Wait, what, a prince?

Right after Drax had woken up from his conversation with Violet, he found his face stuffed full of rotten fish by a certain plant. Although it wasn't the best wake-up call, he got her back with a large bucket of water. Unfortunately, it didn't do very much to her as Drax forgot one simple fact, she's a plant. The water just slid off her, so it didn't really feel like an achievement. Anyway, after waking up to Gale's rude wake-up call Drax went downstairs where he found his mother, Kuro, waiting for him.

Apparently, she wanted to show him around the village a little. She also wanted Drax to meet some important people in the village. So, after catching up with Kuro for a second, they started to walk around as she started showing him around the village. It turns out the village had quite a few interesting things that he didn't expect to find in a village run by plants.

There was a school, library, and a public cafeteria on top of all of the buildings having plumbing! (Why would plants even need plumbing?) But after thinking about it some more, he decided that it actually made some sort of sense. After all, the village gets many visitors, so a plumbing system was of course a must. After Kuro showed him a few more places, it was finally time to meet the leader and other important people of the village.

Walking around for a bit, they finally arrived at a large building located at the very center of the village. Walking up to the building's front door and swinging it open with her paw, Kuro casually walked inside the house as Drax followed. As soon as they entered the house, his mother turned towards the left, where a long hallway was located. On each side of the hallway stood twelve long doors, each one with a different symbol on it. Walking down the hallway, they eventually came upon a door having a large red flower circled by golden colored bubbles.

Walking up to the door, Kuro balled up her paw into a fist before giving three strong knocks on the door. Soon after, the sound of shuffling could be heard before the door slowly creaked open. Letting his eyes roam across the room, Drax was instantly drawn to its center, where 3 symbiote plants as well as one person who looked be from the tiger clan were sitting. The appearance of the three plants was slightly different from those he had seen before in that it wasn't their bodily features that made them look different, but what they wore.

Unlike the other plants in the village, these actually had some kind of clothes on. The symbiote plant located on the far left was wearing a weird kind of cloth that wrapped around its stem. The cloth seemed to be made of a shiny material that looked a lot like silk. The Cloth was blue and clung tightly to the plant. And similar to this plant, the other two were also wearing the same kind of clothing.

The only difference was that each cloth was a different color. From left to right their colors were blue, green, and white. While these three had a cloth hung around them, so did the tiger king except hers was black and she wore it like a scarf. One by one, each of them started introducing themselves to me. From left to right, their names, and jobs were:

Gallard/// male/// (Chief of the symbiote tribe and father of Gale)[Blue]

Blossom/// female/// (Secretary of Gallard and in charge of the village defenses)[Green]

Kyle/// male///(Medical doctor of the symbiote plant tribe)[White]

Kira/// female///(Guild master of the adventures guild located at the edge of the symbiote plant tribe.)[Black]

Drax///male///(Me, your adorable little fox)

After everyone introduced themselves, they all took a seat at the center of the room, where various chairs and Cushions were placed. Jumping onto a large and round cushion that looked quite similar to a bean bag chair and felt just about the same, Drax laid his body down. Sweeping his two tails around his body, Drax laid one tail under his head while playing with his other tail as he waited for everyone to be seated. Hearing Kuro start to talk, he swiveled his head in her direction. "Now that we have all introduced ourselves, I think it's about time we get started."

Kuro Gave a nod toward Gallard the symbiote plant who gave a nod in return before speaking. "Drax, although your mother did bring you here, so you could meet us in person, that is not the whole reason that you were brought here." Although Drax twisted his head in confusion, he waited on Gallard to continue speaking. "We've been having some trouble with monsters outside the village and are in need of some help, so we decided to ask you. Ms. Kuro brought it to the attention that you will not be going with her once she goes back to her homeland.

"Once she leaves, you would need a place to stay as well as a way to make money. And after speaking with her for a bit, we found that this way would make it easier on you. All you would need to do is hunt a few of the roaming monsters around the village, so the common villager will have a lower chance of being harmed whenever they go outside the village." Stiffening from this knowledge, Drax hurriedly asked his mother, "Wait, you're leaving? Why? But I just met you"

Giving him a sad smile, Kuro said, "Unfortunately I'm not allowed to be away for too long. Although I haven't said anything, you could say that from where I'm from, I could be considered something next to royalty. You see, your father is the alpha of a very big pack. This pack governs all known beast packs including ones that aren't part of the fox race. Position wise, your father is commander of pretty much every known beast race that you could think of. This also includes most of the beast kin races as well. Your father is what humans would refer to as a king and, me being his mate, would make me a queen." Looking at his mother in surprise. Drax had a mild shock go through his brain as the gears in his head started to turn.

"Wait, if you're the alpha's mate and queen of our race and I'm your son, then in technicality, that would make me a…" "A prince" Finishing his sentence, Kuro looked at Drax as she started to observe my reaction to the news. Feeling his body freeze up in shock, Drax couldn't do anything as his mind seemed to center around one sentence. (I'm a prince!!!)