A rock and a hard place


This question left Damian stunned for a while. Although he had requested her concern for this, her immediate response had him stunned. He stared at her momentarily lost for words.

"Something wrong?" Melody asked, seeing him just staring at her wordlessly with a disbelieving gaze.

"Are you sure?" He didn't want her to do it just because he said so but because she wanted to.

Melody took a moment to understand what she should be sure about. A smile curved at the corners of her lips, she cocked her head to the side and raised a brow. "Did you expect a 'no' from me?"

"... No. I don't know what I was expecting," Damian truthfully said and her smile broadened. "I want it at your time. Whenever you want."

At his words, Melody remembered the current problem that needed to be dealt with. The rumors and then her visit to the island. Was there time? When would be the right time? She asked herself but could not give the answers to the questions.