Going down... on her

What a beautiful day.

Ofcourse because I'll get to spend it with my lill kitten.

It's been too long me being with her.

After the amazing kiss we shared, I actually didn't got a chance to be with her again as, I had so much work for past few weeks.

I am looking forward for today.

In this beautiful morning when, I am so happy to finally having a day to spend with my kitten, I don't wanna ruine my mood.

But this is fucker Lauren is running here and there in the house and yelling at James - our cook, just because he have to meet his client and talk about the case.

And as he haven't got his breakfast ready yet, he is yelling his lungs out at him.

" What the hell is wrong with you, Lauren ?

Why didn't you told him yesterday that you need your breakfast early today ?

He isn't late according to the time we have asked him to cook everyday, he is on time !

Now, stop jumping like a monkey in the house and calm your nerves down ! "

I said.

" No Cole, I can't !

I need to leave within 30 minutes and he haven't even started yet ! "

Lauren said jumping impatiently.

" Stop blaming HIM for YOUR memory loss !

And if, you are running this late, leave now and get something at the office canteen today ! "

I suggested.

" Fuck !

Why haven't I thought about it !

It's a great idea. "

Lauren said thinking about it.

" Yeah, you didn't thought about it, because you lack a fucking brain ! "

I said rolling my eyes.

" Well, I am gonna take it as a compliment from you ! "

Lauren said smiling.

" Why the hell are you screaming your lungs out, Lauren ?

The first thing I heard after opening my eyes was your scream !

And now that, I am ready and came down, you are still screaming.

I wouldn't have minded if, you were screaming my name, though !

Are you having an orgasm already just by watching me in my suite today ?

I know I look hot and damn sexy, but you need to calm down, baby ! "

Derek said winking at him .

Oh this drama queen I tell you !

" Oh yeah, baby.

I missed your touch and so, I was touching myself thinking it was you ! "

Lauren said biting his lower lip erotically.

Wow, wasn't Derek alone enough that we got him as well !

" What ?

You touch yourself and think about Derek while doing it ?

Wow !

Very interesting revelation I witnessed right now !

I must keep that in mind from now then...

Ha ha ha. "

Ashley said chuckling.

The room filled with the chiming laughter of my kitten.

When she laughs, she steals my heart even more. We all started laughing along with her.

" Yeah, don't forget that ever !

You might not know, but they are eachother's first love !

Ha ha ha. "

I said teasing them.

" Oh my !

Really ?

How lucky you guys are !

You are together since childhood !

And I pray you guys stay together till death do you two apart.

Ha ha ha. "

Ashley said teasing them.

" Yeah, yeah why not !

Oh by the way thanks for your best wishes.

Now if, you guys will excuse me, I need to leave right now.

See you guys at the dinner.

Bye. "

Lauren said gathering his things.

" Bye.

Hey !

Won't you kiss him goodbye, huh ?

Ha ha ha. "

Ashley said laughing.

" Oh, I almost forgot !

Thanks for reminding me, baby. "

Lauren said.

He went to Derek and kissed him on his cheek. And Derek the other drama queen, wrapped his arms around Lauren and ran them down his back !

" Oh, I will miss you, love !

Come home soon... "

Derek said.

" Oh yes, I will baby.

Wait for me.

And be good while I am gone, ok ? "

Lauren said cupping his face.

" Are you two done with the PDA ?

If yes, them move your asses outta here ! "

I said crossing my arms.

" Do you smell something burning, darling ? "

Lauren said to Derek sniffing in my direction.

" Oh, I was gonna ask you the same, love !

It's been too long you've kissed me Lauren.

As weird it sounds, but I missed it dude ! "

Derek said.

" Oh, I missed it too, baby.

I promise, tonight I will break your ass for hours and hours and that too without any foreplay ! "

Lauren said smirking.

" Yeah, I'll wait for you to come home sexy ass ! "

Derek said spanking Lauren's butt.

" Yes, I'll come in; if you know what I mean.

Wink wink ! "

Lauren said smirking.

" Enough with the verbal porn you guys.

We have got kids in here ! "

I said scowling as they were going too far.

" Hey, I am not a kid ! "

Ashley snapped.

" Hey, I didn't took your name ! "

I said mocking her.

She blushed and laughed.

Finally Lauren left with another kiss on Derek's cheek and this time Derek too kissed him back.

Ash was looking at them and I know she is wondering if, Lauren is fucking Derek !

God, she is so innocent.

" So, where to Mr. Suit ? "

I asked Derek as he neve wears his suit to work.

" Oh, I need to go to Russia.

I have already had applied for the visa and they called me for some formalities.

So, I thought I should look so good that, they should smuggle me there ! "

Derek said winking.

" What ?

Why would they will smuggle you there ?

Are you taking some brown sugar to... "

Ashley got panicked at his words.

" Oh my innocent love !

What I mean is...


Cole would you like to help me out here a bit ? "

Derek said asking for my help.

" And why should I clean your mess every fucking time ? "

I said crossing my arms.

" Because you love me ! "

Derek said blowing a kiss towards me.

" Huh, love you my foot !

Don't pay attention to his nonsense shit, kitten.

He just means, they shouldn't reject his visa just because he looks like some terrorist !

That's why he wore a suite. "

I told her.

" Oh, ok.

I thought... "

" Well, you can think of me as cocaine myself !

I am not less addictive than it is... "

Derek said smirking at her.

" Enough of your dramas, drama queen now shut up.

Have your breakfast and leave ! "

I said trying to stop him from playing his charms on her.

" Oh, I can already image you missing me when, I am gone, Cole !

And yes, I'll miss you too.

And I swear, I'll touch myself at your thoughts too and not only Lauren's.

You know, I love you more ! "

Derek said making a puppy face at me.

" No thanks.

No need to touch yourself and think about ME ! Think about Lauren, it's more than enough.

Now, get lost.

I am not gonna miss you even a bit.

And I don't love you at all ! "

I said coldly.

" Oh, why do you always have to act like some teenager girl and deny what your body wants ? Just that, you deny that you love me and miss me as hell !


" Done talking ?

