Chapter 30: Incredulous


"First promise you won't tell anyone about us, too many adults have lied about planning on helping."

Those heartbreaking words came from the youngest.

Nodding heavily Suijin turned to the next one.

"You need to come back…t-to give us food."

The tsundere middle one made that request which once again got a nod.

Turning to the oldest Suijin prepared himself for a troublesome request.

"Tell me your name."

Nodding slowly, surprised by the ease of the request he was going to say it out loud but she told him to whisper it to her.

"Suijin Shimizu, future No.1"

Giggling she said,

"We'll Mr. No#1, it's almost time for school gates to close."

With that the speeding off Suijin headed to the gates, though he heard bickering in his wake.

"No fair sis, I want to know his name."

"Promise me you'll stop taking my pants."

"B-But mine were ripped."

"Probably because you're digging in the creek looking for some mysterious treasure."


"Alright, suit up if you want to; if not, get into your jumpsuits and head to the bus."

Aizawa walked out of the class, likely to get some rest before setting off by heading to the bus before everyone else.

Suijin and the other males headed to the locker rooms, changing into their outfits. Suijin opted to change into his hero outfit, which had been cleaned from their previous battle.

He turned around once most were finished and found that everyone except Midorya had theirs on.

'Figures, though, since he was the most damaged in that final explosion.'

"Bakugo, Shoji, Ojirou, Sato, Todoroki, did you all have activities preventing you from attending the class meeting on Saturday? It was a great bonding event which allowed those who attended to increase their understanding of their peers and as such became a huge pity when we didn't have full attendance."

Suijin, who'd gotten ready and was ready to leave, raised a metaphorical eyebrow, somewhat surprised that Tenya was even bringing this up.

Ojirou and Kirihsima had bashful looks on their faces, and Suijin noticed the change in Shojis as well.

"Sorry there, Ida, Me, Ojirou, and Shoji were having a bout of training with each other."

"Increasing your physical capabilities is also a great use of time," Tenya mutters.

"I myself was in a baking class so I couldn't come, unfortunately."

Nodding, Ida turned to their icy classmate, who wordlessly returned the stare before walking out, not giving one word.

Not giving up, Ida turned to their last skipper.


The person in question slammed his locker, violently replying,


With that he stormed out and Kirishima went to placate his 'friend', Midorya was closely behind, visibly worried about Bakugo.

'Or maybe what he'll do in his enraged state.'

Regardless, the rest followed out as everyone was done changing, Suijin simply shook his head while placing a hand on the confused Tenya's shoulder, indicating that it was fine.

'This is why I didn't confront them about missing, not mentioning that it's not mandatory but the disastrous duo often overcomplicate simple things and waste a lot of effort and sanity.'

Suijin followed the others downstairs and out to the coach bus, 'As expected of U.A even their transportation isn't lacking.'

A newer model of Suijins knowledge had anything to do with it.

Suijin aligned with the others who were waiting to get on the bus but Tenya raced across and stood in front of the door planning on assigning everyone their seats he had pre-made.

"Why should I listen to you losers on where we sit."

"Yeah, this is a small bus trip and we're not grade schoolers, surely us sitting anywhere should be fine right?"

As the saying goes, mob rules.

And with the seeds of dissatisfaction being sowed the entire class, separate from a few individuals. Started opposing the assigned seats.

With Bakugo starting the precedent of pushing past Tenya and walking onto the bus everyone soon followed and Ida's seating chart was officially useless.

Another head nod and shoulder pat and Suijin entered the bus, though before he did he helped Momo put the prepared Lunches in a compartment under the bus, with him having handed the list in a few hours ago.

Once on the bus, Suijin took a seat with Mina and Yuga who were excitedly talking with Momo across from him, then discussing something about the latest fashion trends and hero-related fabrics.

Tsu and Kirishima were discussing Midoryas quirk but Suijin looked at his friend who still had some vestiges of sadness from Saturday.

"Sorry about leaving you there."

"No it's fine, what you said was right. Besides I heard that the heroes helped in taking down the villains so my job was extremely important in contacting them right."

"Right," Suijin said in a drawn out voice.

Apparently defeating two villains wasn't something the police wanted to tell the world so an agreement was that as long as Suijin didn't oppose their story they wouldn't charge any charges on him.

Mina was content that she was useless in this endeavor and joined the fashion conversation adding her two cents.

Suijin ignored the outside world like his teacher and thought about the USJ.

'I wonder what exactly we're going to be doing there. Maybe All Might will meet us there since he was our hero instructor."

Suijin was both right and wrong.

All Might was supposed to be here as he overheard from the conversation his teacher and the pro hero 13 were having but due to some unforeseen circumstances, he could make it.

'Is All Might injured?'

Suijin briefly considered it but shook his head in denial.

