Chapter 77

Two days after her return to Empire City sat in a restaurant looking out at floor to ceiling glass window overlooking the city. She had set up a date with Damian but could not sit around at home and wait for the time to come so she just made her way here. She would wait for him here until he comes.

She would often look between her phone and the city outside the window not caring about what and who walked past where she was in. Her eyes casted down at her phone as she texted back to Diana whining about not having models good enough to launch her new products. A faint smile appeared on her face as she imagined the serious look on the face of Diana ordering everybody around. She was always very serious whenever there was something that is related to her career.

"Don't scare them away just because you think they are not good enough, you need your workers," she texted and waited for her reply. She looked out the window again until there was a ding on her phone.