Now, get the fuck out of here.

The door is that way... "

I said nodding towards the door.

" Yeah, I love you too. "

Derek said blowing a kiss at me and finally left. And when Jules and Dominic came, we had breakfast together.

And after that they too left and I was all alone with my kitten finally !

" You are up early today.

Didn't you slept all night ? "

I asked her.

" No, no.

I slept early last night and so, I woke up fresh in the morning.

I was about to take a shower when, I heard Lauren screaming so, I came to see what happened. "

Ashley said smiling.

" Oh !

You aren't used to these things yet, but you will get I promise.

Because, these scenarios happen on daily basis in this house. "

I said chuckling.

" All of that, what happened...

It's regular ?


I mean..."

" You mean the flirting of Lauren and Derek ?

Yes, that too !

But don't take them seriously !

They don't mean any of that.

They just tease eachother.

They are best of buddies. "

I explained her.

This was her first encounter with their flirting.

We have seen worse than that !

" Oh, I thought... "

" There's something going on between them ! Whenever in the future you'll feel that, just remember we call them both DRAMA QUEENS for a reason ! "

I said smiling.

" Oh, yes...

I see now why you all call them that ! "

Ashley said chuckling.

We had easy conversation before she left to take her pending shower.

And I wanted to be with her, so instead of going to my room as usual and burry my brains in my work...

I thought of burying my mouth into her !

Yes !

I know it's a very bold move, but I need to touch her.

Touch the every single inch of her beautiful and sinful body, which teases me and I touch myself thinking about her almost every single night !

I got up and went to her room and heard the water running in the bathroom.

The door was opened and the temptation of going in and join her in the shower was too strong, but I stopped myself.

I can't do anything stupid without her permission and consent.

I can't act like a dog in heat and do stupidity and loose her forever !

I've got her just now and I can't loose her at any cost.

And so, I stood at the window facing outside waiting for her to get out of the shower.

After a few moments, I heard her shrieking in surprise,

" Oh my god ! "

I thought she was hurt.

I turned suddenly,

" What ?

What happened ?

Are you hurt or something ? "

I asked with concern and I was so lost in the fear that she was hurt that, I didn't even realised she wasn't wearing anything at all and that's why she was shocked and embarassed.

She placed her hands over her breasts and turned around.

When I realised what happened, I turned around and found the towel on the bed.

I grabbed it and went to her backwards.

" Um...

Your towel... "

She took it from my hand and I thought of leaving her alone with her nakedness, but instead I went to the window again and stood there facing outside.

I could feel she was still in the room.

She didn't said anything, but I could sense her movements behind my back.

The urge to turn towards her and devour her naked body was so strong, I had to grab the frame of the window to not turn to face her !

She wrapped the towel around her body and spoke,

" You...

Um... "

Ashley mumbled.

I turned around and lost my mind.

I couldn't think clearly.

She was looking so beautiful.

Her small soft body freshly cleaned.

My nose filled with the lavender scent of her shower gel.

Her beautifully wavy curls dripping wet with water.

The water dripping from her body slowly and vanishing in the towel on her very noticeable breasts beneath the cover.

" Um...

You are looking gorgeous... "

I said mesmerized.

" I'll take it as an insult ! "

Ashley said crossing her arms.

" And why would you do that ? "

I asked absent minded, dezed at beautiful creature infront of me.

" Don't I look gorgeous everyday Mr. Cold ? "

Ashley said raising her eyebrows.

" No, no.

You look gorgeous all the time.

But, right now...

You are...


Freshly bathe and...


I am sorry...


You could get dressed... "

I looked away trying hard not to show her the lust ready to erupt anytime.

I turned around and I can tell she was wearing her clothes from the rustling of her clothes.

I closed my eyes shut and I know my knuckles were white with the pressure I was grabbing the window frame !

I was cursing myself for not leaving the room and torchering myself this way.

She placed her soft hand over my back below my shoulder.

And I assumed, she wanted to place it on my shoulder, but couldn't reach there and so placed it where she reached.

She is very small.

Sometimes I think she might look like a toddler infront of me...

Ok a bit exaggeration, but I am not even standing straight I was leaned and bent a bit towards the window to place my arms on the frame.

And yet she couldn't reach even her hands to my shoulder !

I took a long breath before facing her.

And as I did, she welcomed me with a sweet and innocent smile.

And I couldn't help but smile back.

" I am so sorry.

I didn't meant to intrude like this... "

I apologized.

" It's alright.

I just didn't expected Mr. COLD in my room instead of his !

You never come to my room when you are home. So, I didn't thought about taking the towel with me.

And thank you for handing it to me. "

She was already so small and when I stood straight, I had to bend my neck down and she had to crane her neck up to look into eachothers eyes.

That was feeling weird so, I sat on the place between window frame and wall.

Even when, I was sitting and she was standing, I was taller than her !

" Um...


I thought I've never spent time with you and we never had an actual conversation, so I thought I should use the time we have today to you know, know each others better.

And all that. "

I said.

" Oh, I would love that.

I know everyone but you !

We really haven't talked to eachothers properly even once and I want to know you too. "

Ashley said softly.

" Yeah, I am the one responsible for it didn't happened. "

I said looking away.

" Come on Cole, let's forget the past and welcome the new present and future.

Want some coffee ? "

Ashley said changing the topic.

" I'll get some.

Your's with the chocolate sauce, right ? "

I said confirming.

" Hey, you know that ? "

Ashley asked surprised.

" I know everything about you, kitten.

I just haven't shown it ! "

I said smiling.

" Beast ! "

Ashley wispered looking away from me.

" Hey, I heard that ! "

I said.

" So ?

Aren't you ? "

Ashley said crossing her arms.

" I am not complaining.

What I wanna say is, you don't have to fear me anymore.

I just overcame my insecurities.

And I guess, you would like the me without them better ! "

I confessed.

" I already like you, Cole.

I know you aren't who you portray to be !

You aren't some heartless beast who doesn't give a fuck if, someone dies infront of him !

You too are a man with a golden heart which, hurts to see someone hurt.

