A talk with Ace 1

A few hours later, Melody was back to the study as she tried to use work as a means of distraction from the gnawing pain in her heart. She should go and talk to Damian, that much she knew but she was hesitant. She wanted to get to the root of the problem before going to him or waiting for him to come to her.

The screen of her phone lit up followed by the ding sound of a notification. The hand that held the pen paused and her eyes directed to the phone. Seeing that it was a message for Smith, she opened it and there, she found the photo taken through CCTV cameras from a traffic light.

Her eyes squinted at the image of the man that she saw. "Sam," she muttered. She could never forget that man. Her expression hardened as she came to realize that the mastermind was none other than Ace Frost, Sam's master.

She picked up her phone and called Abigail. "We have someone to visit," Abigail hummed despite not knowing where or who they were visiting.