Dimitri Delacroix's point of view


I KNOW I SHOULDN'T HAVE said that, and it was an ass move. No need to remind me. Even Jean got startled when I said that, and I also could believe those words came out of my mouth. Especially after her dad and her brother told us that she got kind of traumatized after she tortured the guy.

But again, I was impulsive and spoke without thinking just to provoke her. I shouldn't… It's wrong to joke with others' traumas.

"Why the fuck did you say that to her?" Jean exclaimed. "That was a really low move, Dimitri. Even for you, my friend," sigh.

"I… Fuck… I messed up!"


"Should I… I don't know, maybe go after her and apologize?" He chuckled to that, but got serious when he saw I wasn't joking.

His jaw dropped, "Your stubborn ass want to apologize? Are you, perhaps, sick?" He mocked.

"I'm serious, Jean. Damn it!"