You too have feelings, you get happy at small things, you get upset if, something doesn't happen according to your will.

You get angry if, someone tries to hurt the ones you care about.

You love your friends way to much to let anyone hurt them !

You are the one who is ready to jump into a valley before your friends if, the situation came !

You love... "

Ashley said telling me what she thinks of me.

" Hey, I don't love anyone !

You are exaggerating things now..."

I said.

" Who are you fooling, Mr. Cold ?

Do you think you are very good at acting as a heartless beast ?

Do you really think, none of them knows that you love them to the moon and back ? "

Ashley said narrowing her eyes.

" Are you out of your mind ? "

I said scoffing.

" No, I am not !

I am saying what's true !

Everyone knows you love them so much and that's the only reason they are with you and aren't willing to leave you even though you say mean things to them and never talk to them properly !

And among all of them, you love Derek the most and he too knows that and that's why he keeps saying ' love you too ', whenever you say anything mean to him.

And... "

No, no, no !

She is saying everything I've hidden all these years from them !

I don't want them to know that.

I mean, yes whatever she is saying is true word for word, but I don't want them to know.

And if, she is saying, they know it already...

I must do something...

When I didn't said anything, she put her hand on my shoulder and made me look at her.

" What are you thinking about ?

I know, you are thinking, how the hell I know exactly what do you feel for them, aren't you ? "

Ashley said smiling.

" No, I don't love them and especially, Derek !

I hate him.

And I... "

" It won't kill you to accept that you love him !

And if, you don't love him, why didn't you left him on his destiny ?

Why did you do everything for him and didn't let him do any work and let him earn and learn just like the others ? "

Ashley said raising her eyebrows.

" I'll prove that to you that, I don't love him ! "

I said.

I was about to leave, when Derek came in,

" Hey, Dominic and I had our lunch and we are... Ahhhhhh...

What the fuck !


My god... "

Derek yelped in pain.

I punched him in the face and he grabbed his jaw in his hands and was screaming in pain.

Such a drama queen !

I didn't even used any strength.

But is he really hurt ?

Did I hit him that hard ?

Just because I wanted to PROVE that, I don't love him ?

Dominic will treat him.

I haven't have hurted him ever, despite of saying that I'd break his jaw !

I am not feeling good after doing that.

" Cole !

Are you out of your mind ?

Why did you...

Oh my god Derek, are you alright ? "

She ran to him and ran her hands over his back to soothe him.

I badly wanted it to be ME instead of HER, but my ego didn't allowed me to !

" What is wrong with you, man ?

I haven't done anything to deserve that.

Fuck, it hurts !

I think you broke it, just as you said you would ! "

Derek said grimacing.

" Does it hurt too much ? "

Ashley asked concerned.

" Yes love, it hurts too much.

Ohhhh god... "

Derek moaned in pain.

" Cole, you are so stupid !

You didn't had to do this to prove yourself RIGHT, when you actually aren't ! "

Ashley said getting mad as she got why I hit him.

" What ?

What were you proving by punching me that, you are true to your words ? "

Derek asked pressing his hand over his jaw.

" No, dear.

I am sorry, I was saying that, he loves you and he said he don't...

So he... "

Ashley said caressing his head.

" Broke my jaw to prove he doesn't ?

What's in it to prove ?

He does and he too knows that ! "

Derek said.

What ?

He is still saying this ?

Even after I punched him ?

Does he really loves me ?

Won't he leave me even after I have treated him as a trash !


I shouldn't have...

I think it's time...

I accept that I love them all, before it's too late ! Dominic came running then,

" What happened ?

Derek, are you alright ? " ..

Dominic said looking at him sitting on the ground pressing his hand hard over his jaw and Ashley caressing him .

" Hell no !

This bastard just broke my jaw as he had said multiple times !

Ohhhh god it hurts ! "

Derek said moaning.

" What ?

Cole, are you out of your fucking mind ?

Let me see. "

Dominic said bending to him.

" Nooo...

It hurts...

Ah... "

Derek said almost crying.

" Oh poor thing...

Cole ! "

She gave me a disgusting look and my heart broke even more !

Firstly, I was feeling guilty for hitting him and now, my kitten is giving me the disgusting look !

I went to Derek and looked at him with concern, the guilt clearly visible on my face.

" Derek, remove your hand and let me have a look at it !

If I won't know how bad it is, how am I gonna treat you ?

Cole, tell him to... "

Dominic said.

" Derek, let him take a look, please. "

My voice shaked !

What ?

Have I poured more than required emotions in it ?

Well I didn't faked it !

It came naturally.

Derek was shocked with my request and my shaky voice along with Dominic and Ashley.

Derek removed his hand off his jaw and Dominic examined him and sighed in irrigation and slapped him on his head.

" Such a drama queen !

It's not that bad that, you are screaming your lungs out !

Even Ash can handle this much !

Get up now, come with me to the hospital and I'll give you some medicine on our way. "

Dominic said standing up.

Derek started laughing and he was literally rolling on the floor.

I was confused for a heartbeat and then, kicked him on the ass and moved to leave the room fuming.

" Ouch, it really hurts now. "

Derek screamed.

" Good.

You deserved it ! "

I said over my shoulder and left for my room.

And before I was gone too far, I heard Ash,

" Derek, you drama queen !

I thought you were really hurt.

YOU are the one making harder for him to accept that, he have feelings and he loves everyone ! Stupid ! "

Ashley said irritated.

" Ouch ! "

Derek yelped.

" You deserved that too !

Very good, darling I am proud of you.

Now, get up and come with me. "

Dominic said.

" Hey, I can't stand up after he kicked me in the ass ! "

Derek said.

" I don't care.

Get up and come if, you want to get treated.

I am leaving now and won't help you either. "

Dominic said.

I am assuming that, my kitten hit him too.

And I am so happy for that.

She does want all of us to be together and happy always.

And I am sure as hell, I am gonna tell all of them that, I love them all so much more than my life, before it's too late !

I reached my room and didn't locked the door.

I knew my kitten was following me !

I was standing at the window staring at our garden.

I love to stand here and admire the beauty of it. Ash's room's window too open to this marvelous scene.

