Chapter 57

Gale stood by the window as he looked down at the street. His mind wandered far back into the past. How he got to where he was now. He began to wonder if everything would have been like this had he made a different decision. Had Jacob not taken his family back then he wouldn't have had to join hands with them. Melody wouldn't have left and maybe they would have still been together.

He sighed and shook his head to clear his thoughts. That was not what he should be thinking about now. The more important thing now was how to break off of Jacob's clutches and there were only three choices he had left,

One was to join hands with Melody and fight against him, but he doubted she would ever trust him again and accept him even if he were to come and kneel before her. She had changed. She was no longer the Melody that he used to know. So that plan was thrown out the window.