The story began @13th of April 1975 at the early spark of Lebanese civil war with Paul a very shy student who lost his father at the early age of his twenties whereby he was left with two choices either to leave his high school in order to work for his living or to ask the school principal for a scholarship for his last year as a High school student Frenchman class 7 th secondary in order to proceed with his education normally with same school which he had spent all his years of education already.

Paul started witnessing fear of failure as a student at that specific moment when the principal Mr. Colin white accepted granting him one year scholarship if and only if he continued getting high grades 80 and above in most of his subjects otherwise ,he will definitely cancel his scholarship there and then.

Paul accepted this challenge because he had no choice; he was living with his Sister Grace and his lovely mother Rima who was so sad for his father's loss and she was mostly at grief most of the time.

Rima had suffered pain and headaches due to minor depression and hypertension immediately after her husband's death.

Grace however, her school did not grant her scholarship the last two years she spent there was paid from her elder brother Peter and her mother's family.

Peter as their elder brother left school and had to work at any job that was available by then in order to support the small family.

In this atmosphere ,the story took place leaving Paul in solitude face to face to his fears he and his brother had to take care of their mother who was so anguished and their younger sister who had nobody but them and who was totally distressed after her father's death for she was the pampered girl of her father Charlie.

Paul studied day and night facing the challenges to pass his class at good grades;he had to overcome his financial difficulties and his sadness over his father's death by any means.

Due to the mounting pressure at home and the fear of failure at school he witnessed stomach ache with pain due to excessive anxiety encountered.

Bearing in mind that Paul's fear was magnified after his stress and his worries got expanded and was fearfully accumulated and seriously aggravated as time lapsed with series of consecutive losses and fearful events.