She came and stood besides me.

She leaned her head on my arm.

" What happened, Mr. Cold ?

Fear rolled over your skin at the thought of hurting him ? "

Ashley said sarcastically.

I didn't said anything and just sighed.

I didn't know what to say.

She looked at me and grabbed my hand and tugged at my sleeve to make me look at her.

" What ? "

I said plainly.

" Talk to me. "

Ashley said softly.

" I don't want to. "

I said looking at the garden.

" Please ? "

Ashley said softly.

" I don't know what to say. "

I accepted.

" What's going on in your mind ?

Just tell me that. "

Ashley said turning to me.

" I've never hit him or anyone among them and today I...

I am not feeling good... "

I said.

" That's the guilt, which took over the cold ass beast because he cares for his friends...

Family !

They are your family, Cole !

And there's nothing wrong to love and care about our family.

Just because, someone was an ass to you doesn't mean you have to be one towards even them, who truly love you !

We can't choose our family, Cole.

But, friends ?

WE choose them !

WE decide who would be our friends and who not.

Do we want them in our life or not and we can get rid of them wherever the fuck we want.

That's not the case with our family !

When, you have such a beautiful and lovely family, why are you running away from them ? And running from the fact that, you love them more than anything ?

You know you love them, you want them, you need them !

And yet you treat them in a way so, that they would start hating you ?

How long you guys are together ?

23-24 years, more or less.

And they are still with you !

Waiting for you to accept them and love them back !

If they were to leave you, they would have done it a long ago !

You give them the reasons every fucking day and still they choose to be with you.

They love you Cole and they know you love them too.

Though they say, actions speak louder than words but sometimes only actions aren't enough, you must use the words !

How do you think they know you love them ? Because of your actions, but they deserve your words too !

Especially, Derek !

He loves you the same as you love him.

He never fails to tell you that he loves you whether he is playful or not but he does !

It really won't kill you to tell him that you love him back.

I am not saying that you should tell him this everyday, even doctors say, crying one once in a while is good for our eyes ! "

Ashley said making me understand.

" How old are you ? "

I asked.

" Excuse me ? "

Ashley said surprised by my sudden question.

" I asked, how old are you ? "

I repeated.

" I turned 19 few months ago.

What am I talking and what is your response ! Have you even heard a single word of what I have spitted ? "

Ashley said irritated thinking I didn't paid attention to her words.

" Yes, each and every word.

That's why I am asking your age.

I don't believe you are 19.

I am 27 here and yet you have more sense than me ! "

I said smiling proudly at her.

" Oh, yeah I am very mature person !

On a serious note, you had few incidences in past which made you close your heart.

You weren't like this always, right ? "

Ashley said hysterically.

" Right. "

" Nobody grows emotions overnight just because they heard someone saying something.

It needs to be inside and when someone dusts it away, they become new one ! "

Ashley said softly caressing my head.

" Can I...

Can I...

Umm... "

I hesitated.

" You don't have to fear me anymore, you know... "

She said mimicking me and started laughing.

I laughed with her and pulled her in a tight hug. She took me in her arms open heartedly.

When we stopped laughing, we pulled away.

I didn't let go her out of my embrace, but I wanted to look at her beautiful face.

I leaned in and she raised herself on her tiptoes and closing her eyes she pouted her lips.

I ran my thumb across her lips ever so slowly and she shivered.

I caught her and lifted her up by her waist with one hand and the other cupping her face as I crushed my lips against her's.

She started squirming in my hold and it felt like she was struggling for something.

Fuck me !

It must be hurting her to be lifted up by her waist and not having any support.

I let go of her face from my hand and put her legs around my waist so that, her weight was on me.

She then stopped squirming and struggling, except for catching her breath.

She clung onto me like the baby monkey clings to his mother, when she jumps from tree to tree with her baby at her trunk.

She ran her fingers through my hair and putting her hand across my shoulder to get better grip on me.

I soothed her still wet hair.

I kissed her deep, sucking and nibbling on her lips.

I wanted to look into her eyes as I claim her lips, but the pleasure was too much for her to open her eyes.

I let her lips go to allow her catch her breath.

I then moved to her neck and sucking on her skin, I wispered into her ear,

" Mmm...


I want to go down on you...

I want to eat you out...

Can I...

Can I do that ? "

She was gasping and had heavy breath so wasn't able to talk clear.

She talked between her gasps,

" What ?


What does that even mean ?


You want to eat me ?

Oh god...

Your lips feel so good... "

Ashley said confused.

What ?

She doesn't know what it is ?

I thought either of the guys might have went down on her !

Yes, I know the guys are sleeping with her and she doesn't have any problem with sharing her bed with them.

And I don't think it's a big deal.

Even a blind person would tell that, we all love her and she loves us back !

And when you are in love, it's not a big deal to sleep and share bed with your lover.

And it isn't like that, we don't know the other one is getting what I am getting !

Just that, we didn't said anything about it to anyone.

Not even among ourselves then, saying anything to her is the last thing we'd do !

And so, I thought anyone might have shown her.

And if, she doesn't know what is going down on or eating out, I shouldn't tell her and scare her.

I should start doing it and let her decide herself if, she wants me to go on or stop.

I stopped kissing her and looked at her.

She was breathless and satisfaction and pleasure was flowing down her face.

I kissed her nose.

I went close to the wall and put her down, pressing her back against the wall.

I lowered myself to adjust to her height.

I claimed her lips once again.

Moved to her ears licking and sucking at them.

Kissing behind her ear.

Dragging my tongue from her neck to ear and nibbling on her ear lobe.

Sliding my tongue across her collar bones and sucking at the valley between her beautifully soft and edible boobs.

Sucking and pressing them between my lips I circled them with my tongue.

Moving to her ribs, I ran my tongue along them and blowing it.

She shivered at the cool sensation.

I kissed the skin on her belly and dipped my tongue in her belly button and bited the side of her stomach.

I pressed my lips to the V over her mound and she became alert, she kept her hands over my shoulders, ready to press them to ask me to stop.

I ignored her signal and went to her thigh.