'No, he's the #1 so there is not much which can hurt him, and with his status, he should have world-class doctors so something happening to him directly can be ruled out. Maybe some spontaneous dangerous villain attack occurred which delayed his arrival.'

Speaking nonsense like others Suijin subconsciously viewed the man as not human. Sure he aspired to beat the #1 and take the title but the feats spoke for themselves.

Lowering the crime rate in Japan to the single digits, so much that villains feared his name, one individual this. It'd be odd if Suijin did regard him as someone normal.

"FloodWrecks, LandSlides, Fires, Etc, Etc. This is a practical training area I created to simulate all kinds of disasters and accidents, welcome to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint."

Suijin, like the others, marvels at the sight around them. They were standing on the entrance pad with a huge arch marking the beginning of descent with a huge flight of stairs going down.

Various areas with different settings. In the north, a rocky terrain lay bare, to the east a water and rain zone existed and in the northeast a fiery zone. To the left rubble was piled up.

'Hope I don't get the fire zone, I'll be practically useless in my best aspect, Long Range.'

Tuning back in Suijin caught the middle of 13's speech.

"-During All Might's trial of battle I think you took away a true sense of the danger of brandishing those powers against one another."

'Indeed.' Suijin thought back to Todoroki, about how the impressive feat of freezing a whole building in a matter of seconds was something he didn't even bat an eye nor seemed winded against.

"This lesson will serve as a fresh start! Let's get to studying how to wield our quirks for the sake of human life. Your quirks Emphatically do not exist to hurt others! Please leave this exercise having fully understood that your quirks exist to help people!"

*Mass Clapping*

'Pro Hero 13 Quirk: Black Hole.' Suijin thought about how any accident could end up claiming many lives.

Only then did he think of how dangerous some quirks could be.

Suijin was also impressed by the hero gaining a newfound respect for heroes. With a quirk that's main purpose was to maim and swallow everything like an insatiable glutton.

13 had turned it into something which helped clear unneeded waste effectively getting rid of waste sites and radioactive dumps single-handedly.

*Air Whirling*

Everyone's attention was taken by the air circling to the lower levels of the stairs; like a vortex, a purple, wispy portal opened.

The first thing they saw from this was a head—or a hand. Someone had a hand, human by the look of it, plastered onto their face, leaving only their eyes and light blue hair to be seen.



"What the- Teacher is that kind of new training," Kirishima said, walking forward to get a better look at them.

Aizawa rapidly put a hand in front of the boy's chest pulling down his goggles and tensing his muscles.


Panic grew in his classmates, of course Suijin wasn't exempted.

'Why would villains appear here.'

"W-What why isn't t-the security system going o-off."

"The system should have gone off when they appeared, but the lack of response and the fact that the phones are down mean this was a planned assault, and that they hacked into the school."

'Those reporters. Did they use them as a distraction to get information on when we were going to be here? But why? Did they want to extort the heroes for money?'

Sure they had Momo, Tenya, and Todoroki, three children of famous heroes but to appear in front of them at this time when they were prepared to fight instead of secretly didn't make sense. To Suijin their actions were incomprehensible.

Meanwhile below.

"Eraserhead and No.13…All Might was supposed to be here according to yesterday's report"

"All Might not here…even after we went to all that trouble..Hey, he's a pro, if we cull their numbers maybe All Might will appear."

Aizawa's eyes shrunk, apparently, he could hear them from up there.


Aizawa then leaped down the stairwell, his scarf softening his landing, and he sprung right into the action, engaging the villains in hand-to-hand combat.

"Wow…! I forgot that 1 on 1 battle are sensei's specialty."

"No time for analysis, Midorya; we need to evacuate!"

"I am afraid I can't allow that."

A misty figure appeared in front of the door, blocking the way. Two pure yellow slits were on what could be identified as his head, and a metal color was wrapped around his 'neck'.

"Greetings. We are the villain alliance. I apologize for the presumption, but we took it upon ourselves to enter the U.A. Academy, in order to engage with Mr. All Might, the symbol of peace. We were wondering if we might be allowed the opportunity to extinguish him."


Time slowed down. Suijin barely registered the words in his head.

'Extinguish "Him". All Might is the #1 hero. Invincible, uncanny, unextinguishable. That #1, are they stupid, insane? Or maybe-'

Suijin didn't know which of the options he thought was right, but all of them brought goosebumps to his skin.

"This is my role."

He spread his mist out so it enveloped the entire area, threatening to cover every inch of the platform.



Regardless the punch and explosion did nothing to his Ethereal body, instead they simply shot ahead of the bunch.

Suijin sent a shot to the eye of the creature but that similarly went through.

Darkness befell everyone's vision.

"You will be scattered, and tortured, then slaughtered. Welcome Heroes, to our personal Hell."

Suijin similarly couldn't see, the last thing on his mind was his unfinished thought, the terrifying one he didn't wish to entertain for even a moment.

'They have something which can kill him.'