Rabel Girl

Este was expelled homeless a month after the man she called father had a son to succeed him. With the body of a little girl who had never known sports before, Este struggled to stand upright in the gatekeeper's old carriage so that she tasted the motion sickness.

The woman she called her mother could only cry as if she had lost her mind. Sarah kept looking at her little daughter with a depressed look, as if she had no desire to take care of herself anymore.

Seeing her tell the gatekeeper where they were going was a relief; she had no choice but to feel depressed at the thought that his future life was like a candle in the wind. Everything will dim and end.

"You damn bastard! If you intend to give me a gift, you should give a good gift, not something useless. That way, I will use it in this situation."

Erica couldn't let go of her hatred for the person who made her like this. Even though she felt exhausted, the curse in her heart did not go away. Meanwhile, she could feel the carriage stop, and they had finally arrived at their destination.

"Madam, Young Lady, we have arrived here."

Este stumbled with her staggered body and managed to get off the carriage. The dark streets were filled with noise and blinding lights. As she looked at the multi-story building in front of her, Sarah grabbed Este's hand.

"Come in. This is where my mother used to work. I'll ask the owner to let us stay for a while until we finally find a place to go."


When Sarah steps away into a life filled with splendour, she ends up being kicked out empty-handed and returning to the opera scene with her little daughter. At that moment, the opera owner, Maeve, looked intently at the illegitimate child with bright gold hair.

Harmony and Stephanie were utterly taken aback when Maeve was silent for a while before finally allowing Sarah and her daughter to stay inside her entertainment area. The opera owner was a woman who never showed mercy without profit. After all, when dealing with Maeve, there are always agreements to be made and agreed to on both sides. But it's possible she felt sympathetic to Sarah and her daughter that she gave them refuge to live in her opera house.

Even when Sarah couldn't get out of her slump because she was still in shock from being suddenly kicked out, the young Este took on errands in the opera to pay for the food the two ate. However, not long after their lives seemed to improve, rumours had it that Maeve received a special visit from Marquise Khan Wald, the legal wife of Este's father.

Harmony and Stephanie feel sorry for Sarah and her poor daughter, but Maeve doesn't take any action when Sarah becomes seriously ill. Este instead began to be told to wear a red wig and apply a particular fruit juice to her face shortly after the heart-wrenching incident happened.

And also, not long after Marquise Khan Wald's visit, Sarah, who had been suffering from a protracted illness for a long time, finally passed away. A process of death that feels awkward and so sudden.

Before the little girl could even process the reality, something strange happened. Although no one knows how the royal family found out, people say that her ex-husband sent bodyguards to retrieve Sarah's body from the opera.

The mother's sudden death caused the retrieval of Sarah's body by the bodyguards sent by the kingdom to take place quickly. After the sudden expulsion the other day, they still wanted to take what was left of Sarah, who had died.

So, many people think Maeve must be involved in all this dirty stuff too. And perhaps the woman felt guilty and seemed to want to give the actress a proper farewell by allowing the royals to take her body.

At the same time, Maeve let Este walk out of her room where she had been staying all this time. Maeve moved the girl to a small room next to the buffer room. Only Harmony and Stephanie volunteered to take care of such a young Este.

"Now the little girl has grown up and wants to be treated like an adult. Time flies."


Harmony, a property manager at Opera Empress. One of the best entertainment areas in the Arthurian Empire. She overturned her sharp gaze when she saw Este strolling.

"Este, can't you hear me? I said I need those pants fixed today; you heard me, right?" Harmony shouted.

The seam of the hunting pants that belong to the male actor's costume for the upcoming show entitled "Save Donatella" was torn during stage practice yesterday. Este forgot to fix the clothes to be worn at today's event. She immediately took the pants with a confused look.

"I'll do it now," Este said.

"We have less than an hour before the show. What have you been doing all this time? You have lots of new silly ideas because Lisa likes you so much, right?" Harmony hard drive.

Lisa is the best prime figure in Opera Empress right now. Harmony used to complain that Lisa had always spoiled Este since she was a little girl. She didn't even stop and kept nagging, saying, "Don't overestimate yourself," or "Wake up from your long dream and come back to reality!" in all the actions the girl did.

Showing the repaired pants, Este told her, "I will give the pants to them now. This simple repair should be done if you Harmony fix it yourself instead of having to wait and call me over and over."

**To Be Continued**