Licking it and sucking at the soft skin there.

I dragged my tongue across her clit over her inner garment while, moving to her other thigh and she jumped at the contact.

" Cole !

What are you doing ? "

Ashley said surprised.

" Showing you what is meant by going down ! "

I wispered.

I went further down and sucking and biting the skin on her thighs more, leaving my marks there of claiming her !

I dragged my tongue from the back of her knee up to her inner thigh, so close to her sex and she shivered again,

" Cole...

What are you...

Oh my god...


Ashley whimpered at the sensations.

I lapped at her clit with my tongue and she buckled and couldn't stand, I grasped her waist tight to make her stand.

" Cole it's...

It's... "

Ashley barely wispered.

" Do you like it, kitten ? "

I wispered back.

I sucked her in my mouth and she gasped,

" Ohhh...


Oh god...

I am...


Mmm...Oh... "

Ashley moaned.

" Do you like What's happening, kitten ? "

I wispered.

I went for her lips and she grabbed my face in her hands and pulled it away from her sex.

" What are you doing ? "

Ashley shrieked in shock.

" Don't you like it ? "

I asked.

" Yes, but it's...

It's disgusting !

How could you... "

Ashley said making faces.

" No, no kitten.

It's not disgusting, it's called getting dirty !

And both of them are completely different things !

Just tell me, aren't you liking what am I doing ?

I am going to go further and eat you and if, you want me to stop, then make me stop... "

I grabbed her right leg and bending it from the knee, I threw it over my shoulder and started licking and sucking her softly and slowly and she didn't made any move to stop me from doing what I was enjoying doing to her !

She was shaking continuously.

I grabbed her by waist and pulled her into my mouth.

She dug her fingers in my shoulders and pulled my hair.

She was arching her back.

She couldn't stand still, she was squirming; not in pain or discomfort but out of pleasure.

And I was enjoying myself way too much having my mouth between her legs.

And it made me feel a bit proud or...

I don't know what, but I liked the thought that, I was the first to reach there and touch her with my lips and tongue !

" Mmm...

Oh kitten, you smell so good.

It smells even better than, your lavender body lotion and...


I can spend all my time here smelling you and tasting you and pleasuring you...


Are you enjoying yourself, lill one ?

Mmm... "

I looked up at her, her back was arched against the wall and her head was rolled back and her lips were parted and she was gasping.

The sight infront of my eyes was turning me on too much.

She was looking even more beautiful like this.

I ran my fingers up her leg and barely glided them across her sensitive sex.

She shivered at my slightest touch and that set me on fire.

I ran my thumb in circles over her clit and she opened her eyes and was looking at down at me with wide eyes emotions mixture of surprise and pleasure.

I placed a finger at her entrance and felt her fluids pouring down and slowly pushed it inside her while licking and sucking on her lips and clit.

" Ohhh god...




What are you...

Fuck... Oh... Oh oh oh...

I... It's...

Mmm... Oh...

What are you doing to me...

I... Can't... "

Ashley whimpered.

I started lapping onto her and dipped my tongue inside her and she lost it then.

No sound was coming out of her mouth but if, she had she must have been screaming with too much pleasure to handle.

She started shaking uncontrollably and her gasps were shaking too.

I added two more fingers eventually and picked up the pace and within a few movements and my mouth on her sex, she orgasmed on my mouth and fingers.

She was panting and couldn't do or say anything. But as she realised I was licking her fluids, she tried to push my face away from her.

But I grabbed her hands and pinned them on the wall beside she hips and drank her upto the last drop.

" Fuck baby, you taste amazing !

So sweet and...

I just...

Can't explain...

So fucking tasty !

I really can taste you forever and you would be my favourite flavour ! "

I said licking her cum off my lips.

I placed a soft kiss on her swollen sensitive parts and she shivered again.

Her eyes were closed tight and she was gasping for air.

Her legs were wobbling and she was trying to hold onto me for support, but she couldn't grasp me as she was shaking way too much.

I stood up and her legs gave up.

She almost fell but I pulled her up in my arms and picked her up in my arms and took her to the bed and laid her there softly.

She turned to her side and Immediately curling up, she pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them tightly.

Her body didn't stopped shaking.

Her eyes were tightly shut and her face; expressionless !

That shit fucking scared the hell out of me !

What's happening ?

Is she ok ?

Is she hurt ?

Is she mad at me ?

If she is, I am damned !

My kitten being mad at me is the last thing I can bear anymore.

I layed down close, facing her and dared my arm around her and placed it on her back.

Her bended knees were the aching distance between us.

She didn't opened her eyes neither did she moved.

I was about to panick when, she nuzzled her head into the crotch of my neck.

Relieved by her gesture, I snaked my arm beneath her and immediately pulled her onto me.

She was still shaking and her eyes closed.

She placed her head on my chest, so that her ear was on my heart.

She sighed as if, she was listening to my heartbeats and satisfied by that beating.

I placed my lips on her head and ran my hands all over her head and back to soothe her.

She started running her finger in circles on my chest.

We both were silent, no words only slow and steady breathes.

They matched with eachothers eventually.

I badly wanted her to say something.

Anything at all.

I couldn't bare her silence anymore !

But she refused to even look at me.

What should I do ?

Shall I ask her...


Is it...

Is she...

Fuck !

I felt wetness on my chest !

" Hey !

Kitten, look at me.

Why are you crying ?

Did I hurt you ?

Oh god, I am so stupid and really a beast !

It was your first time and I shouldn't have went that far...


Mmm... "

She placed her lips on mine and kissed me lovingly.

I was shaking with fear and guilt.

She was kissing me whole heartedly but I wasn't into it.

I badly needed to know if, she was alright or did I hurt her ?

I didn't break the kiss, but didn't made any move to kiss her back either.

After a few moments, she pulled away and looked into my eyes.

Tears rolling down her cheeks !

I was horrified at the thought of hurting her in attempt of pleasuring her !

I wiped her tears off with back of my wrist,

" Oh my god...

What's wrong kitten ?

Have I hurt you this much ?

Shit !

I really am a beast.

