Chapter 11: Sastiel

With the large Seraphim ship looming above the city of Warenthal, one of the Seraphims: Sastiel stood in the palace yard, facing the enraged Kevra. Calm and collected, Sastiel was. She knew she felt an energy on this planet before she arrived. To think, it was one of the Ingens that use to do the Seraphims bidding.

At that moment, two guards of the palace aimed their weapons at the Seraphim. Fear could be seen on their faces. Sastiel looked at them, no expression, no malice, no hatred.

"Ingen..." She said, her voice quietened at the end of her word. She looked at Kevra.

"Tell these soldiers to back off," she continued before narrowing her eyes.

"Or else."

With the flames still surging around Kevra's body, she looked at the guards, her face softened slightly.

"Go back inside. Warn Empress Ruth. I'll deal with this."

They lowered their weapons, and without hesitation they ran back inside the palace.

"That was very wise of you, Ingen," Sastiel said, urging Kevra to look her. It reminded Kevra of the anger she had for the Seraphim.

"I thought to let you know that. I had no intention on hurting anyone, but unfortunately your attitude pushed my patience."

Sastiel turned her gaze to hovering ships, high above them. Clearly they didn't hesitate to overlook the situation. Sastiel smirked before looking at Kevra once more.

"You primates are always close to anger, always jumping to conclusions. Makes me wonder why we ravaged Earth instead of Esterd, or why not both. Monkeys all the same."

Kevra stayed silent. Knees bent, back lowered, hands touching the ground. With a loud shout, she launched herself at Sastiel.

In that very moment before her fist could connect, Sastiel stepped aside, her eyes locked onto Kevra as she passed. Kevra could only look in awe as she missed, eyes and mouth, open. Within a moment of a second, Sastiel spun before hammering her his onto her back, slamming Kevra on the ground, causing her to bounce off as the air escaped her lungs, a soft quiet scream came from her mouth as the blue files around her body ceased.

Sastiel grabbed her by the hair and raised her up. Her face, still calm and collected, even with that speed of hers.

"You forget," Sastiel said, her voice hummed with power.

"It was because of us you have your power." She slammed her fist in Kevra's stomach, causing her to gasp as the shockwave from it, caused the leaves to move on the tree nearby.

Sastiel opened her hand, her palm facing Kevra's chest. In that moment, the light bent inward, causing a sphere lense. The sphere erupted, and blew Kevra flying and collided against the wall, causing a large dent, followed by CA cloud of dust. Kevra was out cold as she layed in the dirt of the garden.

Sastiel stared at her for a moment before she composed herself and stepped towards the palace. A blue light shined from behind her, showing the shadow of herself along the front of the palace.

She turned her head, one of her eyes glowing bright orange, still a calm expression on her face. She saw who it was; Okolu. He stood in the rubble, his eyes glowing bright blue, along with the blue flames surging from his body.

"Seraphim!" Okolu shouted, followed by a gust of wind that blew the dust away from himself.

"Abomination." Sastiel said, her voice boomed in a quiet tone. Her body began to emit white flames once more.

Okolu launched himself towards her, dust blew back from the force as he flew through the gates, his fist arched back.

In that moment, her irises ignited a bright orange, and the flames around Okolu's body ceased, his eyes dimmed, and his body fell into the ground, leaving a damaged path behind. His body stopped near Sastiel, his hand near her boot.

Sastiel turned her gaze to Kevra, whom was still unconscious. She looked down at Okolu, out cold as well. She should destroy this thing here and now. 'This isn't why I'm here.'

She turned away and proceeded to the palace once more, the small news ship  hovered above before it finally flew away. But way above the city, the Seraphim ship still loomed.


The throne room of Empress Ruth had eight grey marble pillars, with guards standing between them. A red carpet stretched from the entrance towards the two thrones. Orange lights along the pillars lit the way.

Incoming footsteps were heard, the guards turned their heads to the entrance, wide-eyed, mouth opened. They watched as the Seraphim, Sastiel, entered the throne room. Slowly, she walked towards the throne where Ruth and Lumina sat.

Leah stood next to them both, watching the Seraphim in awe, her eyes locked onto her wings.

Ruth kept her attention, urging her to frown, a beed sweat formed along her brow. She composed herself when the Seraphim stood before her.

Lumina looked at her mother, with awe, and so many questions.

"Mother, is that-"

"Quiet," Ruth said, looking at her, fear in her own eyes. She looked at the Seraphim once again.


"Greetings, your majesty," Sastiel said, she hated herself for showing respect to her.

"You heard we were coming, is that right?" She asked, but it was no question, more of a confirmation.

"Indeed I did," Ruth answered.

"Why are you here?"

"I came here to ask a favor," she said, her eyes locked onto Lumina. Sastiel could feel a large energy burning in her aswell. It surprised her to know there's more Ingens with their power.

"What kind of favor?" Ruth asked, glaring down at her.

"Since when do seraphims need help?"

"I arrived on my own," Sastiel said, she turned her gaze to Ruth.

"They don't know I'm here."

"Alright, I'll humor you," Ruth said, and let out a sigh.

"What do you want?"

"I need help from your strongest soldier," Sastiel answered.

"Aven was the name, was it?"

Ruth raised an eyebrow.

"You wasting your time, Aven isn't here." Ruth then gestured to her left where Leah stood.

"She is my strongest soldier."

Sastiel looked at Leah, slightly surprised she didn't notice her having a power of her own within her.

"Whatever happened to Aven?" She looked at Ruth.

"Imprisonment... Cthulhu," Ruth answered, a stern tone at the end.

Sastiel widened her eyes slightly.

"I see," she looked ahead of herself in wonder, remembering tales she heard about the galactic prison.

"Would you rather take her?" Ruth asked, taking Sastiel away from her thoughts.


"Yes," Ruth answered.

"Her name is Leah, she is Aven's younger sister, trained her himself. If anyone is more suited to help you, it is her."

"That explains the energy I sense," Sastiel simply said, and looked at Leah.

"So how about it, Ingen? You coming with me?"

Leah looked at Ruth before stepping forward slowly. She lowered her head to meet her gaze, puzzled look in her eyes.

"Help with what?"

"To hunt the Ingen named Silas," Sastiel simply said. Her words caused Ruth to widen her eyes in shock.