Sister Hin's Condition

After taking a closer look at his face, I was able to spot some noticeable differences. Unlike Uncle Albert, who had a pointy chin and a longer face, the Mayor had a squarish face.

Although the way they kept their hair and the way they talked also seemed familiar at first, he had a much more authoritative and powerful aura around him, one that automatically gave me an urge to humble myself in his presence, unlike Uncle Albert, whose presence was as distinct as a mere grey stone in a sea of boulders.

He was also wearing all black like how Uncle Albert used to wear but his clothes were clearly more expensive and refined when compared to Uncle Albert.

In a way, he looked exactly like how I would imagine that stoic shopkeeper to look in an official position.

He was done speaking by the time I had arrived but looking at my crying aunt and my dismal uncle, I could reckon that the news that they heard wasn't pleasant at all.

My hopes were dashed before I could figure out the words I should speak. I thought about pleading but didn't dare to open my mouth anymore when I considered that Aunt Nefaly would have already pleaded enough.

The Mayor's gaze suddenly turned to me and my father as we subconsciously bowed our backs even more. He gave me a perplexed glance before speaking to my father, "You're Barlow Windsor?"

"Yes, sir", My father replied in a nervous voice.

By now, the bleak couple within the room had also noticed our presence. Uncle Manto stepped forward to speak for my father when he saw him looking uneasy,

"Mr. Barlow is a dear friend of mine and a loyal and prolific guide, My Lord."

He used the term 'My Lord' when addressing the Mayor, which made me realize that even after being retired from his post, Uncle Manto still considered himself a part of it, and was quite proud of it since only the city guards were allowed to address the Mayor like that.

Technically, every guard within the city was within his jurisdiction, whether retired or not, but most of the guards that were forced to retire early wouldn't address him like that.

The Mayor nodded slightly at his sincere and submissive tone. His gaze towards my father also turned a little less stern.

As I was observing all that and overthinking everything, I felt a chilly stare falling on me again. It was Aunt Nefaly. She still seemed to be blaming me for the state of Sister Hin, and I… shared her sentiments, therefore, I could only look down at the ground again.

Unlike last time, however, Uncle Manto saw it. As the Mayor and my father made small talk, he pacified her in whispers and sent her inside.

My attention was placed on Sister Hin again as I thought, 'How good would it be if she just woke up with a smile and told me that she has forgiven me?'

I also wanted to remove the blanket covering her to check the state of her arm, but I was afraid of behaving rashly in the presence of richer and better Uncle Albert.

He sensed my look and promptly turned back to look at me with a stiff smile. I was intimidated by whatever he was trying to do and took a few steps backward.

Only then did I realize that he was probably trying to calm me. Remembering that I still had a lot of questions to ask him, I stopped and looked at him again.

"What's your name, kiddo?" He asked in a soft voice, unlike how he was talking to the two men.

I tried my best to give a presentable smile, but it probably looked even worse than his since his face turned a little strange upon hearing me reply with a stutter, "T-Tiffany."

"You don't have to be afraid, Tiffany, I wouldn't harm you. Do you want me to check for any curses that might be hiding within you?" His voice turned even gentler, but I got even more afraid, assuming that he might lash out at me anytime.

"Y-Yes, please."

"Good, then step forward." He didn't seem to mind my disrespectful manners and put a hand over my head as he closed his eyes.

For two minutes, he stood like that with his eyes closed. I didn't know what to do at a time like that and so I turned to my father for advice, who gestured to me to stay motionless.

I knew that I was being scanned but I didn't know how that worked. I was just attempting to not disturb his concentration.

When he opened his eyes, he appeared relieved and calm as he turned to the two waiting gentlemen and told them that I was fine.

Then, they began to talk again but their topics kept jumping from one place to another, like how it was hard to make children stay in one place, how dangerous Crimson Lake was, and how there was a shortage of manual laborers in the city recently.

Who knew when they would start talking about growing cabbages? I couldn't afford to wait anymore, and so I started firing my questions,

"Um, Mr. Mayor, how long will Sister Hin sleep? Do you have any medicine that can heal her? Where do we find medicine like that?"

All three of them turned to gawk at me. I could understand my father and Uncle Manto's surprise since although my questions were honest, I hadn't humbled myself enough to ask them.

As for the Mayor, he probably didn't think I would butt into his conversation like that. It was probably because of his resemblance to Uncle Albert that made me spread my wings. He only expressed a mild surprise though, but he answered my question after that, "I think some of your questions are quite off, little Tiffany. You see, she's not ill, therefore, there isn't a medicine that could cure her but there are herbs that would ensure that her condition doesn't worsen, and the 'Mayor's courtyard' would make sure that the supply of those herbs is consistent.

As for what happened to her, it is simple, she was cursed, and it was a powerful curse at that, one that made her 'essence' dormant.

You'll understand more about it when you grow up. Don't worry though, she is just sleeping. She might not even feel the passing of time in that state, so when she wakes up, it'll just be another day for her.

Sadly, I cannot help her purge that curse completely but I'll make it so that it doesn't harm her or develop anymore."

My father was about to apologize to the Mayor for me in the beginning but he was held back with a wave of his hands as he explained everything to me in simple terms.