell into the eyes of Lance and others, it also shocked them a lot.

"Dark Demon God... escaped?"

The corners of Archie's mouth twitched, only feeling that what happened in this short period of time was a little too magical.

Several Alliance Champion Elites, together with the Dark Demon God, who was unable to resist all of their three underground organizations, are now running away without fighting?

Unlike him, although Lance, Chi Yansong and others were equally astonished, they were much calmer, and immediately looked at Tiangong.

"Look, there seems to be a person on Arceus' back!"

As Arceus fell, they could see a lot more clearly.

On Arceus' back, a young man was carrying his hands on his back, looking down at the dark demon **** fleeing below expressionlessly. So