The past 2: If anything happens

Melody arrived home and went up to her room where she hid the box. Taking a bath, she decided it was time to reply to Scarlett's many calls and messages.

She opened the messages and found an invitation to a party that Scarlett was throwing for their class. As one of her best friends, she decided to go. It wouldn't be right that she was throwing a party and one of her two best friends were in attendance.

She was about to type her reply to Scarlett when her phone rang again and it was another call from Scarlett. Melody shook her head and slid her thumb on the receive button.

"Hey, Scar," Melidy said as soon as it was connected.

"Did you see my messages? Why didn't reply? I called you many times too, but I was ignored. Are you avoiding me?" Scarlett throws all the questions at her.