I didn't stopped when you couldn't take it and... "

" Shut up, already !

Always uttering shit out of your mouth.

Do I look like hurt to you ?

Am I crying ?

Is my voice shaking while talking ?

Have I pushed you away ?

Did I said I hate you and don't show me your face ever ?

Do you have 'yes' as the answer to any of my above questions ?

Tell me ! "

Ashley wispered exhausted.

" But you were... "

" Answer either 'yes' or 'no'.

I don't wanna listen nonsense shit after the breathtaking and marvelous and out of the world orgasm of my life ! "

Ashley said sighing.

Oh god, my heart resumed beating again.

The thought of hurting her had it stopped.

I smiled at her and pulled her into her a very soft and slow and adoring kiss.

She was moaning sweetly.

I love the sound of her moans and especially, she doing it literally into my mouth !

When we pulled away, I looked into her eyes.

" Then why were you crying in the first place ? You made my heart stop with your tears ! "

I said soothing her hair.

" I am sorry.

I didn't do it on purpose.

They started flowing on their own.

It was very overwhelming experience for me.

I haven't ever felt anything like that ever.

So, may be that's why my body acted differently. "

Ashley said softly.

" Oh.

So, how did it felt and did you liked what you felt ? "

I asked caressing her head.

" No !

I didn't liked it, I fucking loved what I felt !

I can't put it in words but yes, it made my knees weak and unable to stand on my feets !

I loved it and thanks for showing me how it feels. But didn't you find it disgusting ?

Using your lips and tongue at the very very private and dirty place of... "

" Don't you fucking dare call my kitten dirty !

I loved it.

I can literally spend my whole life tasting you and drinking you.

You smell awesome and taste marvelous. "

I said the truth.

She smiled and blushing, she hid her face on my chest.

I didn't wanted to miss her blushing face.

I forced her to look at me,

" No no no.

Don't you ever hide your face from me, kitten !

I love to look at you and admire your beauty.

And when you blush like this, your beauty increases a thousand times ! "

I kissed her again and she kissed me back, playing with my hair.

She again placed her head on my heart and asked,

" Tell me something, why do you always call me kitten ?

I mean, what's the reason ? "

Ashley said curiously.

" Don't you like me calling you that, huh ? "

I asked.

" No, no.

Nothing like that.

But everyone calls me baby and love and darling and sweetheart and sweetness and sugar and what not !

But only you call me this.

I mean, yes I like it !

It's different and it's strange but, it gives me butterflies in my stomach everytime you call me that.

I just wanna know, why ?

Why ? "

She asked.

" I love kittens !

They are so small and so cute and so adorable. Whenever I see them, I just want to pick them up in my palms and shower them with kisses.

They are so lovable and they deserve to be loved !

They are so sweet and innocent and cute and on the other hand, they are fierce when messed with them !

And you always remind me of the kittens.

So small, so cute, so innocent and adorable. Loving and lovable.

I just want to shower you with the kisses all the time.

You deserve to be loved.

And the only thing lacking, you just showed me your fierceness when I messed with you !

I didn't know you have a voice in that fucking kissable mouth of yours and you could answer me back !

That's why I call you kitten.

Shall I stop calling you that ?

I mean, I can if you want me to... "

I said.

" No !

I mean, I don't mind you calling me that.

As I told you, it gives me butterflies in my stomach. "

Ashley said blushing.

I cupped her face and made her look into my eyes,

" My adorably fierce kitten... "

I wispered.

And we kissed for too long.

And when we pulled away, she was hungry so we had our lunch and spend the whole day in my room talking, kissing and cuddling eachothers.

By the evening she again dug the, 'me loving all my friends' topic.

I wasn't as mad as I thought I would be.

May be because I've already planned on telling them so.

But, I decided to tease her.

" Ok, fine.

I'll tell them I love them; but on one condition ! "

I said.

" What condition ? "

Ashley asked.

" You would have to work out with me !

Do whatever I'd do and as long as I do, deal ? "

I said raising my eyebrows.

" What ?

Are you out of your mind ?

How can I match your strength ?

I won't be able to do the workout with you !

Tell something else. "

Ashley said.

" Are you sure, you don't wanna workout with me ?

I'll make sure it'll be the best workout of your life ! "

I said it with a smirk and winked at her.

She thought for a moment and then accepted to workout with me !

" So, what are we gonna do Mr. Cold ?

The warm up ? "

She asked so innocently, my heart fluttered at her innocence.

I smiled at her.

" Pull ups !

And then we are gonna do push ups you against me ! "

Her eyes widened with surprise.

" What ?

I haven't done a single pull up or push up in my entire life, how am I supposed to do them against you ?

What are you planning ? "

Ashley asked.

I smirked as a wicked plan striked in my mind.

I haven't done exercise today and I plan on doing it now, with her.

" Don't worry, I'll make you do them.

I'll make you fit.

And if, you want to do them on regular basis, I am more than happy to help you out ! "

I said smirking.

" No, no.

I am sure I won't be able to do it.

I don't wanna do it. "

Ashley said giving up.

" I bet, you'll REGRET missing this opportunity, kitten !

And moreover I won't tell them I love them ! "

I said threatening her.

" Are you BLACKMAILING me ?

Ok fine, I'll give it a try. "

Ashley said.

" That's my girl !

I promise, I won't let you regret doing the exercises against me !

Now, come on time for pull ups. "

I went to the pull up bar.

She was looking at me suscpeciously.

" What do want me to do ? "

Ashley asked.

" Come here and give me a big tight hug ! "

She smiled and came running to me and hugged me and I lifted her up in my arms and put her legs behind my back and her arms around my neck.

" What I want you to do is, cling onto me like a monkey and don't let your grasp on me loose in any condition.

Got it ? "

I said.

" Ok...

But you said you want me to do it against you... And... "

Ashley said confused.

" Aren't you against me...

Against my body, huh ? "

I looked at her and winked.

And she made a 'O' of her lips in realisation of what I have planned for us and tighten her grip on me.

And once I confirmed that, she was safe and real tight against me, I let my hands go off her hips and grabbed the pull up bar and started pull ups.

