The nature witch-wolf savior.

I laid in bed knowing that a mad man was only across the room. Asleep? Vampires can't sleep. Right? I sat up and looked down at his resting body. I jumped off my bunk bed quietly. I looked over and saw the outfit that was left for me. A nice suit. It was a white shirt with, nice slick black pants and a black over shirt, it was quite handsome. I thought about what ash had said, then what the note said. She told me that the dance would curse anyone who isn't a blood born. But the note said there would be many of different kinds. Mass genocide? I wondered. I looked up at the sky through the window next to his bed. It would be a full moon soon. I thought about where to go for it. I had learned never to frequent the same forest or basement or wherever I found more then once. Even now when I'm forced to shift its hard. I feel like I was beaten to death, drugged, burned and then dug my own grave and buried myself only too then claw my way out of it. Morbid? WELL ITS FUCKING MORBID. that Shit fucken hurts. I snapped back to reality when I felt a soft hand tou I quickly pushed him away from me. "So rude… you know I'm not to happy right now ether." He mumbled and I scoffed "the fuck do you have to mad about?!" I sneered. He just chuckled "Cmon let's get you to bed doggy… you got a big day tomorrow." He started to walk towards me but i swung at him and he backed away. I saw red glowing eyes in the darkness. The moon only lit so much. "baby… I wanna nice to you but if you try to hurt me ONE MORE FUCKING TIME…" he snapped before taking a deep breath in "I'll show you how much pain I can inflict on you." He hissed before his eyes went back to cognac brown. He turned away from me and walked to the light switch. Then light filled the room and I wanted to die from the brightness. "I'm gonna tuck you In baby… please don't fight me." I stiffened as those words left his mouth. The fuck does he think this is? I'm not his fucking boyfriend. I guess my eyes were glowing because he sighed but smiled "why are they blue?" I was almost taken aback. No one has ever really asked that before. "Uhm… uh…" I stuttered and he appeared in front of me "there pretty… but what happened?" He asked before taking my hand something in me… I don't know… almost like my wolf just calmed… all my anger and fear washed away and I felt my guard fall… I hadn't felt this way sense Lovetta…. That's when I found my answer "uhm… it's a sad story…" I whispered. he hummed "tell me about it." I looked up at him. There was a height difference. Not a big one. He's 6'4 and I'm 6'0. "Tell me about Lovetta." He said with a smile. I felt my throat dry and in my head the words "how do you know her name?" I asked. "Cause you say her name in your sleep all the time love. Now tell me the story." He chuckled. I walked over to my bed and jumped up, and he followed sitting on the edge. "As you know her name was lovetta, though I just called her love. She was a blood born werewolf. A soon to be alpha. She was the most gorgeous woman to live. I swear on my gods. She was the one who looked after me when all of the werewolf shit began." I whispered and he smiled "what happened to her? Is she why your eyes are blue?" He asked and I shook my head yes "when I was 17. A oni… was created in are town and was tormenting people. Loves pack had dedicated themselves to the people in the towns well being. Long story short. I killed love to put her out of her misery cause I was to weak and failed to protect her." I explained. When I looked up the lights were off and I was laying down with his hand in my hair. "I'm so sorry darling… that must have been tough." He whispered. I closed my eyes. "Good night, mosquito." I whimpered and he chuckled "sweet dreams doggy."

That morning*******************<3***************

When I woke up he was gone. And it was stupid bright. I felt like shit. Like not sick shit but not well. I was angry and sad. I was nauseous and dizzy. I grabbed my laptop and started stalk piling everything I could learn about vampires, veri kirottu, and the possibility of werewolf and vampire mates. I even ended up calling a few old friends about everything. Witchs, werewolves, vamps, angels and demons. Non knew much. Expect a friend of a friend of a friend. Her name was Beatrice. She was a nature witch and a omega werewolf. She was also invited to this dance because of a similar experience. She said we could go together. Pose as a vamp couple. She said she knew a way to trick blood suckers. I didn't know why I trusted her but I did. Maybe it was that we were both omegas. Or maybe that we both hated huegendarins. But ether way. I have a date tonight. And no mater what, I refuse to die without killing at least one leach. She said that if we mixed werewolf blood with vampire blood and injected it into us we would pose as one without dying. Which not dying is always good. I looked at my calendar. I had a birth day on Monday, a dance today and a full moon on Sunday. For once I'm really hoping to see the next full moon. Also going to that birth day party.