The Wine Incident

"No!" Maeve's voice suddenly echoed in her mind. If another woman could die in a physical attack while playing wild games in bed, what about her? This mistake could result in her being beheaded alive just because of the invasion of a bottle of wine.

"Your Majesty, forgive me. I'll clean it off you immediately," Este said with a pale look.

As she rushed toward the prince, she could see the man's jacket and pants stained with red wine, and she tried to wipe them with the hem of her dress. Then, quickly Este took a piece of her cloth from her chest because her skirt was so wet that the fabric could no longer absorb it. Este wipes the prince's jacket with the red material properly cloth. Slowly, she lifted her head gently to look at the atmosphere.

Este spills wine on a prince. The noble man before him was not an ordinary member of the Royal Family. Prince Carl Zeiss is second in line to the throne. Este, thinking about bad things, made her hands tremble automatically at the thought that he would punish her.

Contrary to what the girl thought, the expressionless prince remained sitting still. He let the girl do it. Having courage with her appearance, Este immediately apologised, "Your Majesty, please show mercy. I will do my best to clean it, but I can't control it now, and your clothes are still wet."

Este is now nagging Made, a cat who claims to be an angel in her dreams. Between praying and insulting, Este pleaded as if her life depended on the angel, hoping to survive again.

"I seem to have to give up all my pride here," she quipped.

It was strange looking at the prince with a trembling voice. The girl is now repeating her apology once again.

The prince should have exploded his anger like wildfire at her treatment. He might yell at his guards to change into wet clothes or call the opera owner responsible for the incident to put his heart at ease.

Prince Carl Zeiss didn't do what people generally react to do. He just sat sideways, silent, staring in one place, his chin resting on his right hand with his elbow supported by the other arm. The prince did not lose his graceful position in the slightest.

When Este saw what the man was looking for, she followed those eyes. She's trying to realise what the prince's eyes are. How embarrassed Este was when she realised that the man seemed to be staring at her chest.

The prince's neatly combed brows lifted, and Este quickly retreated due to her defensive instincts that seemed to have just activated. She now crossed her arms and tried to block the prince's view of her breasts.

"It's too late to cover up now," rebuked Prince Carl Zeiss.

As Este's face turned red, she couldn't be angry because her mistake was too heavy. The Prince turned to Marquis Arnold and said, "Did you see it? The light isn't as bright as I thought it would be here. So, I wonder if you could see it too?"

The man wanted to laugh when he saw a more exciting play than just an opera. He's been tilting his head ever since.

"Are you asking what I have seen? It was a women's dress with a shortcut. Isn't that what we always see?" he said.

"Do we always see? That's enough. Why was Jared gone for so long? I need to change clothes," said the prince.

Prince Carl Zeiss winked at Marquis Arnold, who was staring at his face. The man then stood at the code of the prince. He also looked at the trembling maid frozen in the corner, shrugged her shoulders, and then slowly walked out of the room.

Este and the prince in the curtained VIP seat took one step back. The girl now looked unsteady with a sense of anxiety that seemed to strangle her.

"Aren't you wondering about what I just saw?" the prince asked, leaning to the side as if he didn't care about his wet clothes.

Este took another step back again. She replied with a shake of her head; Este refused to think about anything because what the prince saw was her chest. The prince raised one hand and motioned for the girl to stop.

"I will forgive you for showing me something beautiful about the effects of this tragic wine tragedy. But if you walk around like this again, I don't think you'll be as lucky as you are now. Accompany me here until Jared returns," said the prince to the girl.

Hearing the words of forgiveness in the prince's deep and sexy voice, Este finally bowed ninety degrees and thanked the man.

"Are you seducing me? Was the signal I picked up wrong?" the prince asked the girl.

When she saw the prince slowly licking his lower lip and starting to speak in his deep voice with passion, Este finally realised why he was Arthur's most popular male figure. The girl shook her head so hard she felt numb. Este even removed the wet cloth from her hands to cover her breasts.

"No, Your Majesty. I don't know what signal you mean. I just wanted to thank you for your forgiveness. I'm not a flashy person here, so can I go now?" Este said, defending herself.

Prince Carl Zeiss watched the maid closely. He saw that the girl had coarse brick-red hair and a dull brown face. Her eyes shone, seeing her smooth-looking skin and the eyes that shone like jewels on her thin face. The prince also observed the girl's beautiful little pink lips.

Moreover, she hastily put the red cloth back into her chest cavity. Even though the fabric was already wet with a pool of spilt wine, it created a more alluring spectacle for her.

Este has a reasonably deep chest line, unlike her youthful and innocent appearance. An impression that is usually only owned by an actress. The best chest the prince has ever seen, of course. In addition, the slightly visible spectacle of her bowing made other viewers who saw this must also feel quite anxious.