She couldn't stop giggling.

" Ha ha...

I don't know what I am feeling.

Tickels or weird or nice but...

Ha ha...

One thing is clear...

I can't stop laughing...

Ha ha ha... "

She laughed and her giggles made me giggle too. I don't remember when was the last time I giggled like this.

And not faking it, but I laughed with my whole heart and felt alive.

After few pull ups, she stopped giggling and nuzzled her face in the crotch of my neck and pressed her lips there...

Fuck !

She took me by surprise, I haven't expected her to do anything like that.

" Hey...

Don't do that...

It tickels... "

I said.

She stopped and again teased me but this time, she didn't kissed my neck but licked it from neck up to my ear !

And it was so ticklish and sensual I gasped and almost left the bar to grab her by her hips !

" Ohh...


Stop it...

Or I won't be able to keep my hands on the bar and we'll fall down ! "

She didn't listen and continued to lick the rim of my ear and blowing on it.

I held the bar with one hand and her bottom with other and dug my fingers on her skin.

She gasped in surprise,

" What ?

Oh god Cole, catch the bar or we are gonna fall down ! "

Ashley said panicked.

I didn't listened to her.

She begged me to grab the bar again but I didn't paid any attention to her words and kissed her neck and lips.

" Please, Cole...

Listen to me...

Grab the bar...

We'll fall... "

Ashley said eagerly.

" Don't worry kitten, I won't let you fall at any cost.

And about listening to you...

You didn't listened to me now it's payback time !

And we won't fall.

I do the single hand pull ups everyday ! "

I told her.

" Yes, but you aren't alone today, you have me clinging onto you like some monkey !

Please... "

Ashley said impatiently.

" Oh my innocent kitten I told you, you are weightless !

I am way too strong to even feel your weight. What's your height and weight ? "

I asked her.

" I am 5'4" and 50 kgs ! "

Ashley said proudly.

" It's not a physique to brag about baby girl.

I am 6'6" and 130 kgs !

Now that's something to brag.

And that's why I always call you so small.

You are nothing compared to me, kitten !

I am too strong to feel your weight on me.

So, don't worry and enjoy your time.

And tell me if, you are bored, we'll go for push ups then. "

I said.

" Yeah...

let's get off the bar and do some push ups. "

She said.

I know she said it to get me off the bar out of the fear of falling down !

No problem, the push ups I have in my mind aren't the regular ones.

I freed the pull up bar and jumped on the ground. She didn't let go of me but, tighten her grip on me even more.

I caressed her head and back to calm her down. Then when she looked at me I said,

" Don't worry kitten.

I swear I won't let anything happen to you.

I'd take all of the bads on my chest and keep you safe.

No matter what, I won't give up on you and won't let you go.

So, trust me.

I'll save your life at the cost of mine ! "

I said.

" I know... "

She wispered and kissed me.

I moved to the free space beside the pull up bar for our push ups, she still clinging onto me.

I lowered myself and made her lay on the ground flat.

" What are you...

Aren't we supposed to do push ups ?

How in the world I can do it like this ? "

Ashley said confused.

Her confusion was overflowing off her face !

She looks so adorable when she is confused and tries to figure out what's gonna happen next.

I hovered over her, my weight on my hands and legs.

" I am going to do the push ups and you'd be my inspiration ! "

I said.

" How ? "

Ashley asked still confused.

" Let me show it to you. "

I went down and kissed her and raised up and again went down, kissed her and raised up.

When she understood what type of push ups I am doing, she again started giggling.

" You like the push ups ? "

I asked her smiling.

" Oh I loved them !

I'd love to do the exercise with you everyday ! "

Ashley said smiling.

We did push ups for few moments but then, she was pulling me onto her.

Is she out of her mind ?

" Kitten, stop.

What are you doing ?

You want to get crushed beneath me ?

I am way too heavy for you ! "

She didn't stopped doing that, not that she was able to pull me onto her; but I couldn't focus on the exercise after that.

I rolled off her and layed beside her.

She rolled onto me and we kissed deep.

I sucked her tongue and nibbled all over her soft body.

The guys came and disturbed us.

We got up and welcomed them.

Ash told them that we did exercise together and she enjoyed the day with me.

The cook had our dinner ready and we ate it together.

Derek wasn't home yet and he doesn't get late usually, it's Dominic who gets last !

When Derek came, Ash got a cake on our dining table out of nowhere !

I have no idea when did she ordered the cake !

She asked me to cut the cake and make the announcement I had planned and everyone was surprised and excited to know what was that.

I cut the cake and went to feed it to Derek first,

" This is a symbol of how greatfull I am for you being with me and loving me even though I was nothing but an ass to you your whole life !

I am sorry for all the times I've treated as trash and broke your heart.

And I...


I love you ! "

Everyone gasped in unison and their eyes were so wide, I thought if they won't shut them soon, they'd pop out of their sockets !

" What ?

You are...

Are you...

Am I...


Please pinch me and tell me I am dreaming this, Lauren ! "

Derek said surprised.

" No, you aren't dreaming.

I am confessing my feelings for you !

I am really greatfull for you guys never left me no matter how bad I teared you all and I apologise for my heartless behaviour and I really love you all.

I always have, I was just...

My insecurities didn't let me tell this to you guys. But this girl over here, made me win against my insecurities and let you guys know that I love you all so much. "

I said softly.

" We already knew you love us !

Just we wanted to hear it from you.

Though, your actions screamed that you love us and do everything for us but, sometimes words are required too !

I love you too, baby.

And I knew it since always that, you love me the most among all of us !

And listening it from you just made my eyes... WET...

I am so turned on right now...

I feel like kissing you ! "

Derek said pouting.

I leaned towards him and kissed his cheek so hard and everyone gasped once again !

Then I fed the cake to everyone and they all kissed me on my cheeks and I kissed them back.

I was feeling light.

Like I have been living with a rock weighing tonns and today I got free from its burden.

We chatted for a very long time.

Derek was right, it wasn't only his eyes which were wet, everyone had their eyes watery.

After that, all went to sleep and I followed Ash to her room.

