Chapter 23

Early Monday morning, Melody was already at the Starlight building, she did not want what happened in the past to happen again.

She did not want to get involved with or attached to anyone so, she had to keep her guard up at all times, especially around Damian who was shattering her defenses without her permission and he was doing so easily.

The way her body betrays her around him is still a mystery to her and it scares her.

She walked into his office, looked around, and did not see anyone inside she sighed in relief. She approached his desk and had everything arranged in an orderly manner ready for him.

She was about to turn around and leave the president's office when she heard his voice behind her. "Good morning darling". Her body froze and she dared to turn around.

'How did he get in without me knowing it? At least there should have been a sound from the door to alert me.

Damian had made sure he came earlier than her to the office. Since it wasn't working hours yet he was not at his desk but on the sofa with his back facing the door.

He heard her open the door and come in, he saw her looking around to find if there were any traces of him inside the room, he made sure she did not see him and stayed that way until he was sure she was about to leave.

Melody had been avoiding him like a plague even before the previous week ran out. He did not want things to continue that way so he had to work harder. Waking up and coming to work earlier than he usually does has become a part of his routine now.

When he did not hear her reply nor did she make any attempt to turn around, he approached her, snaked his hands around her waist, hugged her from behind, and greeted, "Good morning darling".

He said and placed his chin on her shoulder before nuzzling his nose on her neck and breathing in her sweet scent that smelled like milk and honey.

"How was your weekend, did you miss me?" he asked sounding like a drunk. Her scent intoxicated him at that moment.

Feeling his arms around her waist, his minty breath brushing against her skin, and his sweet masculine scent she was lost for some minutes. Hearing his magnet voice so close to her ear made her body shake on its own in response to him.

She was able to get her sense back after a little while and tried to speak but failed many times. At long last, she was only able to call out his name in stutters. "Pres... President Frost".

"Yes, darling". He answered still not letting go of her.

"How was your weekend?" he asked.

Melody did not know how to react. Should she answer him or should she just not say anything? She did not know.

Not hearing a word from her or getting any reaction, he spun her around and made her face him. "Is anything the matter?" he asked cupping one side of her face. Worry and concern were visible in his expression.

Her silence bothered him very much. He wanted her both in no way would want her to get hurt in his presence or because of him. Right at that moment, he was already a thing of the worse.

"When did you get in?" Melody asked still in a daze.

At her words, he realized that she had only just been shocked and nothing too serious. He breathes in relief at the realization.

"I have been here the whole time sweetheart. Is there a problem?". He asked.

"Mhm... Mhm". She said while shaking her head. She has still not made any effort to push away. His presence has rendered her powerless.

She was looking at him with her pure and innocent eyes that had the power to drown him and he got lost in them for a moment. Looking at her like that he felt like kissing her.

Using one hand, moved the stray strands from her face behind her ear and cupped her cheek with the same hand while the other still held her waist. He leaned forward and placed a light and gentle kiss on her lips.

The kiss lasted five seconds and he pulled away. It wasn't long but the emotions the kiss conveyed were enough to let her know his interests and intentions toward her.

Damian looked at her flushed face and was glad to see her that way.

"I love you. Please give me a chance to love you". He said still holding on to her waist cheek and staring deep into her amber eyes.

Melody looked into his blue eyes and saw the love and admiration that he had for her in them. She could no longer handle all of it and a hut her eyes turned her face away from him without saying a word.

She did not know what to say. At this point, she felt powerless against him so she kept quiet standing there and letting him hold her.

"When you are ready, you can tell me how you feel but please do not avoid me, It first hurts me more than you could ever imagine". Damian said in a very tender voice while raising her chin so she could look into his eyes.

What she saw in his eyes was pain as he said those words to her. She felt a sharp pain in her heart after seeing the hurt look in his eyes and almost gave in to him.

Melody took a step back trying to get away from him before all her built walls crumbled in his presence. She could not let anyone into her so easily. She just could not and she will make sure of it, to guard her heart against everyone, especially Damian.

He was dangerous and she had to fight against him with all her might if she was to succeed. Well, there was the option of quitting, but for some reason, she did not want to quit.

Damian felt her moving and sighed inwardly. He released her from his hold and hurriedly left him alone feeling empty once again.