Stupid me

When I woke up, my whole body was aching as hell.

But I couldn't show it on my face.

They are gonna make fun of me, if I did !

I met two new guys today.

Lauren and Jules.

Among them, Lauren belongs to the same category as Derek, he is a flirt !

Jules is something else.

His mere presence made me feel comfortable.

When he reached out and helped me getting up and put the pillow behind my back.

The way he caressed my head and unknowingly I let myself melt in his touch.

I liked his presence.

After Dominic, he is someone I think I'll definitely get comfortable around.

I mean, Derek and Lauren are flirts and Cole isn't a flirt but he is way too much intimidating.

I mean, he isn't like scary looking or something, but he is very cold at heart.

And I can't stand coldness.

The guys told me that, Michael sent his men to hurt me but, these guys caught them and sent behind the bars.

But, Derek thinks, if he sent them once and they couldn't finish their work, he may again send someone else to hurt me.

And he wants me to file complaint against Michael or my Dad !

How could I ?

He'll seriously kill me for doing this.

And my Dad would die of the defaming !

And I don't want to be the reason of my father's death.

Already, my Mom is missing and I don't want to loose my whole family !

But, if looked from Derek's view, the departments would only provide me the security if, they really think my life could be in danger.

And filing complaint against mayor's son can get me millions of reasons to be get killed by him or his men !

I must admit, Derek may be out and out a flirt; but his brain is sharp as a sword !

I'll give him the credit but, still I can't do this to my Dad !

" You are right, Derek.

But I really can't do this to my Dad. "

I said shaking my head.

" Don't you trust us that, we would save you from Michael ? "

Derek asked.

" No, no. Ofcourse not !

I trust you guys and that's why I am here chatting with you all, or else I would have called cops by now and asked them to shift me to some more safe place that this.

It's not that I think you guys can't protect me from Michael and his guys.

But I can't do this to my Father !

He loves his fame, he won't survive defaming.

I've already almost lost my Mom.

I haven't heard from her and I don't want to loose the last member of my family just yet ! "

I said swallowing hard at the heavy words.

" Are you serious right now ?

Your family ?

What family ?

The father who knew his own daughter is being used by his stepson, yet he didn't find its his duty to stop and punish his son ?

You want to save that family ?

And what for ? "

Cole said gritting his teeth in anger.

Doesn't he have a family ?

How insensitive could anyone be towards their own father ?

I am right, he IS cold !

" How could you say that ?

It's very insensitive ! "

I snapped at him.

He got on my nerves.

" Cole, let it be.

If she don't want to... "

Jules tried to interrupt between us.

" Let her do whatever she wants.

Let's not get involved in her personal matter. "

Dominic said taking his side.

What's wrong with these guys ?

Why are they suddenly behaving like they want to stop both of us from using more words ?

Like they don't want me to talk about family more and stop him from being cold with me.

" Then, what about her protection ?

We need to protect her. "

Derek said sticking to his words.

" Is she your family ?

Why do you so desperately want to protect her, if she don't need our protection ?

She can live on her own.

Nobody have stopped her from doing whatever the fuck she wants ! "

Cole said coldly.

What ?

What the fuck ?

Why do he have to be this cold ?

" I haven't asked anyone of you to protect me, have I ?

You have saved my life and I am more than greatful to you all for that, but I haven't asked for anything, have I ? "

I said raising my voice as the blood within me started to boil at his coldness.

" No, no.

You haven't !

Please don't take him seriously... "

Lauren said jumping between us.

" Please calm down, dear.

This much hypertension isn't good for your body right now. "

Dominic said in his doctorly concern.

" We are doing this from our side, love.

You haven't asked for anything from us.

You know he is... "

Derek said trying to calm me down.

" She isn't your relative !

You don't have to lick her ass and lie to her for anything at all ! "

Cole said more coldly.

" What the fuck !

How dare you ?

I had made my mind not to file complaint against you guys, because you DID saved my life !

But you know what, I am gonna do that now. These guys won't suffer because of you !

I am gonna file complaint against you only ! "

I said boiling with rage

" In that case, let me tell you something, Dominic was the one driving the car not me !

Go ahead and file complaint.

Go ahead ! "

Cole said crossing his arms.

" I didn't said I am gonna do it because you guys hit me !

I am gonna do it for publically harassing me verbally.

And that my dear, only you have done and no one from of these guys !

Shall I proceed now ? "

I said crossing my arms.

" No ! Stop.

Please, I apologise for his behaviour, Ashley.

But please, don't do that. "

Derek said eagerly.

" You don't have to apologise me for what you haven't done ! "

I said calmly to him.

" Do whatever you want to.

I am not gonna apologise to you !

And are you blackmailing me or what ?

I can arrest you at this moment, for blackmailing an on duty Cop !

Now, shall I proceed ? "

Cole said raising his eyebrows.

Is he for real ?

He is now blackmailing me !

" Well, I guess your family don't love you and you don't love them either.

Because if that was the case, you would have better known what it is to sacrifice for our family.

What it is to hurt our parents.

What it is to be the reason for their defame or their death !

And I don't want to do any of these things ! "

I said being cold just like he was to me.

" Ashley ! "

All of them almost yelled at me for saying that.

What the hell ?

" What ?

Am I saying anything wrong ?

Why are you guys yelling at me ?

Tell your friend to mind his tongue.

What kind of language is he using for me ?

I know he is your friend, but it doesn't gives him the right to utter any bullshit for me ! "

I said clenching my teeth in fury.

" Cole.

Cole !

Stop, Cole !

She don't know anything.

Cole please, stop.

She didn't meant that ! "

Derek called for him when stormed out of the room in fury.

What the hell ?

I did meant what I said !

" Who told you that ?

I meant each word I said just now !

He is so insensitive !

How dare he saying such heartless things about me ?

And you guys ?

Instead of telling him to shut his mouth, you are telling him that, I didn't meant what I said ?

How could you guy ?

Right, I am stupid to think you guys would take my side !

After all, you are his friends, I am not your relative, right ? "

I said feeling offended because of them.

" Shut up, Ashley ! "

Dominic yelled at me and I flinched at his tone.

" Dominic !

What are you...

Ashley, he didn't meant to yell at you like that. "

Derek said defending his friend.

" Do you have anything else to say other than, he/she doesn't mean that ?

Like seriously ? "

I said getting furious.

All of them are getting on my nerves.

These guys are impossible.

Right, I am the only one stupid here to expect that, they'll be on my side instead of their friend !