After closing the door, I pulled her closer and pressed my lips onto her.

No rush, no strength, no deep and passionate one; just a sweet peck and that too had me cry !

She wiped my tears off cheeks and tried to calm me down.

We went to bed and she layed on my trunk and we didn't said anything just were staring into eachother's eyes.

" What you did today, it requires a lot of courage.

I am so proud of you, Cole.

You are no more, Mr. Cold ! "

Ashley said softly.

" Really ?

So, don't you think I deserve some reward ? "

I said getting turned on.

" Yes, ofcourse.

Whatever you say.

Just say the words. "

Ashley said caressing my cheek.

I didn't said anything just started kissing her.

I rolled her off my body and layed her on the bed kissing every inch of her body I went down.

I grabbed the lace of her underwear between my teeths and pulled them down.

I positioned myself between her legs and leaned in closer.

I snaked my arms around her thighs and placed my palms on her hip bones.

I started using my lips and tongue and fingers all at once.

She seemed to be more comfortable and enjoying herself than our previous encounter.

She started squirming away from my touch as it became too much for her.

She arched her back and tried to get away from my tongue.

But I pressed my palms on her hip bones and pinned her to the bed.

She was moaning and groaning and screaming and gasping and what not, but I ignored her and continued what I was doing.

I knew she was enjoying herself too.

She grabbed my hair when she was so close to her orgasm and instead of pulling me closer, she pushed me away.

And I stopped.

She reached her hands towards me.

I leaned in closer to her and she wispered,

" I want you so bad, Cole ! "

Ashley said passionately .

What ?

Is she..

Is she asking me to take her ?

No, I can't !

She is so small and I know my size.

She won't be able to take me inside her easily and it'll hurt her way too much.

" Ok baby, I'll use my tongue even more... "

I pretended not to understand what she meant.

" No !

I don't want your tongue.

I want you.

I want you to take me as yours.

Please... "

Ashley pleaded.

" You have no idea what you are asking for, lill one. "

I wispered.

" I know what I am asking for.

And I want you...

I need you... "

Ashley said.

Her words were driving me crazy and I was trying to hold myself back, but she reached down to touch my man.

" You do understand that, I am not all beasty on the muscled physique only, right ? "

I said suggesting her to back off.

" Yes, I understand and...

I can see it too...

You too need the release, Cole.

And I want to give it to you...

Please let me help you..."

Ashley said rubbing her palm aging my hardness.

I couldn't take it anymore.

I nodded at her and checked if, she was ready for me to enter her.

She was small down there too !

I don't think I would fit in there.

It would hurt her as hell.

I need to be so, so gentle with her.

I slowly entered her and she gasped at my feel inside her.

She didn't screamed but she moaned !

She closed her eyes shut and breathe in long and slowly.

I started moving ever so slowly and gently.

Just shallow and slow and not deep and fast.

She dug her nails in my arms and wrapped her legs around my waist.

I already love her voice and it's my favourite sound...

But now that I've heard her moans; now it became my favourite !

It was like soothing music to my ear and I can listen to it my whole life without getting bored ever.

" Ohhh... Go...

Go faster Cole...


God... "

" No, lill one it would hurt you ! "

I said.

" No...

You moving this slow is torching me !

Not in a bad way...

But... It's delicious torcher and now...


I want to feel you more than...

This... Please... "

Ashley wispered.

We looked into eachother's eyes and didn't closed them.

I started moving faster and kissing her on her bare skin served infront of my hungry mouth.

As I increased the pace she started moaning louder and louder and I knew she was close.

" You can...

You can bite me if you...

If you feel like...

I'd love it...

Bite me... "

I said.

She leaned on me and bited me on the junction of my neck and shoulder and fuck !

That felt so incredible.

She bited me hard and dug her nails in my back.

I moved my thumb to her swollen clit and started rubbing it faster and she reached to the peak of her orgasm.

And after few thrusts, I found my release too.

I rolled off her quickly and fell on the bed with my breath so high.

After we caught our breaths, I pulled her into my arms.

I just can't get enough of touching her softy and delicious skin.

I pressed my lips on her forehead and she nuzzled herself onto me, as if trying to get inside my skin. I loved her being this close to me and she trying to get even more closer that she could get !

I cupped her face and ran my finger over her face, tracing it.

I love everything about her, but her cute little nose is my favourite.

I dragged my index finger over the bridge of her nose slowly and gave a flick at the end of her nose and she giggled again.

And now her giggles are my favourite...

God !

What is this creature doing to me ?

She is literally driving me crazy.

I can't even decide which is my favourite sound among her beautiful noises she makes !

I played with her cute nose with mine and she giggled again.

" You gotta have to stop doing that around me, kitten ! "

I said softly.

" Doing what ? "

Ashley asked confused.

" Giggling like that !

It's making me wanna take you again for a round two ! "

I said.

" Then take me, who have stopped you ? "

Ashley said almost challenging me.

" Nobody have stopped me, but I can't do that.

You must be very very tired.

You had three mind-blowing orgasms within few hours and your body needs rest.

The oral had you quivering violently !

I can't do that to you again ! "

I said.

" I can take it !

I am not some mud doll that you would break if, not being careful around ! "

Ashley said rasing her voice, irritated.

" Temper temper !

My fierce kitten, I know you can take it.

I didn't said you are a mud a doll, but you need to rest baby.

And I am not going anywhere.

I am with you forever now.

We can do this again whenever you want... "

She opened her mouth to say something,

" Except, now ! "

I said before she could claim my offer and use it against me.

" This is not fair ! "

Ashley said like a toddler.

" Someone is being little greedy here, huh ?

It isn't very good to be this greedy, lill one.

I promise you, I am here for you.

I am all yours.

But I need to take care of my fierce kitten, now don't I ?

I can be careless about your body, but if I want to devour your perfectly sinful body, I must let it rest and get ready for a more harsh and rough encounters, right ? "

I said letting her feel she isn't fragile infront of me.

She blushed and hid her face on my chest.

I pulled her onto my trunk and patted her head to make her sleep.

She pressed her lips on my heart and we drifted off.