Cooking together 1

Melody ended up coming down to the kitchen with Damian following behind her. He had asked for a dish his mother used to make while she was alive but she did but know how to make it so he followed her down to tell her what to do while sat down and watched.

"It is not a difficult dish to prepare, so relax. You can always ask me to help if you need it," he said and she shook her head. "Fine, I'll do as you say, I will just sit here and watch you cook."

Damian had no objection to just watching her cook in his house. Seeing her in the kitchen and her willingness to cook fur him was enough to make him eat whatever she would cook no matter what it tastes like.

"I not am bad at cooking, so all you need to do it tell what needs to be done. I promise you will have a great meal." Melody promised tying an Apron.