4.Causes and symptoms of fear.

Causes of Fear

1.Certain specific objects or situations (spiders, snakes, heights, flying, etc)

2.Future events.

3.Imagined events.

4.Real environmental dangers.

5.The unknown.

Physical symptoms of fear.



3.hot flushes or chills.

4.shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.

5.a choking sensation.

6.rapid heartbeat (tachycardia)

7.pain or tightness in the chest.

8.a sensation of butterflies in the stomach.

Basically fear is due to various reasons during early childhood time bearing in mind the source of fear can be triggered by excessive anxiety due to anger sadness or fear of upcoming unpleasant circumstances or the unknown that might happen.

Fear also might be triggered by excessive anxiety due to stress depression and due to sadness that one had encountered recently.

The fear of failure is also a kind of fear that often stems from a fear of experiencing shame or embarrassment in front of family friends and acquaintances.

Bearing in mind that Failing can trigger feelings of worthlessness from disappointment, regret, and sadness.

Ten ways to fight your fears

1.Take time out .It's impossible to think clearly 2.when you're flooded with fear or anxiety ;take it easy calm yourself.

Breathe if one has panicked through yoga exercise it can help.

3.Face your fears right away will minimise the feelings.

4..Imagine the worst scenario happening

5.Look at the evidence at hand that substantiate one's fear.

6.Don't try to be perfect. ...

7.Visualise a happy place in your mind.

8.Talk about it will clear your mind about fear.

9. Think positive always.

How can I train my mind to overcome fear?

1.Be Aware of It.

2.Accept that There are Things one Cannot Control or alter.

3.Dig a Little Deeper.

4.Practice Mindfulness.

5.Fall Back on the Power of Positivity.

6.Use Visualization Techniques that can be relaxing

7.Make Time for Movement.Make a move to another place

8.Don't Forget your Self-Care always through practising yoga or visiting special doctors who can use techniques to overcome the symptoms of fear there and then.

Strategies to Overcome Fear and Anxiety

Step 1: Learn More About Your Fear. ...

Step 2: Use your Imagination in Positive Ways. ...

Step 3: Use Your Brain in a Different Way than Usual. ...occupy your mind with other things

Step 4: Focus on Your Breathing regularly

Step 5: Practice Mindfulness. ...

Step 6: Use Nature as Your Therapist.

Step7:Rely on prayer and faith will wipe it away.

When you become fearful and hesitant, your brain is focusing on loss aversion, meaning that it's trying to protect you from harm. It's an adaptive strategy that kept our ancestors from getting killed.

Sit quietly for a few minutes and observe your thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations. Write down what comes up.

Paul studied day and night he had to overcome his financial difficulties and his sadness because of his father's loss. Due to the immense mounting pressure at home and the fear of failure at school he witnessed stomach ache with a sensation of butterflies in the stomach it was coupled with shortness of breath and with difficulty breathing at times and rapid heartbeat (tachycardia) in rare cases.