I think she is superhuman

Terrick carries Epie in his hand and walks with her into the forest. "Where are we going?" The little girl asks looking around but not scared that a stranger is taking her inside the forest. But they are not stranger right? Terrick already introduces himself. " we are going to visit a friend of mine. Epie nodded. They walk in silence for a while and this Epie is bored. " you don't even my name" she suddenly said when she remembers that Terrick doesn't know her name " what kind of friends are you guys? Friends who don't know their friend's name" she added and pouted her cute little pink lips.

"What is your name," Terrick asks to please her which is strange. Epie smiled and said " am calling Epie but my mom calls me E. Don't call me E only mom calls me that" she warn.