What did you do to him?

"Give him back to me and I will leave immediately," Ace said. He couldn't allow anything to happen to Sam, he made a promise to keep and protect him and that was a promise that he would keep no matter what or who got in the way.

Hans didn't move a muscle when Ace tried to get past him and confront Damian himself since his lackey was of no help.

"We do not have him with us, Young Master Ace, you have been mistaken.* Hans said. His expression, placid and tone flat with no emotion in it. He didn't care about this Sam, Ace was talking about but they didn't have him so there was no way they could pull him out of the air and hand him over to Ace.

"Damian, I know you can hear me… and see me, give him back to me if you have him," Ace said, now looking at the door. On its frame, there was a micro camera which was well hidden and many wouldn't know it was there but he did. He had used many of those to know where one was placed.