Chapter 3

"Mercenary, do you know your target?" (?)

"Yes sir, the man called Tarshall."

"Do you know why I want him here? IT'S BECAUSE HE RUINED MY PLAN!" He yelled and clenched his fists.

"I want you to bring him to me, but if he resists.... kill him!" (?)

"Yes sir, I will try my best to capture him and bring him to you."

"No, you won't 'try'... you will! If you fail, I will erase your soul so that you can not go to the afterlife. Your body will be a soulless puppet for my collection. Surely you don't want that do you?"

"No sir. I will leave immediately.

The mercenary put his hands together and vanished into thin air.


" So Tarshall, you wanted me to appraise your magic weapon?" The blacksmith said while inspecting the sword.

"Yeah, I want to see what rank it is and put my own magic into it."

"Alright! I can do that for you. Come back in 15 minutes."

"Thank you, Stranded." I waved and walked out of the blacksmith shop.

The reason for getting the sword appraised is because I want to see if it's already been transformed. If it hasn't I'll transform the weapon into something more quick.

{10 minutes later}

I head back to the blacksmithing shop.

"Hey Stranded, are you done appraising it?"

"Yeah! I'll bring it out to you right now!" He yelled from the back.

He brought out the sword.

"Now let me tell you, Tarshall. You've got a mighty fine sword here." He said while giving me the giant weapon.

"You know how magic weapons all start at rank F?" He asked

"Yeah, what about it?" I replied while holding up my sword.

"This sword.... it started on rank D." (Stranded)

"What? Are you sure it hasn't been transformed already?"

I thought it was impossible unless someone ready put their own power into the sword and transformed it.

"I've triple checked. Nobody put magic into it.... meaning, you can transform it!" Stranded told me with an excited face.

"Yeah, I'll do that." I replied

"Focus focus focus!!"

He's really exicited isn't he? I guess this is his first time seeing a magic weapon transform.

I started to pour my magic into the sword. It began to flash a really bright light, then, it started to change shape.

"Wow! That really is amazing!" (Stranded)

I put as much power as I could into the weapon. It's shape changed into a bo staff. Now, instead of having a blue aura, it has a faint red one.

"Wow! That is really something!" (Stranded)

"Can you check it's rank again?" I replied, handing him the new bo staff.

"Of course!" He gleefully said

He brought my new weapon to the back again, this time he came out really excited.

"Tarshall! Tarshall!" He yelled as he was running to the front


"You really are powerful!" (Stranded)

"What do you mean? What rank is it now?" (Tarshall)

"It rose and I mean it rose! It was rank D..... now it's rank B!"

"Wait what?!!!" I loudly exclaimed.

That is a really high rank. That would put me around the same strength as the strongest adventures.

"Yeah! You really are amazing, Tarshall. I thank you for letting me share this experience with you." Stranded happily said

"Sooo... how much do I owe you?" (Tarshall)

"Don't worry about it! It's on the house this time!" (Stranded)

"I appreciate that." I replied as I was walking away.

As I was walking back to my home, I spotted Nanners and Oat.

"Hey guys! Glad to see you're both doing great!" I said

"Hey Tarshall!" (Oat)

"Hey, and also. Thanks for helping me." Nanners said as he started to bow

"Hey hey, no need for that. I was just doing what anyone would have done in that situation." I quickly replied

"I mean it. If you hadn't come to help us, we would've already been dead by now. I'm sure of it." (Nanners)

I awkwardly laugh

Just then, a bush started to russle, and we all turn to it.

"Did you guys hear tha-" Oat is quickly cut off by Nanners.

"Quiet Oat. Someone is there." He sounded nervous.

I pull out my weapon and get ready for an ambush

"Whoever it is, they are strong. So strong that it's making me feel ill." (Nanners)

"You can feel it too? Their aura is immense." I replied as I was cautiously looking around.

"Feel what? I don't feel anything. It might just be an animal." (Oat)

Out of nowhere, a dagger flew at Nanners. It was faster than the normal person could see.

Nanners quickly evaded the dagger and said

"Who threw that?" As he got ready to fight.

Then the aura disappeared

"Threw what? I didn't see anything." Oat replied

"Come here." Nanners brought oat to a near by tree, which had a poisoned dagger firmly stuck in the tree.

"Why would anyone do that? Why would they try to kill you Nanners!" Oat nervously said

"I don't think they were trying to get me." (Nanners)

"It's more possible someone is trying to assassinate me and anyone I'm with because I killed that bandit boss." (Tarshall)

"That's what I was thinking." Nanners replies.

We start to head our seperate ways

"Hey guys, do you need me to escort you back to Cinnanon?" (Tarshall)

"We'll be fine. Since I am all better now on can take on any assassin that tries to come after us." Nanners says while chuckling

"Okay, See you guys later." I wave goodbye

"Wait, Tarshall. Tomorrow do you want to come to the dungeon with us?" (Oat)

"Dungeon? What's that?" (Tarshall)

"It's a place where there are a ton of monsters and treasure. You could quickly become rich by conquering a dungeon." Nanners explained

"Oooh. That sounds like fun. Plus, I can earn extra money that way." (Tarshall)

"So... " (Oat)

"So yes! I'll go with you guys to the dungeon tomorrow!" (Tarshall)

"Great! In the morning just head North of Cinnamon for 15 minutes. You will find the dungeon there. We will be waiting." (Nanners)

"I can't wait!" (Tarshall)

I head back to my house. Excited for tomorrow.