The Eve Before Departure

I spent the next day packing my bags, remembering the things I needed to take for my journey, and arranging them.

Occasionally, I would find one thing or the other that I didn't want to leave behind but didn't have space to take along.

I also found my old stash, my childhood collections of old, antique, and exotic necklaces, gems, jewels, and beautiful stones.

Suddenly finding those gave me an intense nostalgia. I showed it to Chloe as the two of us sat together and reminisced about that time. Chloe was already going to be 14 soon. She didn't remember much of her childhood adventures and wasn't as spirited as before but I remembered lots of the stories that I kept telling her.

Ashamed and lost, she kept on giggling adorably as she also recalled some of our travels. Occasionally, she would butt in to add her perspective to my narrative and we would argue like little kids when that happened.

"No no no, it wasn't like that. You wanted this red gemstone for yourself, sis, when did I ever want it?"

"Hehe, you seem to have forgotten a lot, little Chloe, back then, you used to pester us for every gem that we could find, whether it be a single gemstone, a piece of jewelry, or a mounted one. Do you remember how you cried when we threw away the odd stones that you collected along the way? We even had to listen to mumma nag for hours because you had dirtied all your clothes to carry them home."

"Ah, I remember. Next day, Sis Hin had given me so many of them but I still had a long face because my favorite pink stone was lost, haha…"

"Hmm, she had woken up early to collect all that she could find. She had even taken me along for that. Such a thoughtful elder Sis she is…"

As we began talking about our wild adventures, Sis Hin's name naturally propped up, which made the conversation heavy for both of us. By that time, Chloe had also grown up enough to know what exactly had transpired back then with her other older sister. She was aware of how the incident had affected me.

Therefore, when the conversation came to a halt, she silently leaned on my arm and put her head down on my shoulder to comfort me.

It made me realize that with the passing of time, little Chloe had grown up as well. Who knew how much more she would've changed by the time I came back? Nobody could answer my riddles for me, and perhaps I didn't want an answer either. Nevertheless, it was heartwarming to reminisce about the old times with my cute little partner-in-crime.

After that, I went to Rowan's room to check how he was faring but as soon as I opened the room, I found him having trouble fitting his books in his bag.

He looked confused and nervous. I didn't blame him. I was experiencing the same trouble. Leaving him to his own devices, I finally broke the wall between me and my mother, after which she kept following me everywhere while telling me to avoid this and that outside.

Her lectures weren't going to end before I left home, therefore, I utilized her presence and got help with my packing.

The next day, she woke me up in the morning and taught me a few dishes that I could cook if I felt hungry. Her nagging was very heartwarming, something that I would be reminded of time and time again.

My father also stayed home, since we were going to be leaving the next day but he didn't talk. Perhaps, he also shared my nervousness and hesitation, the feeling of wanting to talk but not knowing what to say.

Only at the dinner table did he revert to his previous self. He had brought expensive dishes and sweets, believing that sweet things would happen to us if we ate sweets before we left.

These little superstitions weren't based on any evidence but were still quite gratifying to experience since they were ingrained in our culture and gave us a sense of belonging.

I didn't know if people did that in the capital too. If they didn't, then it would keep reminding me of my home every time I ate sweets.

When we were done with our dinner, none of us stood up and none of us said anything. The atmosphere was uncomfortable. All of us had something to say but couldn't bring it out.

We were aware that it was going to be our last dinner together.

Surprisingly, Chloe, who rarely talked much in the presence of my father, was the first to open her mouth,

"Papa, can I go with Sis and brother as well?"

He looked at her pitiful face and made a helpless expression as if he didn't know whether to laugh or cry,

"No", he gave his simple reply, which made Chloe's hopeful face scrunch into a frown.

Then, he turned to me and emotionally started guiding me for the last time before I left. Mom also interrupted him frequently to add to his sentences.

This went on for a long time. I was still able to keep an obedient and attentive face, but Rowan had started yawning not long after it had begun.

It reminded me that although he could speak his mind when the time called for it, he still wasn't adept at reading the mood of the group and was socially very inept.

Even Chloe didn't leave her seat that day and continued to emotionally stare at me as I listened to my parents' stream of advice.

He kept emphasizing that we had to keep writing letters or he would come looking for us in the capital. Rowan was also taught the need to go out more and to talk to more people, otherwise, it would not be good for his mind, but he only blankly nodded his head now and then to indicate that he was listening.

Finally, the focus of the talk turned back to me. He told me that he had asked around about the Central Academy but none of the folks from our area had entered it to be able to give him an accurate understanding of it. Still, he was able to infer how hard the entrance was going to be.

He told me that I didn't have to stress about it but only focus on giving it my all so that I wouldn't have any regrets in the future.

In the end, he added that I should come back home as soon as possible if I didn't get selected for the Central Academy and instead try my luck at the Provincial Academy, from where I could graduate to become an official in the Kingdom and acquire high-quality vampire blood that way.

I seriously nodded and understood that it was probably the best course of action. Back then, I knew practically nothing about the Central Academy or its entrance examination other than the fact that it happened every year and was very difficult to clear.

My ambitions, intentions, or wishes weren't going to help me there. Until then, I was neglecting the sheer difficulty of the task but his words pulled me back to the ground and made me think of it more realistically.

With that, I went back to my room and tried to sleep but as before every big day in my life, I had my eyes closed but my anxious mind didn't let me sleep until the pressure of everything exhausted me and I slept not long before it was time to wake up.

That time though, even Chloe wasn't able to sleep. I kept feeling her shifting and changing postures all night.

I felt bad for her. For someone as outgoing and friendly as her, she sure didn't have as many friends or companions that she should have had.

The next morning when I woke up with Chloe's arm around my waist and her teary face rubbing on my sleeves, I could only guiltily ask her if there was something I could bring back for her.

She shook her head and told me to write letters for her, telling her of the outside world and the interesting people I would be meeting. I agreed and continued embracing her until it was time to have one final breakfast.